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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Reagan and Tamica deserve each other. Someone should remake Celebrity Death Match/The D List, just for these two. I'd even pay to watch that. Twice.
  2. Is it just me, or does Victoria always look like she needs a good scrubbing?
  3. Other than lip service she pays to it on her Instagram, I haven't seen overwelming evidence that she has an abundance of self respect. Speaking of this alleged hook-up, wouldn't this potentially be a Weinstein-ish situation? Perhaps Whit's EP title is just that, a compensatory title, but if he's hooking up with "the talent/help", seems to me a slippery slope.
  4. Going from an increasingly poor memory here, but I'm thinking I read a long time ago that the Botox or whatever procedure she had done was to relax the muscle structure in her jaw, thereby softening the line.
  5. Wonder if she honked somebody off by blabbing about it, thereby eliminating herself from consideration. Just deserts.
  6. Didn't know it had been addressed in court. Consider me informed.
  7. Call it body shaming if you must (I would call it surgery shaming), but her breasts are nasty looking, and I stand by it. For someone who professes to be all about health, nutrition, and being from "a place of yes", there is nothing healthy or nutritionally sound in loading your body with foreign substances in the interest of vanity. Where that procedure was concerned, she should have been in a place of "no".
  8. After watching the season and the reunion, where Barbara was basically a houseplant, I'm becoming more convinced that the rumor of her role being a settlement of some sort is likely true. I've mentioned before that there was talk that she sued or threatened to sue Bravo over the "hot mic" incident at the yacht party prior to Lu's wedding. Talk was that she was given this season as compensation. It could explain why she was treated by the women (and Andy) with a certain degree of hostility at the most, and indifference at the least.
  9. The Response. Oh, it's on. lisa-vanderpump-responds-to-kyle-richards-epic-29-tweet-rant
  10. While I don't disagree with you on this point, I blame Bravo mostly, and Katherine to a lesser extent. She knows this group better than we do, and she probably should have guessed at what would go down, what with all that access to legal weed. Just another example that the execs at Bravo/NBC/Comcast/Universal are unconcerned over the welfare of their employees. I get that these are grown folk, but the carrot dangling reaches great heights on Bravo programming.
  11. I find her completely bereft of purpose. It seems more clear that her involvement with Craig was to secure a spot on the show. Metul and Craig couldn't possibly be more different. Not to say that we are always pigeon-holed into dating similar people, but c'mon.
  12. I mostly agree. The difficulty lies in not being able to know how our pets are truly feeling. When rational, we rely on instinct and observation. Trouble is, when faced with the loss of a loved family member, rationale is often skewed. The biggest problem I have with calling 911 for a pet, is removing that rescue squad from being available for human distress, which as much as I love my pets and animals in general, should take priority. Sorry Tins, it's a "no" from me.
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