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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. You know, people like that exist for over 3 decades or so. It happens in every work environment. Not just the FBI. I should know. I had that experience.
  2. I wondered if it was Jon Voigt's tweets that sealed the show's cancellation...
  3. I think when it became the Jessica show is where the show was no longer about the whole family, but about Jessica's ambitions. It was really tiresome with Jessica being a jerk and learning a lesson at the end of each episode. I think the jumping shark moment happened when Jessica became the focus and the rest were secondary. You can't continue a show with one character being negative all the time and the rest of the cast trying to work around her. I use to like both Jessica and Louis, but the writers really killed their characters' motivations. They just became unbearable.
  4. Jordan has the patience of a saint when it comes to the Trumpers.😳I simply cannot and will not....well, you get the point.
  5. I think both Eddie's friends and Emery were really sidelined from both last season and this season.
  6. The problem is that Eddie became a prodigy out of nowhere and due to the plot device, it makes it totally unbelievable to take seriously.
  7. Eddie and Louis were being jerks to Emery's veganism. I know the middle child syndrome exist, but the way they handle his choice of being a vegan was totally uncalled for. They act like he denounced Catholicism all of a sudden and that wasn't the case. They should have respected his choice and leave it at that. Louis and Eddie did not handle this situation well at all.
  8. Damn, I was getting use to Alec Baldwin not showing up. He just takes the funny out of the Trump character.
  9. McMillions in six parts starting February 3rd
  10. If you think about it, this season had only 14 episodes.
  11. So are they going to combine the finale into two parts for one day or something? I think I will be on vacation until February 24th. Above all, I thought this episode was just okay. Grandma is always a plus in my book. It is just showing that the writing is tired and has a been there done that scenario. I find interesting how sidelined Eddie’s friends were the past few seasons. It must be the budget or something. I just hope the ending itself is satisfactory at least.
  12. You see, I think what happened is that after Body Theif, her characters turned a 190 degree angle and they no longer have discernible characteristics at all. I think one of Anne's flaw is not asking for editorial input, but continuing this cycle to the point of ridiculousness. Her recent VC adventures with Lestat and the Atlantians? Pshhhh....Let's not go there. While I am not against whatever sex or gay innuendo is involved given the time period itself, The Vampire Armand is probably the most disturbing when it comes to that. A 17 year old having a relationship with a 40 year old is not going to past the censorship on TV. I think Marius is more hated in this book than the other one, but that's just me.
  13. JTP! But, Erica, that was wrong of you to ask Jeff over silly peanut butter while he was trying to learn in class. Is he your boyfriend or a slave?
  14. Not to mention Annette O'Toole was in the It mini series as well as being Mrs. Kent in Smallville.
  15. She was pretty funny on Fraiser as well. Sad that was her last role on MF. She was a scene stealer.
  16. The ironic thing is that Anthony Michael Hall was trying to ditch his nerd persona and was going for a jock bad boy image at that time period when he was around Adam's age. It was interesting that was brought up.
  17. As for this spinoff, I am not sure...It wasn't very memorable.
  18. Correct! It just seemed too unbelievable for Eddie to reach that status.
  19. Heheheh...Isn't the actor that plays Emery 15 years old or something? Don't worry about it! I forgive you. I think he should play a biopic on Jackie Chan since he so much resembles him it is almost uncanny.
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