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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. As shitty as gypsy mother was, I believe gypsy is just as guilty as Nick. Gypsy could have easily stopped nick during the stabbings before it got deadly to seek medical care. Yet gypsy did nothing. I think most people would want/ wish for revenge & their abuser dead. The only difference is most people don’t react on those emotions with murder. I can understand if she felt it was her only way out, but even so it doesn’t make murder okay. Gypsy could have easily just ran off to wisconsin (or any other state) that night while her mother slept. Even if deedee did find her Wisconsin, I find it hard to believe that Any out of state Officers/judge would force gypsy Who is an adult to go back to Missouri. About 70% of brutal murders are rage filled from someone close to the victim. They could have easily just drugged deedee with all those medications, suffocate her, burn down the house. Etc. Killing her Wasn’t about wanting her dead. It was about control, anger,revenge.
  2. All I have to say about this episode is, Brandon is the real MVP here. I only feel sympathy for those children & their uncle.
  3. While the Security Guard was busy having his temper tantrum and yelling for the officers to keep his gun,radio,badge because he didn’t want to be a “cop” anymore,the petty side of me wanted so badly for police officer to yell back “You’re not even a cop!”
  4. Like some of you, I don’t think Hal is dead at all. It makes no sense for them to build up the plot of him getting transferred only for him to tragically die. It makes more sense that he would request a transfer so he could plan his escape. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the one that caused the accident and death of those on the bus.
  5. While this could be true, how many Episodes of Archie & Josie hanging out being a “normal” couple can they do before it becomes boring? I think it’s important to remember not to use logic because it’s a Tv show, where these high school kids act about 90% nothing like an average teen. they are somehow able to run underground bars,work side by side with police that provides them with unrealistic amounts of evidence/information on current murder cases, a teenager with a father who is a ex gang member, now sheriff, teenagers that follow a mythical game character into wooded area’s in hopes of catching them. Etc. The only remotely normal teen in the show is Probably Josie, the teen who dreams of getting away becoming a singer. Which I find her character boring. But that’s my opinion.
  6. Did you guys know Live Rescue Airs Monday? We don’t need a reminder every 5 mins to them in the studio begging people to tune in.
  7. I believe their house burnt down. I remember the cop saying something about the first time they met him
  8. I always feel like they go overboard as well. I get that it’s a gang area but seriously, why do they have like 50 officers show up to every single call? Even if it’s something like shoplifting they will have what looks to be every officer on shift that day show up. It always makes me laugh when the show switches to a different Department/county and we see an officer dealing with a similar situation without the help of 50 guys. I hope they stop following Salina’s ,they don’t add anything interesting to the show IMO. I’m still mad that Pasco is gone, they had a great group of officers/ K9s.
  9. Maybe this show has set my standards low on superficial things when it comes to these people’s families,but I was shocked when Angela’s Son appeared. He was actually a good looking guy,compared to other’s in the past. It was refreshing to see a guy that looks like he actually showers daily, well dressed, healthy weight,living on his own and not wasting his life away being a 24 hour slave to the Mountain Dew Queen. The most depressing thing about this episode isn’t Angela, it’s the little girl who already had to leave one shitty situation only to end up in another one.
  10. Maybe I’m mean, but even though AnnJeannette lost all that weight, her body/size looked no different at the end of the episode. I felt so bad for Erica, it was clear that AJ ( pick one damn name already) knew she was dropping Erica as soon as she could,basically using her. I know we get to see only a small part of their lives,but I never got the impression that Erica wanted AJ to stay big. She seemed like a decent person,she even seemed to start working a new job after the move. That fight scene seemed so one Sided for AJ only. Erica moved from her home state in CA, to OR and then to TX,but AJ couldn’t even consider ever living Near Erica’s family. And I don’t even wanna know how dirty those fake nails are. Gag.
  11. Finally finished the season. I pretty much enjoyed all of the episodes, I got a little annoyed with the last episode The baby shower one. I didn’t like how the fab5 and The pregnant GF Bri blamed that messy house all on Tony. And she never once tried to say she was at fault for any of that filth. She lives there just the same as Tony. Billions of women are pregnant everyday and still manage to keep their homes clean, pregnant is no excuse for letting your dishes get out of control to the point where they are covered in old hard dry moldy food. Or allowing your trash to over flow. Those are simple tasks to do. Heck you could even have the 7 year old take out the trash and load the dish washer. I didn’t get the impression that they were “overwhelmed” about the baby? They had 9 months to prepare. I think they are just messy people.
  12. Yeah that scene just felt weird to me. Thomas was such a sweet guy, i almost felt like The fab 5 and his sister were a little too hard on him because of how he spends his free time playing video games and hanging out at home Instead of going to parties or clubs. I could see it being a problem if Thomas was being a messy slob or lazy loser with no job. But Thomas wasn’t that type of guy,he was clean, he was a college graduate & had a really good job. If anything they should be proud of Thomas for being such a responsible young man. It’s so easy to fall into peer pressure in those environments, which can lead to getting involved with the wrong crowd, getting in trouble, doing drugs,excessive drinking. Etc Obviously it’s a good idea to check in and chat with him from time to time to make sure his mental state of mind is good,other wise let him play his video games and enjoy his hobbies without judgment.
  13. Am I the only one wondering when Jonathan is suppose to be getting his make over? I love him but he’s really starting to look worse then the people they help. I feel like he should take some of his own advice towards his self.
  14. I thought it was kind of shitty that Fiona left while her family was out spending money ,that the family doesn’t even have. And she didn’t even say goodbye to Liam,who she has legal guardianship over? Her giving them $50k was a nice touch to add. It reminds you of the earlier season’s when Fiona put her families needs before her own. Her exit really left no closure to her character? Maybe the writers left it open,In case Emmy wants to come back, although I think she’s over Shameless. I loved that her final scene with frank ended the way it did. And not the typical fairytale “it’s okay i forgive you for being a shitty father” way. Carl’s scene where he feels he is destined for failure because if he’s background,was probably one of his best to date. I think so many people can relate to that. And his Boss is so creepy, I know it’s a show but it’s still gross. Like others I am also over Lip’s Girl. She’s constantly just telling him he’s a loser. She’s so arrogant and I have no idea why. I’m all for women making their own choice when pregnant,but it’s not fair that she keeps giving Lip mixed signals,one day she wants the baby,the next day she doesn’t. If she didn’t want Lips opinion then she should have been women enough to figure it out on her own and then telling him her choice. Or taking measures to prevent becoming pregnant in the first place. You can’t keep playing games,if you want abortion fine,do it very early,because That little blob of cells in your uterus is gonna start looking like a real baby soon,and if she wants to adopt the baby out,then what the hell is so wrong with Lip wanting HIS child? What’s the difference between a stranger? Her job is over after birth. The constant whining about how horrible her childhood is getting annoying as hell. Lip had a fucked up one too,but he’s not crying all the time over it.
  15. God that mother in law was such an asshole. I hope those two don’t end up having a child with any kind of physical deformities,cause that lady would make sure to remind that kid everyday how....such shitty things to say from a woman who doesn’t look like any prize herself. Lenny did kinda seem over the top with his fears. I kept wondering if he actually only wanted the mask to hide his teeth. I was extremely surprised that his lump wasn’t anything serious or infected.
  16. I know some of us Are wondering if Destinee just likes dressing as a women or if she is actually is transgender. Just because she doesn’t really use the common terminology to describe herself. I can’t say for sure and I have no right to try and analysis that,because I’m not her, I don’t know what she feels on the inside. At the beginning Destinee said she changed her birth Name “Matthew” but when we saw her check into the Hotel,I heard her tell the desk She’s checking in for “Matthew” I hope that she plans on having that legally changed soon,it’s usually the first step most transgender people take in order to become the person they were meant to be.
  17. Wow. I lost count of all of her excuses. Her comment at her brother’s grave “if my brother didn’t die then I wouldn’t be this big” HORRIBLE!!! What was so wrong with that apartment? I mean we all saw that mess she left behind,it looked like she’d never vacuumed the place,and she has the nerve to complain about a cabinet? Destinee,Please,please cover up!!! It’s perfectly fine to love your body,breast etc but there is a time and place for such outfits. I have a transgender sibling,and I worry all the time that some idiot will attack her because of her appearance. There have been so many trans people killed just because there are guys out there who become full of rage because they feel tricked. As unlikeable as Destinee is,I would hate For something terrible to happen to her.
  18. Ugh I think I might hate the silly Fence cases more then the dog cases. She gave me a good laugh because She made her self look like a fool. “I’m a young girl!”..... oh honey no,no your not. Must be hard for her parents being stuck with a 42 yr kid who won’t stop picking fights with the neighbors. Her behavior reminded me of childish arguments I had with my siblings as a kid. I will never understand the ones who create drama with their neighbors. The last thing I want to do after work is worry about an argument with my neighbor over something stupid like a fence ( as long as it’s not damaging any of my property,car,house) or the ones who cry because a leaf blew into their precious yards.... seriously get a life, or a hobby.
  19. The one that wears glasses,And always has the “ I’d rather be anywhere else but here” look on her face all the time? I’ve always found her a little intriguing. I bet she has a lot of interesting stories!
  20. What I don’t get is how these people never get burnt out on eating at places like McDonald’s, Taco Bell etc after eating it Every. Single. Day. My husband and I will only eat crappy fast food on a Saturday or Sunday. After a while we are just over it and pick one for the sake of getting something quick to eat. The last thing either one of us wants to do during the work week is wait in a drive thru Sure Cooking can feel like a chore after working all day but really it gives us a way to talk ,catch up on how our days went,most of the time we are so distracted by chatting & the “chore” is over with and we have a nice meal to enjoy. If we spent so much money on fast food everyday ( especially more then once a day like these pounders) we would never be able to afford our vacations,cars,activities,new experiences. These pounders complain about how depressed their lives are because they never leave the house or do anything. Yet they don’t realize they are the only reason their lives are so Dull.
  21. If I made my husband Drag me to the grocery store after he’s worked all day, only to abandoned him 5 steps into the store to return to the car & wait for him to do the shopping,interrupt him while he’s loading the massive food haul into the car to fetch me cookies and then make him go to McDonald’s ANDDDD then have the damn nerve to request we order pizza after McDonald’s, he would leave me in the parking lot,and honestly I would do the same to him. I seriously don’t understand why these men/women stay with these people who give them nothing in return,not even a simple “Thank You”
  22. I’m still trying to get over the fact that Aaron sat in that wheelchair instantly after Tiffany had an accident in it. Gag. Overall Tiffany was very unlikable to me, nothing was ever her fault. She just seemed to sit on her ass & make excuses.
  23. It’s pretty funny how Lizzie feels Goodwill clothes are beneath her, yet she has spent most of her life wearing used clothes,bras,underwear passed back and forth that other inmates have worn 😂😂 You think she would atleast appreciate finally having her own damn bra & underwear that hasn’t been touched by other girls lady parts! I know I would.
  24. I’m not sure why his race matters? Parole is usually taken very seriously & super strict. He already said he was late once before in meeting his P.O & now he’s late yet again. Plus he was driving when he is not allowed to be,and even lied about driving because we heard the PO say “You know you’re not suppose to be driving” “you weren’t driving? But we saw you drive in” I’m not sure why he’s not allowed to drive but I am going to assume that since he’s been in and out of jail since he was 13 he never got a license. If that’s the case then his PO would fersure know about it But I could be wrong.
  25. Omg Caitlin leave this loser ALREADY!!! He doesn’t give a fuck at all the pain you are feeling. No man should ever speak to you that way in private or public,especially picking up your mother’s ashes. Lizzie “I used scott for his money, I was a gold digger” Girl you’re digging the wrong mine, there is no gold there!!! Omg Marcelino Britney being pregnant doesn’t “solidify” your relationship. It’s just what happens when you don’t use any birth control methods. Does michael’s mother realize how much of a fool she looks like? How is she so shocked that he’s back in jail? She hasn’t had him in her home since he was 13. She should have told Sarah about the cheating once she found out. I don’t give a shit if she didn’t want to be in “her sons buisness” I agree with her to a certain point,young’s guys can be players like that & have many women, but when there is a child involved that way of thinking gets thrown out the window. Maybe if she would have been in her son’s “buisness” more he wouldnt be the loser he is today. Sarah- for the love of god, Stop telling that sweet little baby that “daddy is at work” You need to tell her “daddy is in jail,because that’s what happens when you don’t follow the rules/laws”
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