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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. I can’t even snark on Caitlin after tonight’s episode. I wanted to climb thru the tv & give her a hug. My mom passed away when I was 21 in her sleep at only 43 years old from a brain aneurysm. Monday will mark 5 years since her death. I hope caitlin seeks some kind of therapy,having your parent die like that can really fuck You up. Lizzie/ Scott- Just another episode of scott show casing to the world what a fool he is. I live a few minutes away from them & I really wish they would name the dentist that did that work so I can stay far away from his office. Britney/Marcelino - Such a horrible idea to invite ex’s to parties that include alcohol,there is bound to be some drama once the alcohol kicks in. Marcelino- did he have an ex that left him for a girl or something? Because he sure likes to make hateful comments every chance he gets about how 2 women can’t be sexually satisfied. I seriously don’t know how Michael’s mom lives with herself and can sit hanging out with Sarah & grandchild, knowing her son is cheating. I find it amusing that Clint’s facial wrinkles keep getting more and more progressive each episode. I almost feel off my chair laughing at his line “Everyone makes mistakes,that’s why pencils have erasers”
  2. I’m not the type of girl that gets overly offended by stupid immature jokes/comments that guys make towards women rights, or their idiotic opinions on women in the work place. I easily just ignore those people. Even if they are just joking, there is a hugeeeee difference between immature jokes & jokes that reach a sexual level No woman or Man should ever feel uncomfortable and have to put up with that in the workplace. One of these days they’re gonna have some angry husband or father to deal with. .
  3. Pretty much every Jerry Springer episode. Ever.
  4. I usually don’t like to tell someone to get “Get over it” or minimize their emotional pain. Everyone has the right to feel how they Feel,we all deal with things in our own ways. I also don’t think they should blame their childhood for being the reason they are 600+ pounds. Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention,but what was so tragic about her early life?! during the back story part of the episode she said her parents were always working & not being home was the main reason? Did she expect them to forget all of their responsibilities & stay home everyday or what? Not once did she mention, any sexual/ abuse,physical abuse. All I got from her story was that she was lonely & bored growing up and used food as a way to cope.
  5. Lizzie/Scott- I only feel bad for Scott’s son, & all of the banks Scott is basically stealing from. you know that kid has to feel annoyed with the burden of knowing his dad will live with him forever once every credit card from every bank in the country is maxed out. They will never see any payments. Sarah/Michael- The desperation vibe she was giving off during that scene outside with Michael,almost felt like she was reading a script “how can you treat the mother of your child this way? How can you treat your wife this way?” Girl stop asking him,he doesn’t give a shit. Having his child & being married clearly doesn’t effect him. No one in a happy marriage with a real man even has to use those words. A REAL man would never make you question it,he shows his love for you/children with his actions. Michael’s actions show that he’s a loser. Caitlin/Matt- Needs to realize already that he’s a loser & doesn’t ever plan on changing or being productive. If a 28 year old dude is perfectly happy with you both living rent free with his mother forever should make you run away. Britney/marcelino- I’m now fully convinced that she is only attracted to Women most importantly the ex girlfriend,she absolutely lights up when she’s with her, but yet she never does with the boyfriend. He is her meal ticket. Clint/Tracie- Dude just please, listen to the lawyer. I know it’s almost impossible for you to want to divorce your Godess,but atleast make one smart decision & save some embarrassment for the viewers. Cut all legal ties to save yourself from her debts. If she gets her shit together one day & comes back Then marry her again. But for now protect yourself.
  6. I laughed at that part aswell,sure it’s pretty for like 10 mins but then I’m over it. I think I’ll stick to my yearly trips to Hawaii with my husband.
  7. Caitlin -telling Matt that he could have just replaced those clothes with new ones with the many paychecks he would have earned is the smartest thing she has said all season. Like many of you still trying to figure out why she can’t get a job? Lizzie -made me Laugh before they entered the church she told Jaz & Adam to watch how they speak inside the church ... meanwhile she has her boobs out. Meghan- Didn’t feel sad for her when she was left alone crying,because I know that’s what to expect from a loser like Michael. I don’t like to judge based on looks but I’m sorry he just has “player” written all over him. Seriously why didn’t she ask to go?? Isn’t Meghan atleast a little curious as to why this “perfect” Michael keeps turning his phone off? Or why perfect Michael hasn’t called or mentioned his daughter or checked on her since he decided to leave for over 24 hours? For a guy that claims to want a bond with his daughter so bad he has a shitty way of showing it. Clint- still a man baby not much to say. Britney- Still doesn’t realize how sneaky it was to bring over an Ex. But Marcelino or whatever isn’t perfect either.
  8. Okay I say this as a Married 26 year old, I cannot for the life of me understand the attraction these girls have towards Michael? The guy has Nothing! No car, no job,no house,no education. He’s not even attractive. I’m seriously struggling wondering what is so great about this guy. Same goes for Matt. and to get pregnant by him again??? He wasn’t there for the first one, you think he’s gonna be there for this one? And was he about to give Meghan the ring Sarah picked out for herself? Yes Michael,Meghan will totally love it. All girlfriends dream of the day the guy proposes with the wife’s ring. Sarah’s friend is the only sane one in that mess, too bad Sarah can’t have the same common sense. Caitlin- If the guys mother keeps telling you her son is a piece of shit,then sweetheart listen to her! She is the best source of information you could hear from. Matt’s friends seemed completely normal at first telling,Matt to get his shit together and then few mins later tell him to dump the chick because she wants to control his life to get a job & stay out of jail. Are they low key trying to have him leave Caitlin so she doesn’t end up hurt because they know he’s a loser going nowhere in life? Britney- I thought she was the only logical one of the bunch,but now I’m getting a sneaky con vibe. She totally knows what she’s doing is wrong. She didn’t seem sad at all to her sons emotional reaction at the end of the visit. I’m sorry but Her tattoo’s really ruin the look of those beautiful wedding dresses. The producers have to be telling the employees as this point to asks these questions, no way would a hair Solon or wedding shop allow their employees to ever get into discussions or give their opinion with customer’s personal lives on the level these employees do. It’s not professional at all. Scott/Lizzie- Anyone else get the vibe that Lizzie gets some kind of sick pleasure in how she treats Scott? Clint- I only feel sad for the father at this point that he has deal with spineless man baby for a son
  9. I wish they didn’t spend so much time in Williamson,TX on tonight’s show. I can’t stand Lt. Grayson Kennedy. Something About his approach bothers me,he seems to always have an attitude & automatically thinks everyone he encounters is a criminal. He Reminds me of that kid in school that was teased & no on cared about, and now uses his badge as a way to feel powerful. The Salina department can go away as well. None of those officers never seem know what’s going on & for some reason every scene they call like 25 officers for backup, even over simple traffics. Meanwhile other departments go alone.
  10. Loved Justin! He reminded me so much of my Husband that is the same age as Justin. I was rooting for him the whole time,even more so because he’s so young & close to my age (26) it was so nice to watch someone who was so well spoken,clean, and over all just a positive soul. Sure it can be fun to snark on the people,but it’s even better when we someone actually wants to make the change & actually does it and doesn’t waste Dr.Now’s time. I hope the best for him to continue losing weight. To start his dream job. hope he finds a good group of friends & even a wife/husband one day.
  11. I’m rewatching the episode while folding laundry and it’s really pissing me off How Michael ( I doubt he even has a valid DL by the way) is texting while driving, he’s barely looking up at the road! Put the damn phone down you idiot. Your side chick waited 2 weeks to see you,she’s not going anywhere.... and I’m pretty sure that Nice Brand New Car Sarah & Michael are driving is a rental,since it has Florida Plates and they live in New York.
  12. First time posting here :) How can Lizzie honestly believe that Scott is loaded with money? The clues are right in front of you. - Most people with money care how they look and get their teeth fixed right away if they lose a tooth. Especially if it’s a front tooth. - He has you in what looks like a cheap Super 8 hotel, That hasn’t updated their decor in 40 years. -If he was so rich, he would have purchased a house before your release. - He uses multiple credit cards,that’s not his money,that’s some poor banks money,who he will never payback by the way cause he’s BROKE Matt- your locked in a building with a thousand other guys because a judge has ruled you’re a risk to the public. You actually think the state wants to pay for you to have fancy dinners, top notch dental care? You should be thankful for what your given,because unlike you,everyone else has to actually pay their rent/mortgage,water,work a jobs they hate. Caitlin if you’re so worried about him going back to jail,stop having unprotected sex with him! You claim you have so much pain growing up because of your mom’s drug use, your are potentially creating that kind of Father for a child. Michael- You want to build a close bond relationship with your daughter, but that could never be when all your doing is Hurting her mother... you know the women that actually raised her while your ass was prison. All your teaching her is what a loser you are. Sarah- You have a child with a shitty father ,you live with your family. You don’t need a $2,000 ring. Does anyone on this show know what a condom is? My god it’s horrible how they little they care about getting STD’s or becoming pregnant. They view pregnancy as if it’s something they can’t prevent like catching a cold. Or that it’s a random sign from the universe that it’s “meant to be!!”
  13. Casey, you’re right there is nothing wrong with playing video games. My 29 year old husband plays his PlayStation 4 everyday & so does a lot of his friends. But unlike you Casey, My husband actually has a full time job, A Master’s degree, his own home/car. The fact that you are more offended over your mother hating your hours of playing video games then you are that you weigh over 600 pounds is concerning. Your priorities are shit. Grow up & stop acting like a 15 year old boy. You should be kissing your parents feet for even putting up with your crap,letting you live rent free,buying you food still as a 30+ year old,when by law they no longer were required to after you reached 18.
  14. 😂😂😂😂 LOL! I’m screaming & now my whole office is just staring at me.
  15. She did really well! Overall she did way better then anyone we’ve seen on the show lately,so good for her! I hope she keeps it up! I’m not ashamed to admit that I recently took along some left over pizza “for the road” I was making a 9 hour drive & only wanted to stop for gas. You know your standards are low when I’m impressed when these people manage to go on planes! I’m an average weight & even I get self conscious when walking down those rows! I’ve gone 12 hours on a plane holding in my pee to avoid those bathrooms. On top of that whenever you board a plane the pilots are usually standing there to greet you & I’m always curious about what those pilots on the show are thinking when they see these people shuffling in. Call me an asshole but these people seriously expect people to not stare at them all confused like when they go on a plane? I don’t know about y’all,but flying is already scary enough, adding another 600 pounds weight to something that could just fall out of the sky easily gives me concern(especially if I’m flying over an ocean) not to mention god forbid there is a fire or something, does the crew get stuck trying to help them out first before any other passengers since her weight is the reason she entered the plane before anyone else? Your damn right I’m gonna look at you confused in the airport. And then having the nerve to complain about airports not having “plus size wheel chairs”.... I’m sorry but if your 700 pounds you stopped being “plus size” 450 pounds ago. I don’t stare because I’m laughing at them,I stare because that’s what you naturally do when you see something for the first time you never have before,like a 600 pound person.... other then those takeaways, she was very pleasant to watch! Her husband cared a great deal for her, he didn’t seem to add any sort of negativity to her journey like we’ve seen in the show,her step daughters reaction to her surprising them with a visit was my favorite part. The age difference between them all is a little odd but they all seem really happy & by the end of the episode I didn’t really notice it because of how much they all loved each other.
  16. I loved that scene,especially being someone who Has watched the original series so many times. Back when Darlene was going thru that dark teenage phase & Becky was left to do all of the chores, laundry,dishes,,taking DJ to sports,cooking dinner etc etc meanwhile Darlene was allowed to sit on the couch. Darlene during those days has always came Off as being someone who always thought the issues they were going threw hurt way more then anyone else’s It was nice to see Becky speak up about her own pain. I’m not minimizing the situation or telling Darlene to get over her failed marriage but Darlene has to understand that your spouse dying vs divorcing hurts on a way deeper level then divorce. Becky will never see mark again. Darlene atleast has a chance to get back with David based on the fact that he’s still alive.
  17. They really need to stop putting this lady up front. I’m tired of looking at her sausage lips....
  18. I feel bad for Tom sometimes, when he actually gets a chance to speak about anything other then the Crime of the week/ Missing segments sticks is quick to interrupt him mid sentience. And then when they spend 2 minutes showing Promo’s for Sticks Show PD Cam. I like sticks but he often comes off as being a little too cocky & and self centered.
  19. It’s kinda sad that society (or maybe just myself)question or think twice about if someone is starting a college journey later in life with good intentions or just to scam & abuse the grant programs. (Same with people who abuse the welfare system) They’ve taken these programs & turned them into jokes. I bet there are tons of hard working families going thru hard times struggling in need who could actually use these programs but refuse to even apply because of the stigma the low life’s have brought upon. I never think it’s too late to get an education ,My aunt is a great example of someone who truly used the grant system to better her life & future. She went from being a high school drop out,to getting her GED, to becoming a full time college student,graduating with her bachelor’s degree,while raising 2 children & holding a Full time job. It just seems like a lot of the people on the show use “ full time college “ an excuse to justify not having a job.
  20. You can also stream/cast episodes from the A&E app if you have a smart tv. (or if you like watching shows from your phone/tablet) Just login with your cable provider.
  21. I’m enjoying the show so far, I’m hope they don’t turn it into another typical show where it becomes more about planned fake drama. I love that they are spreading awareness to make people understand that a lot of our animals/ wild life are at risk and could be gone tomorrow forever. The Bruce episode was so heartbreaking, not only did they lose an animal they love, they lost another piece, of their father. Bindi can be a bit much,everything is always “gorgeous” or “devastating” she’s a sweet girl along with her brother. The personalities/way of speaking begin to feel fake after awahile. I do wonder if they have any other passions, or social life outside of the zoo.
  22. I’m only 25, I have my own Apartment so I pretty much know nothing about anything related to HOA from yesterday’s case. What’s the deal with it? Maybe I heard the details from that case wrong, so you buy you’re own house but yet you have all of these rules you have to follow? You need permission for things like painting your house, fencing,sheds,landscaping etc etc Is that how it goes? Why would you buy a house only to have no freedom on what you can & can’t do?
  23. I was actually looking forward to this episode (which hasn’t always been the case for a long time with this show,I just keep watching because in some weird way I want to see how it eventually ends,if it ever does ) but once it was revealed that the Walkers seem to be yet another group,all my interests faded. I guess they will end up with yet another “War” where many will die but yet a lot of the main people some how survive..... the Teenage scene was a huge waste of time.
  24. First time posting in this topic :) This episode was good,the last few episodes have been depressing & almost painful to watch with the family struggling with roseanne’s Death,especially Dan & Jackie coping with the loss it,hit way to close to home with my life. Becky’s pregnancy storyline reminds me so much of Jackie’s (even tho we’re suppose to forget about that part) so maybe they will try to create that same story for Becky. I’m always amused at Jackie’s snarky comments about Bev, years later it’s still funny to me. I’m still trying to figure out if they are going to do anything,exciting interesting maybe? With DJ’s character. He just seems like a prop mostly. And the wife is only there to make short funny sarcastic comments,she’s probably had more lines then DJ. Like others have said, I like not having the kids in the episode. Most of us are here to watch the original cast,the kids are just a formality.
  25. I really had no interest in watching this show but I was bored & gave it a shot,I’m glad I did because it kept my attention the whole time. I think this is the type of show that is needed & could maybe make people who are so against/ hate law enforcement better understand the risky dangerous situations they encounter everyday. So many people form an opinion just by what the media puts out. I think Social Media /news etc can be to blame for some of it. So many people base their opinion on short clips featured, especially the ones where the officer shoots someone killing them,that’s all they focus on,without bothering to look up the actual whole video to see why the officer did what he did. There are Bad police officers out there that are truly assholes but it’s extremly unfair to judge all police officers as assholes, it shows such a lack of respect for the Man/Women who are truly doing good & risk their lives everyday.
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