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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. I didn’t grow up rich but my brother loved hot wheels and they were like 88 cents and this was in the 90s.... they didn’t have cheap toys for these boys? How about a ball? They can run after outside? Can’t be that much money
  2. God they’re fastfood breakfast is like my Fast good budget for a month.
  3. Reminds me of me and my twin sister but of course our arguments are about which twin is smarter not more mobile smh
  4. My first live chat viewing Gonna go wash off my makeup while they show the nightmare shower scenes...
  5. I was worried for the poor little dog that was shown walking threw that mess! Hope someone reported him
  6. I’m so glad they didn’t spend the whole night glued to Levrette like I fear. Dude is so boring & just repeats himself. He lists off every drug then tries to sound like a badass when it’s revealed what drug it was, like he just cracked some code. He’s like a male version Nancy grace blabbing rambling on waiting for an accusation to stick then feeling victorious once one of his 100x options became true. I like Zendejas but it’s like they’re trying to make her the season 2 Casey,always making sure to mention how “odd” the people she encounters are. Most of the times I forget I’m watching an officer when she’s on because she seems to be doing more socializing then actual police work. I have no need at all to purchase a Shed but not gonna lie for a price of $150 I could consider it. But then again I'm smart enough to know when something is “too good to be true” Lots of “it’s not my jacket!” Excuses tonight. The guy in Richland had no idea the Jacket he “borrowed” had a jar in the pocket with a weed smell inside. Yeah sure. How stupid can you be? Pretty sure most of us would notice the weight of a glass jar in our pockets instantly. Or his comment “ I looked first to make sure the jacket had nothing illegal inside before wearing it!” Once again something we all do naturally
  7. Finally got a chance to watch this but missed most of the start since I’m on Vacation in Hawaii currently with no DVR Forgive me (I don’t ever like talking bad about the dead,since they don’t have a chance to defend themselves) But to be honest I didn’t see Robert try at all in this episode. And felt mean afterwards for laughing at him,at the scene where the hotel bed was suppose to be a King size but you see rob in the wheelchair out of breath yelling “it’s a queen! No it’s a full!” As if his body was some type of measuring cup. I spent the whole episode waiting for the part of the “journey” where he was sent home to make the changes on his own without 24 hour hospital supervision. I didn’t see a man who was ready to make changes to better his life. I felt more sadness for Kathryn, even more after his death. I got married about 15 months ago it was the best day of my life. when she described the planned wedding & showed their bands my heart hurt so much for her. I hope she heals from this loss in a healthy way & finds happiness. She deserves it.
  8. The officers have a history with the guy, and he has physiological issues and is on medications so maybe that’s why? And he’s an American, he does that as an act. They said last time,This wasn’t there first time dealing with him On LivePD
  9. Not really much to comment on tonight’s episode,was pretty boring. That cat getting stuck in the SUV was adorable! Hopefully he has a family somewhere.
  10. “My weight got out of control once my mom died” You were already obese long before your mothers death. Either way,Death isn’t an excuse. You choose to eat like a pig. We all have trauma of some sort. My mother passed away when I was 21 (now age 25) it’s the worst pain I’ve ever experienced & I struggle with it everyday and it takes a huge toll on me mentally, had to pick out my wedding dress without my mother,I didn’t have her at my wedding last year, she will never see me become a mother,I will never have any of those moments,and it kills me. I have days where I truly want to yell “it’s not fair!” But I don’t lock myself away to gain 700 pounds,that solves Nothing. If anything it would be a huge slap in the face to my mother, surely Lisa’s mother would be upset that her daughters weight got so bad & blames her for it. Life only breaks you down,if you allow it to. No excuses
  11. I started watching until I saw Mrs. Nev Turned it off. Sorry don’t care about her opinion she’s irrelevant.
  12. I think mainly it’s because there was a situation where there was a dead body at a scene and the victim was shown viewers and the family of that victim were outraged (which is understandable)
  13. I wouldn’t mind seeing that Richland officer again that helped those people in the cold get gas and fix their battery. He was cute!
  14. Lawrence & Mastrianni (and the whole Richland) Crew are just awesome to watch. They’re Calm & Respectful even if someone is doing wrong. They actually listen to people’s stories & give them a chance without having a shitty attitude or the “I’m the boss” persona some other officers have. They do their job & move on. They don’t stand around high-fiving each other & gossiping shit about the arrested person and laughing at them. Pasco & Pinal do it a lot and it gets on my nerves. It’s childish. If they stop following Richland then I probably wouldn’t even watch anymore.
  15. I’m watching that part now and I’m just in shock at that scene. Yes I know The was doing wrong but wow the force they used was way too much,they literally attacked him with the dog,and then they all jump on the guy then taze him/punching while he’s lying still,pushing his face in head into the ground. 10 freaking cops against one guy. Im usually someone who is always on the cops side,but that was just so hard to watch. The guy never said a word and had a blank sad stare the whole time,then They show him in the car & you see a few tears coming.
  16. Does Lola annoy anyone else? Her tone of voice just sounds so fake and babyish to me,not genuine at all. I spend the time thinking she’s drawing pictures on her little clipboard. I don’t know how LB got threw that session,I was too distracted by her wig & sharpie eyebrows. I have seen drag queens with better wigs.
  17. Nothing new about this episode. Guy falls “in love” with hot girl online,girl turns out to be the typical over weight insecure chick. Nev/Max give the catfish the same “love yourself” speech. Guy gives the same cliche line “it could have worked if you didn’t lie” they both go their separate ways. blah. blah. blah. I was more amused at his name being spelled “Traves” how often does he have to correct people that it’s not spelled “Travis”? Also couldn’t stop staring at Brianna’s Unicorn earrings,your 28 stop shopping at Claire’s.
  18. Like others something about the mother was definatly “off” to me. Especially the scene where LB went to ask her what was wrong at the goodbye Party,his mother said something to the effect “I’m leaving my daughters for a year,for you!” Just the way she said it was down right mean. As if in that moment he wasn’t her kid, And I can see why LB would feel like an outsider of the family,her comment made me feel like she picks and choose when he’s her child.
  19. Like others something about the mother was definatly “off” to me. Especially the scene where LB went to ask her what was wrong at the goodbye Party,his mother said something to the effect “I’m leaving my daughters for a year,for you!” Just the way she said it was down right mean. As if in that moment he wasn’t her kid, And I can see why LB would feel like an outsider of the family,her comment made me feel like she picks and choose when he’s her child.
  20. Never posted here, It’s always interesting to me,to see how all these people carry their weight physically. L.B. Is the first person who Didn’t look so huge to me, Like the others. His Arms and leg looked normal. He was still very independent He wasn’t bedridden,he drove,he walked around the grocerystore instead of the scooter,he wore real clothes instead of a sheet,and he actually wore shoes. I liked L.B. And respect that he Was seeking help Before he became immobile. I hope we get an update,I want him to do well so badly.
  21. We’ve seen Max’s wife a few seasons ago. She seems more interesting then nev’s wife,she has a life outside of her husband,with a career that she often travels for and her own hobbies & friends which is good. They both have things going on outside of only being married. They look so genuine & happy when ever we’ve seen them. Not in a forced fake way either. Hell i probably would watch a Max & Priscilla show. I’d at least give it a chance. Nev not so much
  22. I’m not sure why their wives are included into these “investigations” or the FaceTime chats this season that have nothing to do with the show. Why should we give a shit about their married lives, keep it private. That’s the problem with people these day’s,everyone shares every detail of their lives, nothing is private, they think their lives are so interesting. I think it’s a good chance that soon Catfish will be canceled & they will have their version of Keeping Up with the Kardashians
  23. The most annoying thing about this episode other then the once again, Mrs.-BoringInsecureAttentionseekingNev. was how dramatic they made it seem that Garrett was known as Gary to friends/family not Garrett. I’ve always known my husband as Jimmy,but I wasn’t dumbfounded at family/work events that he is Known as James. This show is on it’s last leg if someone’s nickname is a shock factor. Happy both guys were who they said they were,very cute couple!
  24. Maybe it’s just me but the “shoplifting” scene in the Cell phone store wasn’t right or fair to the guy Being someone who has worked in Loss prevention,there wasn’t any real proof that he stole the display phone - The guy never left the store with the merchandise,so he never stole it. - The video security showed he never once even put it in his pocket,so again, he didn’t steal anything. We can’t stop anyone & tell them they’re shoplifting unless they leave the store with our stuff or put merchandise in their pockets/clothes. It’s a huge no no & can result in lawsuits for our company. Any of our LP who does this is automatically fired. His story of playing with the display & it accidentally breaks he hides the phone in the store to avoid getting yelled at. Makes more sense,I see this behavior all the time,especially by children who are left alone while mom/ dad is off shopping. What’s worse is the guy had to have this situation broadcasted Live,when in my opinion he stole nothing,if I were him I would Cancel my cell phone service by that company.
  25. I just started this episode so I’m not finished I don’t want to be mean,but how old is she? She just looks so unhealthy,she needs to get a grip on her weight,before she ends up on TLC’s My 600ib Life,She looks young but she only Appears to have like 5 top teeth,what’s that all about? She needs to work on loving herself before getting into a relationship,it will never work until she loves herself. Oh she got new teeth. They look nice, they make a huge difference!
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