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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. My eyes begin to hurt as I watched this case. I hope she doesn’t wear Those lashes daily. They look so heavy,her poor eyelids are going to be so droopy & sagging by time she’s 30 from the weight of those things along with gravity ,like when you see someone who has sagging earlobes because of heavy earrings.
  2. I mean they were driving him back into town.... that’s more then what cops would have done,especially after that chase. I was wondering why he wasn’t cuffed after the driver ran. But I realized later on....
  3. That wedding DJ bride was just completely annoying. She had to have 15 seconds of “awkward” silence? How tragic it must have been for her to stand there surrounded by family & friends with no music playing. The venue from that clip sounded like it was close to a highway, It looked like a restaurant that was busy. You could see random people who aren’t even part of the wedding walking around in the back. Her crying halter view comment “ now when people ask me about my wedding day,I just think of the DJ & how it was ruined” Girl,no one is asking about your wedding day. No one cares that much. Your princess day is over,find a new Pinterest hobby to create.
  4. Are the cops allowed to destroy innocent people’s property? Dept Pini & his K9 Yogi ( Pasco county) we’re trying to track down a guy that ran instead of climbing over the wood fence or around It Dept Pini kicks a hole threw the fence destroying it, and removed piece of it so he can fit threw. And then he goes threw another persons backyard leaves there gate open. I know he’s trying to find someone but dang someone could lose there own pet because they aren’t aware they’re gates are open. Or they are gonna wonder why they’re fence is destroyed.....
  5. I’m 5 Episodes in and I’m already going to be sad when it ends! I love Alyssa Edwards/Justin It’s interesting to see the more personal side of his life outside of drag. I didn’t know his mom died in 2014 the same year as mine so that was kinda comforting to see that it’s still something we both struggle with. His home life /family past is something a lot of people can relate to. It’s hard to come from a family who thinks you’re “stuck up” or better than them just because you chose a different path. You can tell he’s guarded & doesn’t want to get close because they’ve take advantage of him in the past. The dance mom’s are just crazy,... there like the crazy moms on toddlers and tiaras there’s no need to put down other children cause your kid didn’t make it. I like that Justin is real. You can’t win everything. Better to learn young so reality doesn’t slap you in the face later. hope there is a season 2!
  6. I bet he wanted the money for hair inplant surgery.
  7. That what I don’t understand. I wonder if the whole thing was a scam. She has the friend use her credit card, so that they can later on report the charges and she gets away with because her name isn’t attached. Also I don’t understand how these people always leave their ID’s at home,I mean it’s not hard to put it in your wallet/bag.
  8. I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I didn’t know, before watching this show that Tourette’s syndrome was more then just yelling bad words at random. I’ve been enjoying watching their stories,along with getting more information on Tourette’s Syndrome. So far the Mother with the boy who plays cello is the only one that annoys me. She just comes off as so pushy & overbearing, especially with the orchestra,the boy straight out said he didn’t want to do it & she’s trying to figure out why he has an attitude? .... well duh lady. Also the boy has moved around so much and is always the new kid,which I’m sure it makes him nervous. I didn’t like how she made him tell people “Hi,my name is____,and I have Tourette’s! Just let him use his name if that’s what he wants. I like how The Older boy (orange hair) doesn’t want his TS to be his whole focus in life, but I do think he hides some of his true feelings about having TS from his mom so she doesn’t worry about him. Charlee’s mom said she Homeschools the little sister because she has social anxiety issues,but how does that help her deal with those issues later on in life? I was homeschooled from 7th grade until graduation for those same things and to be honest it really made it worse for me, and hard to socialize with people & still does to this day even at 25 years old.
  9. From Watching this show it seems like the people who have pretty good driving records are usually let off pretty easy by the officer I think the difference was that The guy who got to keep his car Had a passenger with a Valid Driver’s License,the 2 younger guys could not drive legally so the cop had no other choice? Officer probably figured it would teach the kids a lesson to have their paper work in order or they get no car...
  10. I feel so awkward every week now after they play a clip of Stick’s show & the camera goes back to the studio & Tom Morris Jr just sitting there looking all left out while Dan asks Tom’s Opinion.... Poor guy probably wants his own show! Also so they stopped talking about that Women PD show ever since PD Cam started. So does that mean the views are bad and it won’t last?
  11. They kinda do! They both are sure nice to look at. They look like they would have some sort of military background.I love how Carmack calls everyone “bub”... plus Shep is the cutest!
  12. I love how when the people are obnoxious & try to shout their Instagrams/Twitters the sound guy bleeps the whole thing or the people with attitudes that yell “DONT FILM ME!” Then the camera guy proceeds to zoom in. It cracks me up that the crew low key trolls these people!
  13. omg the lady hitting on the officer who was kind enough to change her tire was too much! I’ve never cringed so hard in my life. She was inappropriate & kind of aggressive with it,towards the end,even when the cop said he has a Fiancee. Poor cop really looked uncomfortable about the whole thing when speaking to the camera crew afterwards. If the roles were reversed you know they wouldn’t show the clip because it would make the cop look “creepy”
  14. I was ready to start a Drinking game for every time he yelled “They shot up my home!!”
  15. The crazy trailer park guy got so many chances and he still acted like a nut! How do you choke someone during a seizure? My twin sister has gone threw seizures and she loses all control of her body,therefore she can’t grab anyone... let alone choke someone. That guy made a whole scene,I hope the local Child Protective services were watching,that trailer was disgusting! They had a mountain of trash bags,old busted recliners in the yard,ugh then when they showed inside gross. That place made me shudder,I’d probably get arrested just to leave that dump! I’m baffled that this chick let this guy get her pregnant. I’m not a shallow person but is it wrong to require my life mate to have his teeth? He had one tooth left that was just begging to escape that mouth!
  16. While these “poppings” are gross & disturbing,it’s oddly entertaining to watch? Great show to watch if you’re someone who likes to go overboard with cookies or chips during tv. Appetite/cravings gone. I found it kinda sad that a few of these people put off any kind of treatment for years,especially the lady with the large hump on her back! I can only imagine the stress/frustration it caused her marriage when it came to being Intimate with her husband,who He hasn’t seen naked in years. Or the young guy who was 25 (my age),who never got it checked out after 5 years. I understand money can play a factor in that, but since none of them mentioned money issues,why did they wait so long for help? I think fear is probably a big reason why, fearing the unknown or cancer, But knowing sooner rather then later,makes big difference. Dr. Lee seems like a really nice doctor,her compassion is genuine & you can tell she really cares. Plus I’m jealous of her beautiful long hair! Also, loved that covered 3-4 people with results in one episode instead of dragging it on for an hour only to show the outcome before the credits. (I’m looking at you my 600 ib life)
  17. I totally agree with the statement above^^^ Some of the episodes get very repetitive,I understand the family misses their loved ones terribly,but so much important information gets left out. It’s like The first 40 mins of the show is spent having the missing’s persons friends/family explaining all of the great things about them,making sure the public has a good idea & image of the person,with very little facts thrown in. Watching this episode I just felt like Martin felt maybe he was not good enough in a way, couldn’t deal with the pressure or expections,of not being in a place in life that everyone expected him to be. So he lied about things. Losing his driver’s license could have made him feel even worse.
  18. Plus The worst of all the kids who have been abducted from their own bedroom. The sad reality of is that no one is ever truly safe. There is always going to be Evil people. While it’s normal to want to protect your children from all of the bad, it’s not fair for the child To miss out on things to do,or being sheltered constantly out of fears that the parents have. It’s going to hurt the child in the long run,they will end up living in fear & being afraid of every single thing.
  19. While having kids with that kind of behavior could be a clue or sign of Abuse, it is not always the case. Some kids are just really attached to their parents. I grew up always going to my parents room every night, to sleep on the floor up. Until around age 12 they wouldn’t let me sleep in the bed tho because my father & mother said that’s a “weird thing to do” which I never understood at the time,but I understand now as a 25 year old why. I was never abused in any way & had a wonderful childhood. I was just clingy with my parents. Too this day they still tease me about it & are amazed that I managed to move out at 19 years old, because they were Taking bets on me never moving out lol
  20. This was heartbreaking to watch.(Well they all are) I was completely shocked & then quickly pissed off how the police treated this Case at first initially as a run away.she’s 13,she’s a Child!! Even if she did runaway that’s still young. Running away at 13 vs a kid running away at 16,17 is very different. Nothing about Tabitha’s last days/moments indicated that at all! She was a momma’s girl & her mother said tabitha would sleep with her every night because she wanted to be close & Her mother described her by saying even though Tabitha was 13 she emotionally acted more like an 8 year old. That does not sound like a girl who runs away. She was taken I believe. Did the school not Contact the parents ,regarding tabitha not showing up for class? They only found out 9 hours later that she never made it to school. I was 11 when Tabitha went missing at 13 & my school was very strict on contacting parents after Teachers gave the morning report for attendance, just to make sure everyone got to school safe. If they did not then wow the School & the Police department really dropped the ball here. I’m never one to blame police officers or schools but if they acted differently I wonder if the outcome would have been different....
  21. Didn’t like that officer as well. She kept going to the wrong homes, like she had a poor sense of direction. She got frazzled so easy,not a good thing if you’re a cop. I feel bad for whoever’s car that was,cause it looked like it left a dent.
  22. Ugh the guy who hasn’t had a Valid Driver’s License for 12 years because he does not “believe” in laws that the government enforces,so he doesn’t “have” to have License Plates or Registration to help Identify him or his vehicle. I’d love to see how Quick this guy would be to call The Cops begging for help when his car is stolen & he needs help trying to locate & identify it..... I’d love to take all of these people who feel better then everyone else & who feel above following simple laws & trade them with with the many People who would love to live in America.
  23. She looks nothing like this from what we see in the show? She was kinda dorky looking. Very plain. She actually looks attractive here
  24. Finally got to watch this episode. Pao- I dislike pao so much,Russ seemed more genuine in his feelings then she did. I could kind of relate to her (first time ever) when she made the comment “I’m just the aunt who lives in the U.S,I don’t feel apart of their lives” about her niece in nephew. It really hit me hard,I too feel that very same way with my own Nephew’s & new born niece,I see most of their lives threw photo’s online, although I live in the same country as my family,I still live on the opposite side as everyone & going home to visit isn’t always easy when you have a full time job with different schedules. Why didnt Pao and Russ stay with her family? You havent seen your family in 4 years & you go stay at a hotel? Why not spend as much time as you can with them?? My Twin sister came to stay for a week last month,I haven’t seen her in 2 years,and I don’t know when I’ll see her again,you better believe I made her stay at my house! Chantal/Pedro- Over the drama of their families. Nicole/Azan- She’s an idiot,I get nervous everytime they show that body of water right outside her apartment,because she’s staring at her damn phone most of the time instead of her kid. David/ Annie- She’s upset that David has to walk around with his clothes on now, why??? I don’t want to be mean but listening to her speak English is dreadful,she should use her time to improve it. Jorge/Anfisa- Boring boring. Molly/Luis- This is just getting sad at this point. Cynthia was really good at asking Olivia how she feels,it was sweet & genuine. I hope Olivia doesn’t make the same mistakes some young girls do by running away getting pregnant early because things at home are bad. She’s seems so smart.
  25. Still the same old,same old “drama” with these people,what’s suppose to be new? Jorge/Anfisa- Still just drama,she’ll keep taking money & he will keep gaining weight. Chantal/Pedro- she hates pedro’s family,her family hates Pedro. They will never be on the same page about how money is spent or saved or sent. Pedro still can barely speak English because Chantal only speaks in Spanish with him. Pao/Russ- Pao still only cares about Pao and Russ is her lap dog,now with weird hair. Nicole- Still an idiot who desperately needs a vacuum for those disgusting floors. Molly- What are you doing with this guy? Listen to your daughters. He’s a waste of time. Annie/David- Why did they come back to America? They literally have nothing here. He can’t take care of himself financially,so why did he bother getting a wife that wouldn’t be able to work?
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