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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. I totally agree! I hated how horrible the group treated Tyler. Did they learn nothing from Hannah? It was sad to watch them repeat the cycle. But sadly no matter how many kids commit suicide due to bullying it doesn’t stop,kids are always going to bully we can only change how we choose to help kids thru it & taking their feelings serious. The Tyler bathroom scene was hard to watch,it kinda came out of nowhere.
  2. I will never understand how someone gets so bent out of shape over trimming a tree! The texts just came off as so bitchy, From what I could see from the texts shown it looks like she just texted the neighbor randomly one day to make threats & demand him cut down the tree or she’s going to court! Why not go over like a normal Sane adult & ask your neighbor how they’re day is going & ask if they have a few minutes to talk instead of sending threats thru a screen like a 17 year old. I’ve never once called or texted one of my neighbors. We say hello, wave & smile! That’s good enough for me! I also don’t freak out when their leaves fall off the tree into my yard every year,I have better things to do in my life then stalk the neighbors tree. Why do people love creating drama with neighbors? Home is suppose to be a relaxing place!
  3. How & why do so many plaintiffs keep agreeing to put someone else’s cable or electric bill, credit card etc in their name as long as they “promise” to keep up with payments? (Which never happens) I mean come on people! it’s common sense, they can’t have any thing in their name BECAUSE THEY DON’T PAY THEIR GOD DAMN BILLS!!!!! Why would you expect them to be any different & follow thru on actually paying you back. They don’t give a shit about their own credit score & I guarantee 100% they care even less about yours
  4. This was a weird one. Kinda all over the place really. I went from thinking it was her boyfriend that possibly did it to thinking maybe it was her husband & then the Luanne lady. (which now I’m pretty sure she didn’t kill holly) Kinda odd that Luanne died from suicide shortly after giving police info about people discussing holly's Murder that they later ended up saying it wasn’t helpful. I know it’s a stretch to wonder if her death was actually a suicide or done by someone else. Wouldn’t be the first time. What I found most interesting about this case compared to the others that we see on the show is that the Police seem to have made an effort to look for Holly right away. I see all the time they make some families wait days before they will even take the missing report serious & those people have no clues on the missing persons last wearabouts. But yet they had footage of holly clearly leaving with the boyfriend on her own. Plus they had a lot of Information on holly’s Secret relationship from her co-workers that told police she would take half days off to spend with the boyfriend & then go back home like she was at work all day. Plus she left her last husband the same exact way. Its great that they looked for her right away but I’m curious as to why is was treated differently when a lot of the evidence showed she could have just ran off again. Yet other families are turned down any help at all for their missing loved one.
  5. I didn’t buy my engagement ring but I did buy our Wedding bands. Spent $200 just plain white gold. My engagement ring is already a diamond,why do I need 2? A lot of people these days are more concerned with trying to be being better then everyone else,their engagement becomes all about the “Ring”. The wedding becomes a drawn out show that they constantly feel the need to talk about for a year before the actual day,it’s all an attention “show” how expensive & perfect it can be thanks to Pinterest (I’m so tired of seeing the same Gold & pink or rustic themes!) Got married 2 years ago we were (24 & 28) We didn’t fall into the hype of wedding craziness. No engagement photos,(his mom tried to make us) we didn’t stress out over silly things like flowers,we didn’t make stupid center piece craft projects from Michael’s craft store. No melodramatic bridesmaid dress drama. Family & friends were upset when we told them we were going off to Hawaii to get married on a beach & we wanted it to be just us,but we had a photographer so there would be photo’s. Best 10 days ever & no stress!
  6. I kept waiting for JJ to say “There’s only one attitude here,it’s me, And I already have the job!”
  7. Omg courtney! Hated her. I don’t even know how she kept her job. She was one of those people that loved the little power she had by booting peoples cars. It made her feel big & bad. She was so cocky & rude. She didn’t know how to shut her mouth & kept on being nasty & arguing with people. I remember a scene where the cops came & she straight out lied saying a lady attacked her (which the lady did not) while the police is talking to the lady Courtney is in the back going off about How much better she is cause she has a job! I come in contact with a lot of people at my job, some who are angry & don’t have a job,but I don’t throw it in their face. That’s just so rude. I’d hate to be her partner,she loved the drama.
  8. I think sheriff Lamb (The one with the cowboy hat and jeans ) is one of those guys,he seems to play it up for the camera’s,he’s not a bad guy but he definatly has a sense of cockiness to him.
  9. Why do these people get so offended when pulled over for things like broken tail lights? I swear some of them act so nervous like they’re a suspect in a murder case. If you have your shit together, then you have nothing to worry about. Most cops are stopping you to just let you know. Won’t even give you a ticket most likely. They may just be a “stupid break light” “stupid turn signal” to some people but those things are important, & help avoid accidents. Funny how it’s always the people driving illegally with no license, insurance that end up having a car that smells like weed,or alcohol that like to play the “Victim” Card. You're not a victim you just make poor choices that have consequences.
  10. A&E has been showing commercials stating that “Parking wars is back,with all of your favorite officers!” but the commercial doesn’t give a date only “coming soon!” Does anyone know when?
  11. Not sure if anyone has heard but A&E has been playing commercials saying “Parking Wars is back,with all of your favorite Officers!) But the commercial doesn’t give a Date or Time. Just “Coming soon!” Anyone have more information? Missed this show!
  12. The average person would buy the cheapest toilet paper to TP someone’s house. But since this is a tv show,I just assumed charmin sponsored it for product placement.
  13. Another episode where the out of control weight is someone else’s “fault” because of childhood abuse. It’s sad that these people let the same cycle continue on to their own children instead of protecting them from all of the bad. Sexual abuse runs in my family sadly,my grandma,her mother,my mother. I’m 25 years old,I’ve never been sexually abused or suffered any other kind of abuse. I had a good childhood,which this show makes me thankful for. My mother,my father, made damn sure of that to break the cycle. My mother & her 3 sisters spent years being sexually abused by their mothers many boyfriends after the parents divorced and their dad’s brother was one of the guys doing it. Long story short. The brother set a trap basically. Before the dad found out, he a planned camping trip for them, To keep from getting in trouble the brother murdered their dad & made them watch him die. After he killed him he raped them all one more time before turning the gun on himself. The sisters had to run for help covered in their dad’s blood in the dark & luckily found an elderly sweet couple. It’s a fucked up story my mother was 14 her sisters,12,9 & 7 at the time,I tried to keep it short. But my point is my parents did everything to protect me so the cycle finally broke. Even threw the trauma my mother & her sisters didn’t let that ruin them,they are not drug addicts,they are not 700 pounds. I want to see the people on this show do the same,that’s why I keep watching. Even if it’s easy to snark on them and sadly some times fun,I’m still human and have hope for people.
  14. Gonna miss Mastrianni he’s been my fave from the start!..Sadly I’ve been expecting his departure from the show for awhile now,since we almost never see him. He kinda slowly disappeared from the show after that car flip/endangered child situation. I wish him all the best! He definitely has earned any promotion he is offered!
  15. She was just all around horrible. I really struggled to understand why her family or husband bothered giving her the time. Money can only offer you so much & I doubt her monthly checks are providing a life of adventure & luxury. Unless you count trips to the drive thru. How does she even have the nerve to insult Dr.Now & say he knows nothing? Meanwhile I don’t see her having a medical degree. She doesn’t even have work History. In fact it just makes her look like the idiot. She claims to be this educated person,who knows how the human body works,then why is she the one over 600 pounds? She hasn’t even seen her own body parts in years. She wants to be a child & block dr.now‘s number? Fine let TLC block that check. She knows nothing about marriage. You don’t insult your spouse when you’re in a shit mood,or when they can’t find your freakin bleach even when they tried. Putting down your husband because he currently has no income coming in & you do, is just wrong, most man are already feeling down about not supporting the family,he doesn’t need to be reminded by his 700 pound wife ,you need to be supportive & not a bitch. It’s not just “Your Money” your not “supporting him” you are equals. I find it hard to believe that they are actually legally married. Only positive thing she has to offer the world is the gift of not being able to reproduce & saving some poor innocent child from her nastiness. I know that’s horrible to say but the truth hurts sometimes.
  16. I loved Roseanne’s line to Harris about how she is treating the house as if it’s hers & Roseanne says “we don’t even own it!” Such a throw back to the earlier episodes where they would struggle just to pay the mortgage & still is a very real issue for people today all over who still don’t fully own their homes despite living in them & raising a family. About Jackie- Is there a chance they might reveal that maybe Andy is dead? I mean it’s a shitty way to go about things but it seems so far they have no interests at all including Andy or Jerry in the reboot. I can’t wait to find out more about The david situation,he never seemed like the type who would abandon his children. Cant wait for next weeks episode!
  17. It’s sad how someone so young can get that huge. Like Sarah I am also 25 years old & from Dayton,OH (currently live in Milwaukee,WI) but our lives are so opposite, I’m married,I have career,a social life,I often travel. I don’t see doing simple things like cleaning my dishes or laundry on my own as an accomplishment. I don’t blame my parents for every wrong thing that ever happened to me. I realized after high school that kind of mindset was getting me nowhere fast. Sarah’s Behavior & attitude were just so annoying, she took no responsibility for her choices. You can only Blame your parents for so long for every wrong thing that happened to you before you realize you need to let it go & move on. How you cope with life is totally up to you,leave the teenage angst in the past. Otherwise you’re gonna miss out on some of the best years. It continues to baffle me every week how these people let something like Tater Tots ruin their quality of life.
  18. Good point about the age gap. but they basically already did that story line in the past with Darlene going to school in Chicago. It would be pointless & repetitive to me anyways,for them to mention Darlene having a daughter if she is never even shown or on screen to interact with. I‘d rather watch how darlene’s character is dealing with motherhood, with kids who are in high school/ elementary. Not college. Especially when Becky always seemed like the one who would end up with kids,stuck in landford. I don’t really care to know anything about Jerry that storyline was a stupid choice back then on the writers part Almost like an attempt to keep the show interesting just like the lotto fiasco was ridiculous. Would be interesting to see Jackie as a mother to a teen, but I will live if they don’t as well.
  19. I felt so happy watching the Conner’s again! I was afraid it was going to Feel like the Full House reboot,which is so cringe worthy & horrible but that’s another story! I agree with others,it’s like the conner’s never left tv. Dan & Roseanne have the same chemistry as before,they’ve always been my favorite tv couple! I love jackie’s Craziness,she’s always reminded me of my own aunt. I won’t lie,I almost cried during darlene’s Conversation with Mark about how it’s okay to be “weird” her tears and emotions felt so real! Do the conner’s still own the Restaurant or have jobs? I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough,I’m just glad this show is back!
  20. Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed. They are all old enough to know better,why should they get a break? They will just be back to doing the same shit next week and I’m sure this wasn’t their first time.
  21. Exactly! Even if they didn’t have money growing up it’s still not a good excuse. You’re the mother that’s your job to provide adequate health insurance that’s why Medicaid exists to help those truly in need. Avoiding check-ups will only end up costing you more money & loss of teeth that can’t be fixed. A regular check up would have easily prevented it. Part of me wonders if she did not really want David. She focused her time on the other kids,gave them Medicare all while he was left out of everything in the family. Plus her teeth were nothing to brag about.
  22. I was pretty excited when I saw a competition show that involves Makeup. as the others have said up ahead,it really is annoying watching these young 22 year olds say “I deserve this,ive worked my whole life!” No you haven’t. Stop it. also It was hard to notice the ladies makeup cause I was focused on their over Botox Lips. Laverne’s Voice got really annoying,all I could hear was a mixture of Rupaul & Tyra Banks. It sounded like I was watching A Drag Queen & not a trans women. Over-all,I love the idea of this show,Can’t wait to see more episodes.
  23. I was expecting these two to fail BIG TIME,I’m happy I was wrong. Awesome seeing David change into a new person,you can tell he gained a lot of confidence,started dressing well,did his hair & got his teeth fixed. I’m impressed with his “journey” How did he go his whole life not visiting a Dentist at age 38? That blows my mind. I’m only 25 & Maybe it’s just the school I went to but my parents had to submit proof of current Dentist & Eye Doctor Checkups at the start of Every new grade. That mom should be ashamed.
  24. How can these women stay with these man? I love my husband,but if he’s sitting at home all day eating,not working then what the hell do I need him for? Relationships are suppose to be teamwork. I don’t even want to begin to wonder how these women stay Sexually attracted to them. Love is one thing but dang they have to be exhausted.
  25. “I thought they’d grow out if their weight” yes you can grow out of your childhood chubbies but once you reach like 200 pounds before puberty,you’re on your own to get rid of that shit.
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