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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. I kept waiting for max to go off on Lawrence about playing both girl,sadly he never did. You can tell Max actually takes his marriage serious. This new thing of Nev wife being in every episode is stupid. Is she trying to warn other women that he is married & back off? Cause if that’s the case then that’s just sad,It shows lack of trust, why not trust that your husband would tell a women in a situation that he was married? Why do you need it to be broadcasted constantly? Is she that insecure? either way. I don’t think they are as happy together as they want people to believe. They're baby is almost the same age as the whole the relationship itself. She got Knocked up quick & had Rushed wedding. Please don’t give them a tv show mtv. They’re boring. At least max wife has a job & travels. That’s interesting. We don’t need another Mom show on mtv.
  2. The kidnapping situation in Pinal County was just all over the place. It was just another example on how calls & information placed to dispatch,and then relayed to one officer to another officer gets misunderstood. The driving crazy theory & yelling at the kids makes a lot of sense as to why the kids ran away so fast. The people in the car all looked to be in their early 20s. Growing up in a small town, as a kid there were lots of times when myself & other kids would be out playing & a car full of dumb young immature adults would speed down the street laughing,& yelling and trying to scare the kids and it was scary every single time. I am glad tho that the officers really took the time & didn’t take the lazy way out,they fully investigated the situation instead of just calling it a day when they realized the kids ran because of people driving crazy,and making absolute sure the people were indeed not kidnappers.
  3. The road salt was hilarious,especially for someone who claims to know everything. He’s gonna sit there & waste our time over something the size of a flea. A crack head would never waste drugs!
  4. Yes they’ve shown him, she doesn’t have the same last name as her husband though. I can’t remember his name, (not good with Hispanic last names) but it started with an M.
  5. Is it me or does it seem like the Officers in El Paso,TX or at least Officer Zendejas are on there own a lot? Seems like the other Departments have someone on scene or very very close by. I felt so nervous for her tonight when she was alone at the scene report of a shooting call with the 4 men in the car. Luckily she got backup. They spent way too much time between showing the Dog trying to track the fleeing traffic stop in pasco & then the warrant stand off in El Paso. It got annoying real fast.
  6. The whole kid thing was just odd. Matt is young, a lot of young men are going to say they don’t want kids ever. Especially guys who are ages 15-21. They had that adult conversation as 15 year olds,stilll kids themselves. I’m not saying all guys are lying about not wanting kids,but I think it was a giant leap for her to take it so serious,they could’ve had that serious adult conversation as 2 people,face to face in their 20s if she would have pulled herself together,look at him & speak.
  7. Well this episode wasn’t boring,i’ll Give them that. I got the impression that Matt was open to exploring a relationship but when they met he was completely turned off by kim’s behavior at the meeting,by acting so childish & awkward ,more then he was about her having a child. I mean for Christ sake she wouldn’t even look at him,not even the next day after every thing had calmed down. He wanted to talk like the adults that they are but she was still so frantic. I’d walk to. It was annoying how Nev told Matt on video chat it was great that he was going to be a good “fatherly” figure to Norma. What a slap in the face that is to say when Norma’s REAL Father appears to be an active part in her life. She has a Father. Anyone her mom dates needs to respect that. Point blank. He deserves that title more then any random guy. I continue to love the “Meeting” day outfits these People wear to meet the loves of their life! That dirty sweat stain white bra, peeking out of the raggedy spaghetti strap tank,faded jeans, moldy looking boots was the perfect choice!!!
  8. The whole Carl & Cassidy story is just getting exhausting at this point the actress that plays her is a nut job in a few lifetime movies I’ve seen,she’s always the crazy teen girlfriend Not sure if it’s the law in every state but when I got married (in Hawaii) 2 years ago you had to show proof of legal age by Birth certificate,plus ID but maybe IL is different. The fake ID thing is stupid,but smart on Carl’s half because technically it’s not a valid legal marriage. Seems like a pointless story line, I’m sure he will end up finding a way of ditching her somehow before the season ends.
  9. I kinda thought that Too cause he is good looking & young. I wonder if it was an older/less attractive cop if she would have been so honest. But then again he is wearing a wedding ring, a black one which is very noticeable. Black wedding bands seems to be the thing with all of these officers I’ve noticed.
  10. Well to be fair the Guy put himself in that situation. He spent a long time not complying, taking up law enforcement time and resources that could be used helping others in the community,while he is essentially throwing a tamper tantrum in his truck. Plus the guy was well known by the cops for being violent & for carrying weapons. If he would of listened it could have turned out better,but Now he has a few felonies,and only himself to blame. In this case the man was the one who is being an asshole,not the cops But that’s just my opinion.
  11. Moreno has beautiful teeth,seems like a genuine guy. Glad we got to see Mastrianni tonight but he didn’t really say much or do anything to exciting. Pasco didn’t annoy me at all tonight,which is a surprise,I think they had new officers on? . The officer with the K-9 was actually kinda adorable and excited when his dog was on the hunt! They should just keep those guys and ditch the others.
  12. I”m starting to think MTV finds it hilarious to watch all of the desperate people being lied to convince themselves on Catfish that these people with the obvious gorgeous fake profile pictures are real. And then when they finally meet and they realize the Catfish is mostly always below average looking like them. I watch this for laughs anymore. Nothing about this show is real. Once again,we don’t need to see Nev Facetime with his wife. We get it you’re married,so am I who cares! Do your job.
  13. Once again I Love how the officers In Richland handled the horrible parking lot lady! They approached her in my view in a friendly caring way. They were not rude to her not once! Even when she insulted them ‘ their jobs,saying how horrible cops are to people. (Way to be a close minded hypocrite) What do you expect you’re sitting in an empty parking lot of a closed business,at night in a shitty area. Maybe they wanted to see if you were okay? Or not up to some shady shit. Plus she says that wasn’t her trash but out of all of that space in that lot she drove up to the only trash pile? Okay. Makes no sense. She thought the officers were gonna go away because she’s complaining? I loved how tappler made it a point to lean into the car to repeat his badge number to the dispatch severel times lol!
  14. I agree,or his child. I’m sure they are lovely but I don’t give a shit about their personal lives. It kinda makes you wonder how long until MTV drops the Catfish show & creates a show following nev & max around their personal lives,especially since a lot of people seem to Adore Max and lets be honest how many more seasons can they do when technology is advancing everyday and all the young people know how to use it. I don’t wanna watch Senior Citizens get scammed on catfish,that’s just sad!
  15. This episode was total BS. You expect viewers to believe that 2 people who once dated for 5 years & now Live states apart,haven’t spoken in years some how catfished each other? Yeah sure. That mother really needs to grow up,and work on herself. Complaining about how every guy has treated her like shit but yet she only cares how the guy looks,nothing else! You want a good guy? Here are some tips. Stop shopping at Rue21,those clothes are not meant for you. Ditch the ripped leggings.throw away the big eyelashes, stop using greasy eyeshadow. Look for other attributes in a guy other then how he looks,get to know him,see if he’s smart,see if he’s funny,see if he can keep a job,see if he doesn’t cheat!
  16. Just recently started watching HB out of the 3 judges Acker annoys me the most. I don’t know if it’s the editing but it’s like she always starts of angry yelling at the people,calling them liars with no back story. It’s confusing cause I have no idea why she has all of this anger & it leaves a bad impression. Sure Judge Judy does it too,but it’s her clever thing,it’s how she gets to the truth, with Acker it just makes her look like a Bitch (sorry not sorry)
  17. I’m surprised they didn’t arrest the stoner kid at his house in Pasco considering those officers are usually dickheads. Just when I thought maybe they all weren’t douchebags the The Pasco Officer that arrived to that car accident scene where The Women was crying of being in pain & wanting to know if her son was okay. he said over his radio something like “I’m at the scene she’s okay,she’s just exaggerating”’ What a dick.
  18. The most annoying thing about Denver is how he talks to people, he makes the situations all about him. “If you lie to me” “I’m a fair person“ “ Do what I say or I’ll lock you up” and then the shitty passive aggressive BS he always does at the end when he arrests someone & has them in cuffs “now see,didn't I tell you I was a nice guy? You want a cigarette? See I told you I’d give you one,see how honest I am?” Shut the fuck up. He completely enjoys being able to make people feel like shit. I think so far Richland,SC are the only ones to ever have any compassion or respect for people.They deal with worse people & don’t even talk down to them. They arrest them & move the fuck on.
  19. Anyone catch that comment the female officer in Jefferson made at the Apartment fire scene? The officer arriving to the scene asked if residents inside the building need help getting out & she said “we will find out once they put the fire out” she said it kinda quietly under her breath,then a few moments later we saw him go into s building with another officer but yet she was no where helping.... at least that’s what it seems but who knows I wasn’t there. It was a really good episode tonight. Lots of interesting situations and not full of petty traffic stops. Plus they had a great line-up of Officers!
  20. Been watching the seasons on Amazon Prime. (Haven’t watched the show in a few years & never watched them in order just the re-runs on tv since I’m only 24) I’m on season 5 and I still hate the “Molly” character as much as much as before. I’m on the prom episode and still don’t know why they went to prom with Molly? Especially after she kissed David.
  21. Never commented on this board before. Ian,Lip & Carl are probably my favorite characters on the show. The ending scene with Debbie was so upsetting but I’m not really shocked considering everything else she’s done regarding her time as a mother. Don’t care much for Ian & Trevor together I love the scenes of Ian & Carl jogging in the morning. Lip & the bike shop girl sex scenes can stop anytime now,it’s kinda uncomfortable to watch someone being beat up during sex. I kinda think finoa might end up with the blonde chick now, instead of the brunette (sorry forgot there names)I don’t like the idea of them making her lesbian for a season,so cliche. Kev is hilarious as always,but I think him & Vee are just gonna get screwed over again. I’m kinda bored of Frank at this point in the series & find it funny that none of the kids seem to care about him either. sorry for the long post :)
  22. They all probably dread his backup calls cause they know they’re gonna be stuck watching him stoke himself for an hour,over a simple 15 minute traffic stop,especially if he has the camera crew with him! Also the way he pronounces “Console” makes me want to jump off a cliff.
  23. He’s like Nancy Grace,he just throws around Wild accusations hoping for something to stick.
  24. Exactly. It kinda shows you the direction they’re gonna go with the show. Staying focused on the trashy people going threw people’s trash but slightly acknowledging the real emergencies. Which I understand but still you can only watch them catch drug addicts for so long until you become bored.
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