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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. Please Ari never wear that dress again. Emily is garbage. Miona-needs to get a new makeup mirror. Kara-continues to confirm she’s TOTALLY unique & the life of the party. Patrick’s realizing the sex might not be worth the $$$$ Shaeeda/Bilaz- Zzzzz
  2. The sad thing about most people these days & especially Young people, they don’t want the huge expensive wedding because it’s their “dream”… they just want to show off & one up their “friends” I’ve been to many weddings & for the most part the bride & groom were apart for most of the event, going around socializing. When I got married at 24 in 2016 My husband & I planned our ceremony quietly, & told no one until a month before the date. We left our home in Wisconsin, flew to Hawaii,had a beach ceremony with just us 2, had some beautiful photo’s taken & spent the next 2 weeks hanging out in Hawaii, while everyone back home was freezing. All we wanted was to be married, we weren’t going to spend a year thinking about what napkins look good, or what flowers to decorate with. Plus the money saved made for a kickass honeymoon, with great memories & We now visit hawaii Yearly…. we’ll not since Covid but soon. Seems like we never hear these people on the show say they just want to be married, it’s always drama over someone not getting their “dream”
  3. I was so confused by her statement Jeff didn’t “almost die” not even close…over dramatic exaggeration. Trish & Jen are horrible, but Amber probably still would have found issues with any female partners she was paired with. She gives off a“ I only have guy friends” vibe. Matt, Dan & Waz are a perfect example of true teamwork. They respect one another, they don’t have giant egos, they listen to everyone’s advice on how to improve with out getting offended. They are refreshing to watch.
  4. Even if by some miracle or strange phenomenon Emily & Kobe actually move out & fund their own lives, her parents will forever hold it over their heads everything they’ve done & they will always dislike Kobe for telling Emily to shut the fuck up. People like them don’t ever change their minds.
  5. Wow,Patrick really had to say to Thais that all of the girls at the “party” are Ugly. Why not just say something like I love you & No one else matters? You don’t have to put other women down because yours is insecure.
  6. So why exactly did Emily need to “teach” Kobe how to brush Covid’s teeth?… I mean Kobe has teeth, it’s not exactly rocket science. How can he learn to be a father, when she has to micromanage every freaking thing? It’s understandable that she’s nervous to leave him alone, but come on already, my mom worried too when leaving us with dad growing up,sure the house would be a mess afterwards, & sometimes there was a little scratch or someone had tears,but we were all still alive & those are some fun memories! Maybe use the free time to do your hair or put on a sweater that doesn’t look like a potato sack.
  7. He’d probably be too paranoid that it would mark up his precious floors or bump into a wall…. That house is beautiful, but gives off a stale vibe,like nothing fun or meaningful ever happens there
  8. Emily lives in a world of delusion, She’s not the super mom expert she believes, She hasn’t done a damn thing alone, except maybe fly back to the U.S alone on a plane preggo. She’s taken over her parents living space, with Kovid/Kobin Toys all over,kid bookshelves, little tables, chairs etc. in the living room. Poor Bini, Ari just storming in there was ridiculous. She could have just picked him up outside when he was ready. You don’t need to meet every person your S/O has contact with that day. There was so no need to embarrass him like that. I will never understand couples who are shattered when the other is around the opposite sex. Patrick driving gives me a panic attack, taking his eyes off the road to text & make out, for long periods of time. Not to mention they never wear seatbelts. They are gonna get someone killed. Patrick’s brother John continues to be my favorite cast member. Maybe Jibri & Miona would actually have money if they stopped spending it all on clothes,shoes & makeup. Not sure what the reasoning was for them to rent that White SUV when we’ve seen him driving that red truck that looks to be a fairly new car.
  9. Lisa’s attitude is as nasty as her house. How horrible for the PT, Dietitian, camera crew,medics etc. That had to be near that disgusting bed/house. I can’t stand when we see these type of useless people that offer nothing to society,but have the NERVE to think they know more then a doctor & be straight up disrespectful. She & her poopy bed can fly very very far away.
  10. This was a very dull episode & depressing at the same time, but It just breaks my heart whenever there is an adult that can’t read or struggles deeply. I grew up with a Father who couldn’t read, I’d read the mail to him,papers from school, mom’s shopping list etc. It always made him feel less than everyone else. Thankfully Technology has made his life a little easier these days. I don’t think Larry will ever lose enough weight to have a more fulfilling life, I could be wrong but i doubt it.
  11. Her dad was 1,000 pounds,both her & mom feared him when she was a kid? I’m sorry but how can you possibly be terrified of someone who is 1,000 pounds? By time they even rollover, they are so out of breath that you can practically tiptoe slowly out the damn door.
  12. Also, “They fired me cause i was too big” I find that hard to believe that the employer would be that bold, probably said he was under performing & he twisted it to fit his narrative. Call center jobs are basically sitting all day,very high turnover rate & not always picky about who they hire.
  13. Should be titled “Ryan’s Journey… to the front door” I rarely say this about another human, but this guy is truly PATHETIC. What a poor excuse for a human. “life isn’t fair, step daddy didn’t like me, my real daddy was on drugs ” cry me a river. Grow the hell up. No one is promised a easy,happy life. I say this as a 29 year old. I don’t have a relationship with my dad, My mother is no longer alive. Life hasn’t been easy in the least for me, but crying about it & playing victim would solve nothing. I’ve had times where I’ve had 2 jobs, no days off for months. Watching this adult baby lay around doing nothing is infuriating. He & Tammy from 1000 sisters would be a perfect match. Both miserable & useless.
  14. FINALLY someone had the balls to tell the whining pounder to basically fuck off about being soooo tired. When the driver is the one driving 30+ hours,stopping every 30 minutes at the nearest McDonald’s all while the pounder sits there preparing their next food order. I almost fell off my couch during these yelling matches Lacey- YOU'RE FAT TOO! Sharon- I KNOWWWW! Ricky- I lie to people to start conversations all the time
  15. Her son breaking down in tears when Dr. Now approved her surgery broke my heart, that little boy has been silently worrying about his mamma way more than the average 8yr old. I hope the ex is making efforts to be in those babies lives, especially the 2yr old who was constantly clinging to him. This is the only episode I’ve seen where the poundticipant has actually started working after surgery, even if it’s just bagging groceries. She’s trying & contributing to society. Such a wholesome episode!
  16. It’s been revealed that Derek Screws up words because of his dyslexia. I’m the odd one here, I like Derek F, He’s not a comp beast by any means & doesn’t deserve to win the game,but I like him. Tiffany doesn't give a damn about Big D or Azah, doesn’t include them in anything but expects them to vote her way because they’re apart of the “cookout” Tiffany was 100% trying to isolate and target Britney because she can be more vulnerable then others. If not then, tiffany shouldn’t have reacted so strongly towards her “alliance” members, meanwhile she was okay with Claire staying in the room?
  17. I understand their reason for the “cookout” alliance & support it fully,but building a team solely on race may seem all happy, unicorns & rainbows at the start but sooner or later you gotta realize that you all have different ways of playing the game & you’re skin color has nothing to do with it. At this point I am hoping Xavier wins, He’s never gonna throw a comp,Being lawyer he’s doesn’t let personal feelings effect his game, He’s actually staying true about no showman , when he could have easily lied to Azah to benefit his game. He doesn’t list his whole family tree during live evictions.
  18. Stan’s a complete ass,But i almost died laughing at his pre-school insults “You’re the one that’s gonna drive with no license!” …. “At least I have a car”
  19. Britni needs to stop shouting at us in the DR about how much of a “Threat” she is & the HG should fear her…. What exactly has she done for her to be considered a “threat”…. other then being an expert in everything that possess endless talents Enough with the tears when being nominated. If you’re gonna cry every time then maybe don’t sign up for the show? Along with the HOH’s being stressed out and complaining on Who to evict. As if they were unaware that being HOH would make them responsible for picking noms
  20. Please never ever show us Nicolle giving Daonte a lap dance again. It’s like her ass and that wall were in a competition on who could have the flatter surface.
  21. Rachel really loves to keep reminding us that Doug is 6’5….so are guys in the NBA,some are even taller!! Nothing about that relationship gives of a real Love vibe. Just Sex. Sex. Sex. Which is perfectly okay & fun, but jeez don’t let him get you pregnant! Someone needs to get Nicolle some purple shampoo ASAP after that horrid dye job. Not to mention, Every mother dreams of the day that her daughter’s “fiancé” shares information on how he gets off by sexing a headless torso sex toy named after your daughter. Love that stan told lisa how good she looks,as he’s frantically reaching for a wig 😆😆 Stan stop lying!!!
  22. Courtney made such a big dill (ha) about the pickle outfit and forgot about everything else. She could have atleast done something nice to her hair, maybe a little makeup,a cute top. Instead she showed up, looking like she just rolled out of bed & grabbed whatever was on the floor nearby. With all of those dogs and no hot water, i can imagine she doesn’t smell so great.
  23. The worst part of it all was doug jr. How horrible was his life with his mother to where Rachel, a stranger to the kid was able to gain some sort of custody? Based on the few words we heard from Doug over the phone, he could become abusive & dangerous “Doug doesn’t approve of video games”…Who gives a fuck what Doug thinks. Let the kid play his video games, it’s better than doing the shit that put his father in prison. When Doug gets a job, pays taxes, pays bills, becomes a law abiding citizen, supports his child financially, emotionally then he can have his own damn opinion that people will care to consider.
  24. Ms. Catalina gave me the creeps, like one of those women you see on Snapped… Her voice, Lashes, Lips, made her look like a Kylie Jenner Wannabe, except for the acne scars.
  25. I have to unfortunately agree with Debbie, Jess is married, why does she still care? move the fuck on. Jess Husband looks like he has some bodies hidden somewhere. Guy is creepy as hell. They wasted so much time on jess and and brit. Ed talking about cheating, when he cheated on his wife that led to his divorce 25 years ago is a big LOL
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