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Everything posted by torqy

  1. Mrs. Torqy and I use the verb "to Reese someone" after John Reese on Person of Interest, who was always T-boning people with medium-duty trucks. Immediately thought of Jehovah Witnesses regarding Kristoffer Polaha's group. They seem to like our 'hood; there are usually 3 or 4 professionally dressed women making the rounds. They must have gotten a burn notice on us as they haven't rung our doorbell in a few years.
  2. I gave up on this show a couple of seasons ago, for many of the reasons discussed above. Just popped in here to see what others are saying currently. Mrs. Torqy is still watching, but recently said "Wow, SVU is starting to get old. I mostly FF'ed through the last episode." If die-hards like Mrs. Torqy are losing interest, the show is in trouble. MH having more control of the show reminds me of the changes to M.A.S.H. after Alan Alda assumed more creative control.
  3. Misery, anyone?? I expected to see Pride clock Martha with a typewriter.
  4. Guess I don't watch NBC enough. I can't recall seeing any promos for this show, and consequently missed the first 6 episodes. Judging from what I read in episode threads, maybe I haven't missed much...
  5. This was like a mashup of Groundhog Day and Deja Vu, a Denzel Washington film that introduced me to Jim Caviezel and, coincidentally, Paula Patton. The pilot was so odd that I am compelled to watch the second episode just to see if it is as weird as the first. At least there is baseball, and reruns of Burn Notice on USA.
  6. I turned to Mrs. Torqy and said "that girl's Jodi Arias all over again." The only difference is that Shayna lacked the dead, shark-like eyes of Jodi, with crazy-eyes instead. I think Shayna and "Mommy" could put the fun back in dysfunction. Definitely some freaky vibes in that family.
  7. Who else called Villa's brother as being shady from the beginning?
  8. Agreed. The premise was intriguing at first, but I'm not sure there is any truly believable way to do a show like this given the constraints of goofy rules for teams and the lack of any real-world judicial oversight of the hunters. A ton of editing must have been necessary to fit into 7 episodes. Watching hours of the swamp couple sweating, swatting mosquitoes and complaining would have been ratings suicide. I would have liked to see more of English and Mr. English and their approaches to strangers. And where exactly were they for all those days? The production folks should have watched the Harrison Ford version of "The Fugitive."
  9. Heel-face turn. It's a trope. (Everything is these days...) Back in 1962 or thereabouts, when you could walk right into a firehouse, my friends and I would hang out at the local firehouse and watch the guys play ping pong. They were every bit as intense about it as the group at 51.
  10. I just realized that Dr. Clarke (ex-Chicago Fire) is the kid brother of Buckeyes coach Urban Meyer. Look at photos!
  11. I sit thru the show just to see the Black woman and the Asian woman. If this show doesn't work out, give them their own show.
  12. A further example of what my best friend's granny told him when he was young: "Sonny, the whole world revolves around a stiff prick." (True story!) Putting on the tinfoil hat, I wonder if John initiated the affair with the intention of scuttling the investigation right from the get-go...wouldn't put it past him.
  13. I still want to know what kind of hold the Ramseys had on Alex Hunter and Mary Lacy. Have yet to find a good discussion of this. Was Boulder such a small town/county that wealth could have had that kind of influence? Am about halfway thru "Foreign Faction" and find it very interesting. So far I'm still in the BDI camp, and was before reading the book.
  14. Reminds me of Inspector Morse, whose first name was revealed to be:
  15. Is anyone else old enough to remember Al Harrington (Mamo) from H5O: Original Flavor as Ben Kokua? I know he's been in the current show before, but maybe I never noticed him. Also he looks great for being 80 years old.
  16. Please, please lose the yellow filter!!!! Kinda like the blue filter that was overused on CSI: NY
  17. No one else caught the shameless stealing of lines from Marathon Man ? The man with the tray of syringes was certainly no Larry Olivier...
  18. My recollection is "a gerbil on meth" but I could be wrong...
  19. I just decided that watching this show is like trying to read a book from which someone has torn random pages.
  20. Why is it that I stand "in line" to buy tickets, but folks in New York are "on line" to buy tickets? I believe one needs an Exhorter's License to preach in my state. Joking aside, I've met many law enforcement folks who definitely don't like the idea of armed citizenry.
  21. I didn't recognize Betty Buckley at all. Reminded myself that she's only 3 years older than me...
  22. He's playing a similar character over on Secrets and Lies. Set me a place at the "Stella's Ears" table. Seriously, like chimpanzee ears. Yet she looks great with her hair down.
  23. Never thought about surgeons this way, but I think you're right.
  24. Kathleen Rose Perkins is a very busy lady. I've seen her in many different shows. Versatile. Is it an unwritten trope that the Chiefs of Service in hospital shows are always written to be baboon's asses??
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