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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I felt sick watching it, because I have phobias of both heights and certain bodies of water. Let's face it, if Tom Brady were Mr. Average John Q. Citizen, he'd be in jail and/or the kids would be in foster care.
  2. You're right, I had forgotten about Emily Michelle. Thank you. I do remember that Kristy's grandmother's car was dubbed The Pink Clinker. 😉😂
  3. Anyone remember these words? "Dy-no-MITE!!" "Ya still got it!!" 😂😂😂😂😂
  4. First of all, I think it's way TMI. Secondly, I don't like it because it's triggered some traumatizing experiences - much like @BoomerRumor and the "foodgasm" ads. 😢 I also have to dive for the remote every time a KY ad comes on when I am watching TV. Either I flip the channel for a minute and then turn it back, or I will press mute and look away. It doesn't matter which KY commercial it is. They all make me feel sick. 😢
  5. Did Kristy's mom and Watson ever have kids together, or did their situation remain just "yours and mine"?
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/07/22/americas/tom-brady-cliff-dive-criticism-trnd/index.html
  7. Have any of you read the profile of Roy Halliday in the current SI? WOW. https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/07/17/roy-halladay-death-philadelphia-phillies
  8. I don't know, but I know they pretty much discontinued Moving People because of Colin's back problems.
  9. I also wish they'd have Questlove and Captain Kirk do another bit as Black Simon & Garfunkel. That's another one they haven't done in a long time. I'll never forget their rendition of "Can't Feel My Face", when they were joined by the real Art Garfunkel!!
  10. Her experiences have definitely given her a deep compassion for others. 💖
  11. Terry Bradshaw in that Bath Fitter commercial just creeps me out. 😳
  12. Speaking of Houston, I got a huge kick out of this story. The incredulous look on the dad's face was priceless. 😂 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mlb.com/amp/cut4/dad-shocked-as-kid-throws-home-run-ball-back.html
  13. I can't even imagine all the hell Sheryl has endured in her life - being rejected by her own mother, enduring sexual abuse as a child (and having said mother blame her for it), her husband's issues with mental illness and later his suicide...and she still holds her head up high and wears a smile on her face. I hope she knows what a blessing and inspiration she has been to many people. 💖
  14. I also wish they'd bring back Pros & Cons. Popular Mathematics and Do Not Play/Read are always a lot of fun. There's just too much banter with Higgins. He is so painfully unfunny and annoying, he helps sink the show.
  15. Yes, he does. He also brought the sarcasm big time when he joined SVU. Barba was one of my all-time characters in the L&O franchise - and I'm still angry at how they neutered him. 😠 But I digress...back to CI...
  16. I did like the spinoffs when the twins were younger - Sweet Valley Kids and Sweet Valley Twins (when the twins and their friends were in elementary and middle schools, respectively). Jessica, in SVH, was especially one-dimensional.
  17. They are lucky they were able to go on Watson Brewer's dime. Kristy's stepfather was wealthy and had a mansion, but did we ever find out what he did for a living? Did he come from old money? So many questions we'll probably never learn the answers to. 😂
  18. I guess the main reason I couldn't get into SVH like other teen/tween book series of the time is because I didn't find any of the characters - even the so-called protagonists - likable. Even Elizabeth, who I felt was too holier-than-thou for her own good. Am I alone in feeling this way?
  19. I hate any and all "male enhancement" commercials, but most especially the radio ads with the annoying woman who screeches, "Men, are you having problems DOWN THERE???" I'm a woman, but I have to feel embarrassed for the guys in this case.
  20. I knew the name was familiar. How very, very sad. 😢
  21. One of the more lighthearted anecdotes Vicki shared in her book was a chat she once had with a female crew member. Vicki had been very sheltered in her home life, and was still living at home for the first couple of years the Burnett show was in production. Anyway, Vicki was totally impressed with how nice, polite, kind, understanding, etc., the show's male dancers were. Vicki didn't understand why any of them weren't married. The female crew member replied, "You do realize they're gay, don't you?" Vicki said she was mortified!!
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