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Everything posted by gryphon

  1. I don't know why Katie the trainer ate all that food at once on the first day....she could have spread out the 4000 calories through the day. She looked pretty ok to me when she gained weight. When she first started gaining the weight, it seemed that she relaxed a bit and was a little happy to do so. She seems to be "all or nothing." Perhaps some counselling would benefit her as well.
  2. WORD. I didn't like him before but this episode made me REALLY dislike him. I wish he would have gone home for his chowder sauce. For Gold Rush I expected him to make a really layered stew and serve it in a tin pan or something--maybe more rustic? I guess I just don't get him. Go Issac and I totally want to take a road trip to his restaurant.
  3. This memory made me smile and choked me up a little--she jumped into his arms and bit his neck (it was right after she and Bolo did the Fast Forward where they had to drink some pig's blood...(as I recall, she said it was "nasty") All in all, I liked it. I have no idea who the people are yet but the crying boy and his mom have to go. I am in favour of a first leg Non Elim---I was hoping for a season sometime where they invited all the teams back that were eliminated first...
  4. Boy Bun. Angry Corn Sex. This thread has me falling off my chair laughing tonight, thank you! Wolf I am. What does that even mean? Go Isaac! He made me smile with his excitement of winning RW. I really hope he makes the finals.
  5. Shut up Sam. I missed Fade and I really like Kini, too. Hope they both go far.
  6. I really liked the white tree with hearts....lovely. I didn't think the details were distracting at all. I also liked their conversation heart mini cake. I thought Renata's cake was too busy...I wish I could taste them. I love cake. Jonathan is ok...he seems to have a lot going on in his crotchal area...rather distracting at the beginning. Never noticed that before.
  7. I still like Isaac but I fear he's not going to be around much longer. Jeramy can leave any time. Is there a "bro" drinking game for this episode? I liked Marjorie's idea to ply the patrons with free booze to get them out of their seats...
  8. I am a HUGE ER fan...and I find myself making comparisons to the Doctors the guy in the white coat--the "Boss" will always be AlmostAnspaugh to me and Blondie is WannabeSusan...but I liken young Squire to Jimmy from The Practice. I liked when they all started singing...and that look she gave him after he said, "and the coloured girls sing...." hee.
  9. Indeed...during the challenges Bob is very Probstian which is very annoying. Has he started calling all the guys by their last names yet? I like the red line, though...I tend to get more interested the less contestants there are.
  10. I really like the Hippy Chick who lives in a dome home, too. Shanda can leave anytime....Sorry Ty had to go..Tyler's dish looked super complicated to me....amazing so many of them were good!
  11. Indeed. I found her distasteful. Also, "My wife and I's" anniversary made me cringe a little. The "I's" drive me nuts. Not a fan of Phillip but liking Isaac. I still can't pick out a clear winner...probably because I still confuse all the other cheftestants.
  12. Holy cow Manbun, sparkle down! His dessert looked awful. Jeremy looks like a good guy with talent.....hope he makes it far. Bye Grayson...don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
  13. I just finished streaming all 8 seasons on Netflix. There were some episodes I really liked...I enjoyed the series. The ending was good--although I think they could have ended it after season 7 and I would have been fine with that...
  14. No. She annoys me a lot. Today, she lost me at The Santa Barbara county. The article use, even though it may be correct grated on my eardrums.
  15. Very true. Both snowblower and snow globe would have killed the child and/or injured Avery as well. Very glad Juliette missed. And glad Avery is sticking to his guns about not letting Juliette see Cadence unsupervised.
  16. I think you meant "snow globe" but I knew what you meant. The blades on those things are sharp! I LOVED the scene in the bar with Will, Avery, Scarlette and Gunnar....They should all get tipsy and sing together sometime. Just seeing them all there having fun made me smile. Ugh, the girl with Maddie going to write music with her? I hated it when Maddie was complaining about her sister...I understand it completely, but I still hated it.
  17. I love Charlie and Frank together...and Liza has always been one of my faves. Fitz makes me weepy. A lot. Meeks is a fucker.
  18. I hated all those flashbacks. I guess they were necessary, but enough already. I liked Caroline a lot this episode.
  19. I felt the same way--but I think the WW did it better because there was a more complete story behind that filibuster...the man had an autistic grandson... Anyway, still can't stand B6whatever, shut up Jake, suck it, Fitz, David, get your head out of your ass and Veep: You go girl! I hate that she's so naive but I love her. ETA2nd Thoughts: Good point about the women's rights, shantown. "Stealing" is a strong word...I think I was just reminded of the similar plot on WW. So I compared the two.
  20. BARBA! Squee! And HUANG! I would love it if they got together. Hotness! Not enough Fin in this episode, for my taste. But, again, BARBA!!! Baby cliffhanger? Oh, man...this stuff makes me uncomfortable--agree to what was said before regarding pregnant women having possible miscarriages. So painful to watch.
  21. Dammit Avery, you made me cry. Will and Avery 4-EVA! Shut up, Maddie. I hate The Beverly. And I want Luke to dump that woman and concentrate on being a dad. Markus/Rayna? That'll be a no....no for me.
  22. Classy move by Tanner and Josh. Glad it didn't hurt them. The cheerleaders have grown on me...their enthusiasm is great. Shut up Justin. Shut up Justin's hat.
  23. I heart the VP. She can do better than David...but it would be nice if they did get together. And if they broke up, it would be her decision. I don't want her to get hurt. Fitz is Creepy McCreepster!
  24. Shut up Justin. Shut up Justin's purple pants. gah. I wish Eric would have won. I hope Richard beats the smirk off Justin's face in the finale.
  25. Jeebus Carlos, throw some dirt on it. Suck it up, buttercup. You're not losing her to cancer for chrissakes. I agree with Packerbrewerbadger: way too many extra dancers. Nick is starting to grow on me...Tamar looked like she was about to pass out. I hope she gets well. Love Val.
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