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Everything posted by gryphon

  1. Wild Bill pissed me off a bit while I was watching last night. He said something like, "I give my heart and soul to these kids and they just crap all over it...." Not an exact quote but the sentiment made me angry. I don't know what he thinks "support" is. I think a person can rule with an iron fist and be fair...but as posters mentioned before, he seems to like to verbally abuse the 'horns. His son has some of Bill's habits, it seems, and that makes me sad. I thought Zack was giving pretty ok pep talks to the horn until the horn quit. I was thinking that the look on Casey's face when Josh caught crab said, "He is the luckiest sonofabitch "captain" ever." I'll be back after I watch The Bait...
  2. Holy Crap! Alex Trebek! Awesome. (And kudos to the above poster referencing the SNL skit w/Shaun Connery, et al.) I was really cheering for the brothers during the synchronised swimming--that is tough! I actually almost like every team right now except the dancers who can get annoying. Then again, annoyingness comes in a lot of forms...I was surprised that Kristen talked so much during the CSI task. But, it is true that sometimes talking relaxes the person doing the talking. (I'm an LMT and have seen this often.) I love this show. The episodes are just packed with stuff! CPR is hard--and after such a full day?! I am glad some of the racers thanked the medical professionals for what they do. And the scenery is gorgeous--I now want to visit Sudbury. I am even liking Jon a bit more than I used to--although Phil will always be my #1 TAR host.
  3. I was looking forward to Camp Cutthroat for a while and it did not disappoint. Emmanuel? Wow. They were all good sports and funny. I heart Bob the Bear. If you can, check out the outtakes with Bob the Bear and Simon dancing. Hee! ETA: I totally agree about the backpack. I really want to work on the props and challenges for this show....
  4. I liked Panda. I hope he continues his life positively. Good for him :)
  5. I closed my eyes and she sounds exactly like Chloe (Susan's druggie kid sister) from ER. Grates on my nerves to no end. Can't stand Blake.....I like Ashely and I did kind of like David's caftan or whatever it was...maybe it was safe because it was made well, even though the fashion of it was rather Snuggy-esque. I always thought a designer's tools were like a chef's knives....they always go with the person. I would love to read the instruction manual that the designers get telling them what they can and cannot bring.
  6. Right there with you! That was the one where one of the chefs made something with a lamb's heart? Epic, creepy, scary and delicious! SO glad Dom is gone. I didn't like his comments about "just like a wife, the husband can't get a word in edgewise...".(forgive the non exact wording) from one of the previous challenges. He was way to much of a "Bro" man to me. Hopefully Eddie can get himself together. He and Suzy Wong should do a show...Eddie could be in the studio and Suzy could interview "On Location..." or something....
  7. The Great Dragon is ageing... Merlin to Kilgharrah, "What am I going to do without you?" Kilgarrah: "You will remember me." The scene gets me every time. *sniffle*
  8. Word, Shelby. I am glad that Harpi suggested swimming...but I wish they would have left the step-son drama out of it. A 5K in jeans in Texas? That is torture. Chafing galore. High heel run? I cringe at the damage that could do to a person--back, legs, feet....glad it wasn't that long...but still.
  9. This! And, one of the quotes of the episode is from LBH (to Dom) it was something like: "Your taco was the best one I tasted." Yeah, my mind went there and ew. I'm glad Arnold and Jay did well...those burgers looked awesome.
  10. I'm still watching...probably because I love JT and Tess so much. Especially JT. Was the audio on this episode screwy? It was muffled and distorted at the same time for me. Vincent was really difficult to understand.
  11. I think they were joking. Thought it was very funny. I loved that shot of Nick and Matt in those costumes...awesome. I like them a lot so far. I also like Brent and Shawn. Not a fan of the dancers, though. I can't believe they used the express pass so soon!
  12. I agree with MakeMeLaugh that this is the best and worst episode ever. I wish Jenn had smacked Heidi across the face when she was hitting her. It is hard for me to believe that Jenn did not have any access to any kind of emotional/psychological help before this; I guess it could happen, but with the crises that she dealt with being a 911 operator-she probably had referral numbers of some kind for doctors, no? But, it truly is hard to ask for help. I can understand why she didn't. I hope she continues a positive mental and physical life. Shut up Heidi. Just shut. Up.
  13. Shit, not Susie! I loved her dioramas. Every little detail....man, that sucks and I hope the actress goes on to bigger and better things. Re: Susie's song: "You know the words?" (to Kent) "Don't you?" says Kent and in that moment I started to like him a little.
  14. SonofaBuscuit wrote: "They won't sign the contract and take the deal, so all he needs to do is steal the community idea, pour money into that, and have someone else develop it for him. How about someone like Yo-Yo?" I miss YoYo. I really don't care about the Joe/Sara story. Is Mutiny really that secure that they can afford not to sell? How many subscribers do they have now....I have no idea how it's staying afloat.
  15. So much this!!! I get the feeling she's content to sleep with Alex as well. Yeesh. I can't stand her...even more than usual. LBH is getting on my last nerve with her love of Dom. Uncomfortable! I really want to see Suzy Wong and Eddie to do a show about cooking and stuff....
  16. And, since that rash is contagious, wouldn't Divya be apt to catch it as well? No gloves!!!!! (shakes head) Poor Jeremiah...I wish there was someone besides Divya to comfort him. And, I hope he finds Jimbo someday and slaps him around. A lot. I still like Boris and Evan being acknowledged by Boris was great.
  17. LBH totally has the hots for Dom. He is on my dislike list now. I am surprised he didn't get called out for his "Like a true marriage...." comment. WTH? I thought at least Ann would have said something. But, she was too busy not letting Michelle talk. Disappointed Rue went home.
  18. Finally got around to watching this episode--Alex is bugging the crap out of me, hair, sandwiches, voice--everything. I kind of want Arnold and Eddie to do a show together. They seem to work well together....Suzy could make some On Location appearances...
  19. WORD. Paige would have kicked his ass during the first WEEK of non-construction. Come on, girl, we know you can do it!! I was thinking Boris sent Jeremiah along with some security types to hunt down the jerk who swindled him... Please come back safely Dr. Secani. Evan? I know it's difficult but you have to accept that Boris will always have secrets and projects you are not involved in--even if you are the acting administrator of the hospital. Concentrate on other things like getting your home ready for the baby.
  20. I wish we could see footage of Sig and his first time ever driving/being a Captain. I'm sure it's on God's B roll somewhere. Nice stuff on The Bait this week--I rarely watch it but this episode was pretty informative. The only thing I didn't like were those pictures popping up. Annoying. They should just collect them and post them on the website. I would have never thought Danny sabotaged the pots...wouldn't that hamper his paycheque? I wouldn't put it past him, though. He seemed like he would do anything. Scary crazy.
  21. Shit. Jeremiah. I want to find Jimbo the Douche and smash his face. Jeremiah--who just is looking for the best ways to help people--dammit. I really hope Jeremiah catches Jimbo and wrecks his life a bit. I liked the transgender storyline.
  22. Yeah, the show is contrived and silly but I like Allan and I do like the druggiepreacherguy. Vera is getting way too whiny for me. I hope the shapeshifter starts to remember some of her con ways eventually--I like her being kind of sneaky. But I hope she doesn't start doing stuff with the devil. Allan did make me laugh after Vera explained everything to him and he said....(pause) "That. Is. AWESOME." or something to that effect. I just liked how he was so genuinely into believing the whole shebang.
  23. Olaf is on Season Six of Dancing with the Stars NZ! And his foxtrot was charming.
  24. #douchetag Matthew's eyes scared me--seriously. And, I am not a medical professional, but he does remind me of people I know before they were introduced to ritalin. I do like Jay (?) the big guy with the Louisiana flavours. He reminds me of a guy a few seasons ago that I wanted to pitch a show called, "The Munch Hour." Catchphrase: What time is it? {It's 4:20} Ah, LBH is back...I still can't stand her over pronunciation--and anyone cooking her Italian food (other than the current guy she has a crush on) will be criticised harshly, no?
  25. Very true, terrymct. I should have been more specific: I was comparing the similar feeling I got from watching Josh to the feeling I got while watching Elliot. Not their actual talent which is very different. Just their attitudes. And they make me sad. Elliot obviously can drive and operate a boat and has the chops to do it--until he lets the drugs get in the way. Josh doesn't even seem to want to learn. And I loved to see Jake take the wheel and enjoy it so much.
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