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Everything posted by gryphon

  1. I was completely comparing Josh to Elliot--their attitudes are eerily similar and it's sad. Jake on the other hand grabbed his chance at the captain's chair and relished every minute of it. And he was pretty darn good at it, from what they showed. He understands it takes time and he is willing to learn....although he's impatient at times. Josh thinks he's already entitled to be a captain because of his name. I really liked when Casey took the throttle and made Josh steer when the boat was going faster. Josh doesn't appear to want to learn and practice and get the seasoning it takes to be a good captain.
  2. Neither did I. Seems to me the CM should have been concentrating on filling their tanks rather than playing pranks. I hate dead loss. All that hard work..... Next stop, yoga classes with Nick. Josh, hire a good crew and captain and get out of the chair. You do not have the experience or the attitude that a good captain has. Casey said, "I don't want any of my crew members hurt." They are not Josh's crew at all.
  3. Wow, I thought Jinkx looked gorgeous. This episode reinforced my love for Katya. And also reminded me why I didn't like Adore.
  4. My thoughts exactly every time Elliot was on the screen. He was eating every time he was on camera when he wasn't mumbling or "scratching." Did he have the munchies or what? He is a walking health hazard. Josh should have taken Keith up on his offer to help him find the Tanners. With that help and more fishing, I could only think it would benefit Josh--and it was stupid for him to refuse the offer. As others do, I run hot and cold on Keith...but I mostly like him. I think his offer to help Josh was sincere---probably out of memory for Capt. Harris. Although I kind of understand that Josh wants to "be his own captain," I was hoping he would at least go out to fish more---to get more experience at being a captain, ya know? Reminded me of a quote from one of the brilliant posters on TWoP: "Lie down with famewhores, wake up with sleaze." Josh is getting sleazier, for sure.
  5. I hate goodbyes. The feathers got me. Then the scene with Enzo and Lily just took me out of the good cry I was having.
  6. I used to like Burgess...it was when she didn't talk as much.
  7. This. I loved it when Platt was helping her along with her pre-police stuff, too.
  8. Elliot certainly looked effed up...and holding on to that Vapor Cig just made him look like a baby clutching a pacifier. He seems to be darkly disturbed. I really like how Keith takes care of his crew...and Freddie is a badass. But Sig and the Northwestern are still my favorites.
  9. Totally agree. Ginger and Katya had the best performances for me. I've gotta catch up on Untucked since I've caught up on all the episodes. I want Katya to win it all. Both Ginger and she crack me up. And I'm glad Carson was back for this one...I like it when he and Ross are both on the panel.
  10. I adored Ryker's choice of music for a paso....although I thought the dance was a little sloppy (maybe it was the costume?) and a tad over-scored--but I am in no way a professional dancer. The rest were fine....I don't know what it is..nothing really stood out to me. Except that I may have Mark as Bunny nightmares tonight. I loved Keo in all his transitional dances. I hope he gets a great partner next season. If there is a next season. My teeth always hurt on Disney night.
  11. I will truly miss MKD and wish she would've stayed. I was looking forward to her in Snatch Game... She was one of the few that appealed to me in this semi-lackluster season. Ginger MInj for the win!!
  12. I thought "You Make Me Feel So Young" was a Sinatra song. I am liking Suzanne more than I thought I would. I hope she and Tony last a while. During Charlotte's dance, I had to pause the program because I was laughing so hard at the dancing crabs. Go Patti! You rock on with your bad self!
  13. He will always be Archie from ER to me. SO glad Boyd didn't die. I was feeling claustrophobic, myself. Go Loretta (and, I agree with Bannon--Loretta should poison Boon and it would be a nice tribute to Mags. Wait, "nice?" Well, you know what I mean.)
  14. I totally want to see Kiki. And I loved the Ambrosia on the road trip. I like that they remember Frost--makes me a little weepy, though.
  15. Like another poster said, I would have had an asthma attack at the cat cafe--and I would have endured it because of my love of cats. Well, endured it for a time, anyway. Kudos to Rochelle for rocking the road block. And glad that Kurt and Bergen got a first place finish. Sad that NKOTB are gone. They were lovely to watch. "Creme de la creme of the chess world...."
  16. I thought I heard Mike's voice coaching Rochelle through the dance and telling her to smile and stuff. That was pretty cool. He looked like he had the choreography down. Good on him! Not really one for tv proposals....and surprisingly, I didn't notice the pillows in the bar at all-- I was looking at the customers' faces. I'm tired.
  17. Louis and Donna with the urns? Made me weepy. I love how Louis expressed his anger/tears. And I also like that Louis has a little cat statue on his desk. I've been hoping he gets another feline companion. Mike and Rachel? Ok, fine. I wish we could have seen or heard the conversation with Mike and her dad.
  18. I am so glad Boyd didn't shoot Ava. I want them together--figuring things out. Amen.
  19. Ok, that last scene? I actually said "WTF?" out loud to my empty apartment. I'm intrigued by the blood injection and, well, pretty much everything. I didn't think I'd actually be that into this series because I kind of forgot about it after Season 1. I'm hoping the Coven/Wolf combination sticks together. (Wareoven? Covewolf?) And I can't wait to see Nick and Page get together.
  20. Yes! All of those guys were awesome. I also loved the dancing task. I was prepared to loathe this season because of the premise (and I'm a little jealous my partner and I didn't get chosen--dating for 5 years). But, I am pleasantly surprised by the premier. I'm in. I am a little bummed pilot and attendant got eliminated--she cracked me up with her, "just tip back your seat and enjoy the ride..." speech. I am not a fan of the hashtags or selfies but I would love to get a selfie with Phil and his eyebrow.
  21. Fin in his "party wear:" HOT! Well, he's always hot but rawr all the same. Barba still rocks my world. I really enjoyed this episode and actually said, "Holy Shit!" when Deklan showed up at the party.
  22. And the other 25% for me is Fin. Barba and Fin just bring the hotness/awesomeness every time. I also love the relationship between Fin and Rollins. I dislike the whole Noah storyline. I've been in from the beginning--I'll be here until the end. There are times when I wonder what Stabler is up to and I adored Munch and miss him terribly.
  23. This was my least favourite episode of CK. I didn't like Emily on NFNS, I found her even more annoying here. I hated that she messed up that guy's dish---couldn't you use a little common sense? She knew that amount of peppers was going to be super spicy....sigh. I usually find a contestant to root for in each episode...not so much this time.
  24. Every time they said the word "treatment" for Tony I felt sick. And when he was crying, "I have a sickness...." my heart just broke. Trixie continues to be awesome in everything she does and she always looks fabulous...I loved her even more when she and the nurses were talking...."Would you put up with that?....the way he is? Trixie says, "I wouldn't put up with it no matter who it was with--he cheated and that's that." (I know the quote is wrong but I hope the idea is there.) Come back Chummy!
  25. Aw, man, I was quite fond of Norman and Sharif was growing on me....I hate Sara's voice but when they bleeped her swearing, I almost wish they didn't...hearing her drop some f-bombs in that voice would have cracked me up. Or, it may have made me throw the tv out into the snowstorm. Anyway, I was hoping it would be Norman and Genique in the final....now hopefully it's Genique and Christine with Genique winning it all. It was nice seeing Jaime again--I wish he would have won last season.
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