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Everything posted by gryphon

  1. I really hope that greenhorn doesn't have a concussion and works out on Bill's boat. He seemed to be doing ok.... Very surprised that Keith let the ice get that bad. Did it just happen too quickly?
  2. Wow, do I NOT like Emma. Tedious plot. Saw through it the minute she hid the tag. Jeremiah, kick Divya out. You deserve better. Fucking Eddie. I so did not need him in this season. I also agree, BungalowSummer, that not pushing a Hank romance is a very good thing. The show is missing something---but it's certainly not Eddie.
  3. Really not into the pregnancy storyline. Next week, they're dealing with Frost's death. I had always wanted Frost and Maura to get together. I know next week I will cry buckets. I remember reading an interview somewhere with Angie Harmon about how difficult it was to deal with on set...heartbreaking. So sad.
  4. I'm glad Chuck Wagon didn't go home...yeah, he's schticky but for some reason he's not bugging me.....yet. I stopped watching CTK because I just didn't think it was about the food anymore, just the sabotage. Oh, wait, that was the point. Never mind. Hopefully we get back to a "regular" FNS episode next week. NPR girl seems to have cooking chops but shezzzzzzzzzzzz... Didn't miss LBH at all.
  5. I did like Lenny tonight, or Chuck Wagon as gryphon's guy called him. Emily? Emmy? the one with the NPR voice. zzzzz.
  6. Lumberjack guy was not original to me at all-which is too bad because I love puns. No one really stood out to me this round. Still can't stand the host yelling at me. One can never tell what will make people laugh. I'm in for the season and I hope I find someone to really get behind.
  7. Not a fan of the host. I hate people who shout at me--that's what I don't like about Jimmy Schubert. He needs to have some range in his speaking…NOT JUST ALL UP HERE. Does that make sense?
  8. Should've gotten rid of Keisha and Gabriel along with Sandra. Cull the herd. Go Rochelle!
  9. Who was it who said, "You eat first with your eyes....?" I think I got that from someone on the Food Network...even so, it's true. And could you clear your throat, hoarse guy? I know that is probably his regular voice but it grates. Maybe he should stop smoking? It always amazes me how many chefs smoke. I hear it changes your palate somewhat. I'm liking Rochelle more and more. I'm hoping she makes it to black jackets. Sondra? Enough is enough--she should have been out this round. And for the guys? *crickets* for the win!
  10. Wasn't Elliot going to the airport last season to propose to his new girl? What happened to her--or was it all just about Val? *sigh* I know urine tests can be requested (remember Jake H.) but I'm not sure who does the requesting--or who would require it from Elliot. I wonder what Captain Phil would say to Elliot....now there is a lecture I would love to see.
  11. Also from TWoP (as gryphon) Is anyone else watching "Drag Queens of London?" I can't find a forum for it here….It's pretty good and it would be nice to discuss it.
  12. Holy Shit, Elliot. I am appalled that he was actually talking on the phone while stacking pots---don't those weigh a couple thousand pounds? How disrespectful of his crew...and his dad! Was Elliot really trying to blame his drug and alcohol use on his relationship with Val? All excuses. Fix yourself before you hurt anyone else, please . The situation both scares me and makes me sad. I had a feeling that Junior messed up his back even more by going out fishing..hopefully they caught the issue soon enough to fix it. His PT is going to be brutal. And once again, I wish we had a choice whether or not we wanted to see the stupid twitter feed.
  13. Indeed. This struck me as very manipulative. But pretty typical for him. If he's not paying to support the kids, his claim that "he would do anything for his kids" does not ring true. Get off the boat and heal, Jr. He may have been puking from both the pain and the pain killers--some of those can bring on nasty nausea too. This episode frustrated me--the only thing that cheered me up was Edgar. And Mac saying, "If this pot is full of crab, I'm going to spend all this money foolishly." hee.
  14. I loved the Judge Judy cameo at the end--a lot of the show was awesomely entertaining for me--I could watch those dancers for days! I really liked all the winners--and Joslyn getting married was LOVE. I also liked the penis shaped stage.
  15. I like that color on Erin. Her hair is ok--she looks like she could play Marcia in "Brady Bunch-The Musical."
  16. I am sad James went home. I liked him a lot more than I thought I would. Not a fan of Candace or #eatasandwichmerylplease. Meryl and Max look like pros to me. I feel they've coddled Amy's scores for most of the season. Does that make sense?
  17. Wow, so many people! I'm still confusing the women (as I will for the first few weeks) but I think I've got the men down. Reuben rubs me the wrong way for some reason. But I did chuckle at Mr. Cowboy Hat exclaiming when talking about the deep fryer with Kenny, "I fry EVERYTHING." So stereotypical yet it cracked me up. Glad Donna is gone--her voice grated. Even though they're only recycling a few from other shows, I'm not sure it's a positive when there's a "new" cast of a "new" season that makes me think, "Hey, I've seen all of these people before somewhere."
  18. For a second there I was hoping the Country Singers would take it--no reason except that's the way this season went for me. Ok winners for an ok season, that would be. I hate that I'm so apathetic about this season--I'm usually much more into it. All Stars my sweet patootie. The word of the day is: lackluster. ETA: This is what Phil tweeted about the road blocks rules: rules same 4 all no team could do more than 6 RBs B4 end of L10 - 3 RBs in L11+12 those can be divided 2-1
  19. I love the song and the Fox Trot. However, the song NewYork, New York was composed by John Kander, with lyrics by Fred Ebb. Although it was written for Liza Minnelli, it did not become popular until Frank Sinatra performed it in 1978 at Radio City Music Hall. (Just wanted to give proper credit. Sorry if that sounds bitchy). No idea who is going home. I don't have a favorite...James is probably the next to go---or maybe Candace? I have no idea why this season is less interesting to me.
  20. Man I hate the tweets. I watch on a computer and it takes up a third of the screen. There should be a choice whether you can see the tweets or not. Crab dance!
  21. I totally agree, EB. I was blaming his jerkiness on a little ptsd--I don't know whether they want me to feel like he's a jerk or a good guy. Both, I guess--there are times when I'm really believing in him and Rayna and then---not so much. Getting tired of the whole Will/Layla thing.
  22. What I loved the most about this episode was the scenery! What beautiful people and buildings! That trumpet player was a hottie (But I'm a sucker for a guy with an embouchure) and the dancers? Rowr! Go Afganimals I guess? Anyone but Rachel and Brendan. ETA: Seeing the Globetrotters in the Bull Ballz would have been awesome!!! I'm grinning just thinking about it.
  23. This was a brilliant and beautiful shot. I am always in awe of the camera persons on this show....and most reality shows for that matter. The food usually doesn't disgust me at the Survivor auction. Today, the combination of Probstporn with Woo and the ribs nauseated me right out of the room. And GO TASHA! Hope she wins it all.
  24. I can't believe how much I enjoyed Ricky Martin as a judge. He was pretty insightful and really put some thought behind his comments. And, yeah, his hotness doesn't hurt either. He would be a blast to dance with, I think. I really like James...but Peta? I know you have a great body. Enough. Classy is sexy too. I can't seem to warm to Candace--but she has improved. Hope Amy is ok....and Danica jumping rope with a busted rib? Not too smart. I hate it when people get injured. Bye NeNe. Thanks for giving it your all. ETA: I forgot I learned a new word from that sports psychologist: Perfectionistic.
  25. I wasn't too sure about the new opening music, but it wasn't bad. I still love "Wanted," but the editing makes it all the more special--like the cut from the lyrics "I'm a cowboy," (insert Jake A(? think it was him) saluting)....hard to explain but the editing plays as much a part of the song to me no matter what it is. I appreciate both songs. Glad the show is back--I really liked Elliot's Dad, "If we can keep him off the phone this season....."
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