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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Yes, it was Willie in the books who witnessed the murder, but does anyone actually threaten to turn him in? I can't remember.
  2. Thank you!!! ETA: Just read everything on her blog. I love it. It's as if I could have written it myself, but I'm not that confidently witty. :-)
  3. I'm behind again so I can't comment much on this week's episodes, but I do agree that maybe I am liking Ron's writing better overall than I did the others. I especially agree that I would have preferred different writing during the 50th anniversary. I understand that PR didn't/doesn't want to come back, but killing Bo off so swiftly was awful, imo. Surely there could have been a much more interesting resolution to his character.
  4. I lost interest very fast. I think my DVR recorded all of the episodes so maybe I can binge watch it now that the season is over. From the comments here though, it looks like I didn't miss anything.
  5. I totally agree. I can't even get through book 5 because Brianna is an annoying brat. She sucks the life out of every scene in the books. The actress doesn't bother me though, so I'm actually hoping that showBrianna can redeem bookBrianna for me.
  6. I've tried to use the Google and can't find it... does anyone know if Connie Verzak is back to doing her episode recaps, complete with snarky screen grabs? I really enjoy her work. ;-)
  7. Definitely, that too. And considering he is the one who handed the folder to Chandler, he obviously knew. ;-)
  8. Sorry, but I still respectfully disagree. In the scene I watched, everyone else was doing the searching (Green, Miller, the new woman from Africa, Wolf) and Burk was panicking and froze. It was even Green who told him to snap out of it while they were all still continuing to search and Burk just stared at a child. Burk was screaming while the African woman discovered that woman on the boat was only holding a sleeping baby. (And if she has to hold a sleeping baby, how can she comply with putting her hands up?) Burk had PTSD, yes, and he was justified to think they were all a threat. But everyone was still treating them as threats; I didn't see that Burk was the only one doing anything while everyone else stood there. I actually saw the opposite. Also, I don't think they were all "spies." I still don't know what that British guy is, but the other people on the boat seem genuine. They also appear to not speak English. They thought they were getting rescued, first by just a fishing boat and then by the US Navy, but then the Navy orders them all down on their knees with their hands up while waving ridiculously large guns in their faces? Of course they were confused. Also, if they (the XO in charge while Slattery recovers - I forget his name, Sasha, whoever else) didn't want Chandler in that meeting, then they wouldn't have invited him and he wouldn't have been in that meeting. He was there because they wanted him to be. Plus, he knew information they didn't, from being part of Giorgio's fight club; he had intelligence that was important to them to share. I agree, and especially with the two thoughts I put in bold.
  9. I think that's about the time I started watching again on a more regular basis, and thought that he had slept with both Carrie and Nicole? Maybe not. But - Sami, Kate, Jordan, Hope... he's gotten around either way.
  10. I don't know that we've ever been given Rafe's age, but the actor is 46 years old. Hope's age is approximately 51. Five years isn't too much of a different, imo, but @nilyank has a good point about Rafe always wanting to have children. Maybe he's changed his mind?
  11. Interesting. I have never even heard of this store, but there are 2 right near me in local malls, and an outlet not far away. I wonder how I've missed it.
  12. Officially, the US does not recognize dual citizenship. But there also isn't actually a law against it, so it's a gray area where most people can have "dual citizenship."
  13. Wait... Philip? As in Philip Kiriakis? Ha, I definitely missed all of this. Thanks for the help!
  14. Thanks. I guess I never realized that they were apart. The last I had heard about them, I thought they were just living somewhere else together with the kids. This was probably the early 2000s that I last remember them?
  15. What. Is. Gabi. Wearing??? I just started the episode... is she going to go to Raines' hearing dressed like that? Maybe the fashion police can be there to arrest her too...
  16. I stopped watching for a bit - how did Rafe come between Kim and Shane? As far as I thought, they hadn't been on the show for years.
  17. Gotcha, sorry. I agree, but I guess I just handwaved that and assumed he was a Lallybroch man that we hadn't seen before, so he was a pseudo-stand in for the other two that were there last season? But then again, Murtagh said all Lallybroch men made it home, so I don't know...
  18. I'm with you, but I'm also not much of a TM fan. I'm sure people will want to throw stones, but I see nothing special about him. ::shrug:: I'm hoping we will see him as a cheating philanderer so we can truly all just hate Frank and move on after episode 5. Do you mean Rupert?
  19. Yep, exactly. And he was very perplexed... ;-)
  20. I'll agree with you there. I just can't bring myself to hate her yet... Maybe the new writers will fix that?
  21. But isn't there one thing you're overlooking? Hope didn't ASK anyone to break the law to help her. Rafe did it on his own; Hattie did it on her own; Kayla, Austin, and Marlena didn't even know they were breaking the law (did they?); and Steve and Shane did it on their own without telling anyone else. So how is all of that Hope's fault? Didn't she actually want to turn herself in? And while she was hiding Stefano's murder, the guilt was eating her alive (just like it was to Joey). So doesn't their guilt and remorse show some morals and that they are decent people at the core? (cc: @Apprentice79) I guess since I've always liked Hope, I still give her the benefit of the doubt. Aiden was an @$$, Bo never should have died, and it's not her fault that Rafe is boring.
  22. Hope seems to be damned if she does, damned if she doesn't with viewers. They complain if she breaks the law, they complain if she upholds the law. So which is it?
  23. Can someone please refresh my memory - do we like Matthew B. Roberts' writing? Do we like his episodes?
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