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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Meanwhile, Gretchen's granny panties meets Coldwater Creek collection is nowhere to be found.
  2. Funniest moments have to be Francine's/Hailey's worried reactions to Stan's crazy long gasp and Suck Boy Tony (probably has something to do with it being my name).
  3. The Osha/Rickon handover screams like set-up to me. Plus that looks like a regular wolf's head. I'm looking forward to one of them offing Ramsey in the worst way possible.
  4. Emily is a total class act. Sad to see her go. OTOH Ken is a vile POS. I'm the last person to be confrontational or remotely violent, but if he talked to me like he did to Sam, he'd need the EMT asap. I'm hoping his appearances on this show has poisoned any possible chance of employment in the future. What employer wants a shit head like this in the team?
  5. Roger: "That's barge talk, Francine" Francine: "Son of a bitch, he barged me" Lines like these are why I love this show.
  6. Yes! Pleeeaaaasseeee bring this up at the reunion. She definitely says "cancer research lab" every time, so unless the that vet school lab she worked at deals with animal cancers...she's full of it.
  7. This! She clearly though so highly of it that she mentioned it on three different occasions, clearly to earn brownie points with the audience/judges. As a biochemist, working in a research lab requires extensive education, so I highly doubt she played any groundbreaking role at this so-called cancer research lab for three years with a high school diploma or parts of design school. I was praying for someone to call her out on it and ask her to elaborate.
  8. Yup, that scene at the end was pretty memorable. I'm liking the dark side of Damien more and more, so I'm glad they're developing that further. However, I'd still like him to be a lot less emo. Brooding is good, but the emo gets old quickly. I'm also waiting for the asshole detective to get his comeuppance. I'm guessing this is because he's doing his investigations for the most part behind Damien's back and you only get bestowed an awful death if you're in Damien's radar when you try to cross him?
  9. Agreed. As someone who's owned 4 dogs and moved several times over the years, I learned that dogs don't care what he house is like as long as there's more than one room and they have somewhere outside to do their business. They only care about spending time with you.
  10. Even better... this show is renewed, so it's coming back next season.
  11. Jess just can't do physical slapstick comedy. Period. Her stuck in the carwash trying to get out is so unwatchable that I had to fast forward it. A normal adult would just stand up straight, shimmy past the spinning brushes, and head to the exit. Her baby deer learning to walk shtick was not amusing in the slightest. OTOH loved Busy Philip's character. Hope she becomes a recurring one. Or better yet, slide her into the gang and send Jess on another jury duty hiatus.
  12. This has got to be the worst episode in the show's history for me. They just dragged things on until the non-ending. All I got from this episode is... Rick is a craptastic leader as always Never get knocked up during the ZA
  13. The initial couple of episodes were pretty dry for the most part, but it has gotten better. At this point, I'm ready for them to move from Damien's lost puppy act and for him to either embrace his Antichrist-ness or try to get rid of it.
  14. Worst episode of the season for me. Not interested in Gordon or Penguin's storylines. Did they ever explain why the warden hated Gordon so much that he kept pushing for Gordon's offing?
  15. That pool scene was amazing, but the impact would be better if they had the kid die. Looking forward what effect this had on the asshole detective. Who outright threatens a citizen with a shooting incidence like that? Damien's not a perp in any of the deaths so he was way out of line. If he was recorded spewing that, he's toast.
  16. The whole Roger storyline with the Dream Phone game is classic Roger. Loved the whole thing. ETA. Roger was definitely channeling Blossom. I laughed hard the second I saw him.
  17. Denise just annoyed me this episode, so I was glad to see her killed off. What the heck did she expect to find in that stupid cooler? It's obviously going to be either drinks or spoiled food? This isn't some special cooler in a CDC van with valuable meds here. She's just too dumb to live.
  18. I finally caught an episode of this show and burst out laughing at the husband/wife touring a 2-room box of a "house" with no working washroom and just a covered latrine smack in the kitchen within arm's reach of the stove. Seriously?
  19. My problem was with DB bossing everyone around like he was in charge, telling Raven to get back to the job and issuing out commands to the others. Isn't he only supposed to be the forensic lab rat? Talk about overstepping your role.
  20. With what these people have all gone through, I don't think rebuilding civilization is in their minds at this stage.
  21. I like Dodds so maybe having him in charge might be a nice change up. Have a seat, Liv.
  22. They had to wrap the case early so they can spend an entire 8 minutes at the end to devote to DB's attempt at a love life? What the actual fuck?
  23. What a shitfest. I always want to skip the episode when I see it's about a hostage storyline. Totally should have passed on this one.
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