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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Your hypothesis on him is plausible, but I'm with Heidi - you're giving him too much credit. I see him as an immature adult with the mentality of a pre-teen. In Asian culture, it's pretty common for 20-somethings to act all cutesy and child-like. Case in point, the Hello Kitty stuffed animal pined to his top. Not exactly something an average adult would do. He's pure cannon-fodder and nothing more.
  2. How real are those WATN specials? Can we really believe them to be remotely close to reality or is it more HH fake ass fakery?
  3. It could be both. Like most words in the English language, the meaning is what the user intends for it to be.
  4. Those twins were way too obnoxious. They're the type that has to be at the center of attention in any party. That shit gets old fast. I can't stand how the bald one speaks and the way she over enunciates everything. Looking forward to when she gets auf'd. That'll give the Katy Perry looking one something to really cry about.
  5. Just saw an episode of one with two sleeping lofts opposite each other. One side is for the parents and the other is for their two sons (4 and 6 yo). Were these two planning to never have sex again until the kids move out? Or were they still going to do it with the kids sleeping 10' away? Because if that's the case, they better be putting aside the money they saved on this thing for all the therapy the kids will need when they're older.
  6. This episode's breakneck speed and 6 month flashforward just makes it seems like the producers forgot that this is the season finale and had to quickly wrap everything up
  7. And the other 5 minutes is Negan doing his back bends. God, he's tiresome.
  8. It seems like about a third of the episode is just Negan's verbal diarrhea. I'm ready for someone to take out Eugene now.
  9. Love Aly. The way she delivers her lines and her reactions are awesome. I've been a fan of Nasim since her SNL days. Bye Reagan, not going to miss her in the slightest. And I'm not ready for this show to end yet. A final season to wrap everything up would be ideal.
  10. I couldn't stand Solomon when he was on The Blacklist but on this show he's my favorite character. His lines are awesome.
  11. Tony

    S01.E01: Taken

    If someone shoots me and then invites me to join them, I'd throw my hospital jello at said person and then threaten to empty my catheter bag all over them if they don't get the eff out of my room.
  12. Yup, aged matte brass is the new brushed nickel. Soon to be clamored by House Hunters everywhere
  13. Having her be a normal Stepford wife mom would be the best way to go. It'll be funny watching Max squirm while redacting all the exaggerations she said about her mom. Her being an over-the-top version of Max would be so predictable.
  14. Another clusterfuck of a season has come and gone. Just like Ashley and the other hack winners of this show, Erin will now return to obscurity to never be seen or heard from again. (Until they dredge her out for All-Stars)
  15. Erin's nauseating to watch as usual. Hers is the worst collection there IMO. But as we all know, she'll be the winner and follow in Ashley's footsteps as another undeserving special snowflake. Those laser-cut sequins that she was so proud of where just glittery circles. I can get the same thing from Wal-mart in at least 5 different departments. And as usual, she tacks the embellishments on the garment in random clumps. This clusterfuck is such a joke.
  16. Once again, Cam is the annoying needy man-child and is pretty much unwatchable. Mitchell needs to brush off that law degree of his and put in the divorce papers asap.
  17. That could also be their close friendship building stronger throughout the series. This whole puppy-eyed love lust thing totally came out of nowhere and does reek of fanservice.
  18. This is a strong group? Were we were watching the same show?
  19. I'm just hoping boots sabotaged all the foods and supplies and was there watching to see who carted it away. Let's see if TPTB can make this happen.
  20. I never thought I'd actually be glad to see Laurel again and hoping she's back from the dead. In season 2 she was my most hated character on the show.
  21. Can't stand Robbie so the whole Jess and Robbie thing has been awful. He's gotten way too much screen time. Then again, I also hated Nick and Jess together. Jess should just be asexual (and ideally leave the show altogether).
  22. Sounds like another boring filler episode. Good thing this show has 24-episode a season. Oh wait... there aren't?
  23. If you came on this show without at least 10 designs and a collection for fashion week already imprinted into your mind, then you deserve to flail around like a headless chicken and produce crap. You need to have the garment planned ahead and then reshape it to fit whatever the brief is and/or materials available. This is the 15th season so there's no excuses for the designers to not do their homework beforehand.
  24. They did have 2 days for this challenge. Erin wasted the first day glueing those tacky ass flower nipple pasties.
  25. How the fuck did Erin's nipple pastie travesty win? Now that she's won a challenge we'll be back to seeing her irritating stuck up face again Corny and cry baby should have both been sent home.
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