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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. In all fairness to the attention whores, cleanser alone isn't going to take off that much makeup. https://www.allure.com/story/what-is-double-cleansing The Bateses are just lucky they don't have visible acne like the Duggars.
  2. I'm not sure if you think you're funny, but you're not. It's important for wildlife, including feral cats, to have access to clean, non-frozen water. Would you expect your pets to drink frozen water, especially during the winter? Topic: Is it just me, or does Katie wear a LOT of makeup? Like she puts it on with a spatula? Not even when you're breeding purebreds. I doubt the Clarks have a license, but even that doesn't mean a breeder is on the up and up. A lot of puppy mills and backyard breeders have licenses. Not a single certification or skill required, whether you're breeding "doodles" or another mutt or an actual breed.
  3. A doodle isn't a breed -- it's a mutt. Furthermore, a lot of vets say and do whatever they think clients want, because money. See: declawing of cats, docking of dogs' ears and tails. I am a longtime cat rescue volunteer. I have seen some real dumbass vets. Being able to handle the academic work doesn't mean they're not morons.
  4. YT content and puppies are cute. I doubt any Bates is capable of deeper thought than that.
  5. Doesn't mean it's right or that the vet has any clue. Remi is a "doodle," right? So they're breeding mutts for money.
  6. I think Kem had but Carter hadn't. But I never thought Kem was all that into him anyway. If not for the baby, I doubt they'd have lasted six months.
  7. I can't stand Kem, either. I think the whole Kem storyline happened just because Noah Wyle wanted to leave, and the writers needed a way to have that happen. Carter should have gotten together with Debbie, the ICRC worker he met before Kem. They had chemistry, their relationship made sense, and she even looked like his previous girlfriend type (blonde, a little boho). Carter + Kem still doesn't make sense to me.
  8. JL appeared in the On the Road special, the one that aired when Johanna was a baby. IIRC, JL and Mary had to come rescue the fundie Duggars (the Fuggars?) when a car broke down or something before they even made it out of Arkansas. JL was polite but made it clear he didn't approve of breeding for Jesus. I'm sure that was a source of conflict for JL and JB, since as we've seen, JB is the type who knows everything so he can't tolerate being told what to do, and that would include "stop having so many kids since you clearly can't manage or afford them without help."
  9. That's how it is here. Even doctors' offices don't hire LPNs now -- it's MAs and maybe an RN or two if they do infusions or IV treatments, like my hematologist's office. LPNs here are pretty much limited to home health care or nursing homes. I wonder how Michaela's nursing program feels about somebody taking up a program spot when she doesn't even plan to use her license. Maybe she did plan to use it and then changed her mind, but if not, I wouldn't blame the school for being ticked off.
  10. Nah, Nathan is fuglier. He looks like his parents combined to give him all their worst features -- Zach only got 80% of Gilly's least attractive components.
  11. I wonder if the Stewarts have even a smidge of self-awareness. Do they realize that if they continue with things like that, chances are they will get some backlash that will sink (or at least damage) their social media plans? Leghumpers alone can't sustain them.
  12. I live in a metro area, and specialist appointments typically take far more than a week. I speak from unfortunate experience, especially with neurologists. As for the rest, read this: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9832-an-overview-of-factitious-disorders
  13. Scamming money and FD aren't mutually exclusive, though. This article doesn't mention money, but it does mention social media. "The main motivator behind factitious disorder is often a concrete gain in attention from others. Whether it’s from family, neighbors, colleagues or even on social media." https://health.clevelandclinic.org/8-fascinating-things-to-know-about-factitious-disorder/ Carlin has always set off my BS meter. I don't trust people who have "gender reveals" at a damn Target.
  14. I probably wouldn't have known except that I have the misfortune to know somebody who has it. She also exhibits factitious disorder imposed on another -- in her case, her dozens of cats. She's a cat hoarder. Otherwise, she shows just about every listed symptom, and there are many of us in the rescue world who think so. Topic: I wonder what high drama Carlin and Evan will come up with next.
  15. If it wasn't for their reliance on $ocial media po$t$, I'd wonder if this was a factitious disorder situation. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/factitious-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20356028 Hard cackle at "they would show up at the opening of an envelope."
  16. I can't believe he's sixteen. In stature, he looks like a middle school-aged kid, at most.
  17. You wouldn't guess that from Reddit. 🙄 Is there a Rod boy younger than Gabe?
  18. For those who are interested, here is some info from the Epilepsy Foundation. As has been pointed out already, there are many types of seizures and epilepsy syndromes other than what people typically think of as seizures. https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-types The NIH also has good information. (My seizures were always absence as a kid, myoclonic, or tonic-clonic aka grand mal in adolescence and adulthood. My grandmother had complex partial seizures, which is the most common kind in seniors. When she had her first one, I didn't recognize what she had as a seizure, and neither did the paramedics or the ER doctors. We all thought she'd had a stroke; her diagnosis was a process of elimination, as it is for a lot of people with epilepsy. I've never known anybody who had a mobile EEG unless they were kids with some genetic syndrome.) I've made it clear that I think Carlin, and most of the other Bateses, are grade-A flakes and attention-seekers. Posting the kinds of things they have been posting just cements that for me. However, I do hope that if it's real, she gets diagnosed and treated soon. For her kids' sakes.
  19. One does not have to be diagnosed with epilepsy to be forbidden to drive for a period of time. I seriously doubt a self-absorbed attention-seeker like Carlin would take it seriously.
  20. Idiots like Carlin make things more difficult for those of us with epilepsy who do take it seriously. She needs her ass knocked down a peg.
  21. Jill and Jinger might drink occasionally, but none of the other original Duggars do as far as I know. I'm curious why the devil's lettuce was singled out for mention.
  22. I got an AP news alert that Ray Liotta has died. It said he died in his sleep Wednesday night in the Dominican Republic, where he was filming. He was 67. Rest peacefully, Ray.
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