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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. He looks like he escaped from an exhibit at the zoo. If there is a gawd, please let that child look like her mother.
  2. I wonder if Erin takes her tradwife "values" to such an extent that even working for their church in music is not allowed. Or maybe their church hired a pianist who doesn't pound on the keys like she's punishing them.
  3. You're assuming that Kelly actually cares about her grandchildren, or that she cared about her own children's well-being when they were growing up. Kelly only cares about quantity, not quality, just like Michelle Duggar. What's in the diaper bag? My guess is more photo props, makeup, extra batteries and chargers for the phones, and maybe a snack.
  4. Facebook Marketplace in my area has a lot of free piano listings. I feel bad for the listers because they seem kind of desperate. PLEASE TAKE THIS PIANO! I hope Lawson's piano-playing skills are at least marginally superior to his singing and songwriting.
  5. If Pa has any sense, he said, "No, the RV will be just fine for me." Would YOU want to stay in that gross house with 11 people and 11,854 doodads per room? As for Ma, she'll be ignored until Jill needs another reason for a fundraiser.
  6. I can never see Austin or his beard any other way now. Please pass the brain bleach!
  7. I think Evan is inherently lazy, and becoming a Bates has just fueled that, especially if he sees his in-laws more often than he does his own family. I suspect he has a wide streak of attention whore in his makeup, too.
  8. Well, what the anal rapist likes doesn't result in pregnancies. 😡 I hope he is kind to Tabitha.
  9. He is a smarmy bobble head in dad jeans!
  10. He's still got some gut. Look at the way his shirt fabric drapes. Mullet looks as vapid as ever. I wonder if she's ever gained the ability to say "underwear" without whispering it.
  11. Well, I guess the pigs have sprouted wings and taken off. Take notice, Jana Duggar.
  12. Did the Maxwells' pastor get to them?! I thought the Arndts were almost certainly a family of permanently failing to launch, mommy-obeying, daddy-following, adult incels. Possibly with manifestos -- they're creepy enough.
  13. You should see how retail or Amazon works. You'd never buy anything again, including food. I wouldn't take as gospel (hehe) anything BSB says about their business. Or anything else.
  14. I didn't have a table and chairs until this month (thanks, Facebook Marketplace). It doesn't mean I "prefer the unhealthy" -- it just means I couldn't afford a table and chairs. I find it hard to believe there are that many leghumpers with credit cards and online access who are willing to buy cheap fabric that purports to be dresses. I wouldn't put it past the Bateseseses to pile up empty shipping packages and call them "sales."
  15. Is Jonathan copping a feel with his fingertips? The placement of his hand looks odd. That dress looked better than Kaylee's actual wedding dress.
  16. I have to say, "Tiger Paws Jumbo Snax" isn't much better than a freaking cake pop from Starbucks. They might as well give Layla the sugar dispenser and let her have at it. Do better, Carlin. Try some grapes or orange sections. Is that the lowly hired staff working in the warehouse? What were "busy" owners Whitney and Carlin doing -- posing for photos?
  17. Do Ma and Pa live in Ohio? I thought they lived in West Virginia, near Severely Crippled daughter Amy and the other two, non-Jill, somewhat normal daughters.
  18. Or maybe Pa is sane and doesn't want to stay in the barndo with 11 kids and all that mess.
  19. That's how it was when my sister's ex gave up his parental rights to their daughter. My sister's now-husband (they weren't married then) immediately adopted her. It was a party occasion with photos, including of each of them holding the judge's gavel, and so on. However, as far as I know, it was not scripted, staged, and edited for reality TV.
  20. I bet I know which is his bigger priority (no pun intended).
  21. I live in metro Detroit, and I haven't seen one for years. I occasionally see people wiping down the kid part of the cart, but that's about it. I'd think it would be just something else to tote around. Is it just me, or does Layla always look tired?
  22. It's entirely possible that Jonathan only qualified to buy that house. He's a kid with no education and not much work history. He's not going to be buying BF, Ohio's version of a McMansion right off the bat.
  23. There's Carlin's foolish gaping maw again. SotDRT strikes again. She should be ashamed of herself for so many reasons, but she doesn't have the sense or the intellect to be ashamed of herself.
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