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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I'd sure like to know what they might have been doing to qualify for that kind of mortgage, especially in Arkansas. I call BS on that until I see proof.
  2. Season 14 is wretched. By the time it was over, I wished Abby was in that ambulance. I kind of still do. Here's a question -- how the hell did Luka manage to get a marriage license without St. Abby there? They don't strike me as the kind of couple who'd know each other's full names, dates of birth, place of birth, socials, mother's maiden name etc. etc., even if it were allowed for only one party to be present.
  3. I think his idiot grandparents have forgotten about him already. I'm pretty sure they heard Jill praying from the next county. It would be hard for nurses in the same hospital, let alone the same ward, to NOT hear.
  4. While Erin spends money redecorating. Collecting barn animals. Bleaching her hair.
  5. Kelly looks busty to me. Apparently, Gil's mother is, too.
  6. She was pretty big before she had kids. It's a Bates family trait.
  7. It's a little better than the multi-tiered monstrosities she usually models. When I say a little better, I mean like a hairball is preferable to what my cat does on carpet when she eats her wet food too fast.
  8. Because they might have to actually pay someone else to model it?
  9. Oh, for crying out loud. The "before" shot is clearly Photoshopped -- she made her face wider and her hair bigger! What a fruit loop.
  10. My guess is that Anna's parents and in-laws wouldn't approve, but if she wanted to live alone with no warden accountability partner, they couldn't do anything about it because she's a married adult. Since it's Ofsmuggar and hell would freeze over before she was independent, my guess is that her brother-in-law would keep watch over her, or one of the younger Duggars would be sent to live with her as a servant companion.
  11. Gil and Kelly still act like high school kids! In a lot of ways, Carlin, and by extension Evan, are just following her parents' example. Don't have any money and can't handle more kids? No problem, let's have ten more and gawd will provide. Don't have insurance because I'm too lazy to work? No problem, the ER will take care of it and eat the bill. Got kids at home but I want to do something fun for myself alone? No problem, I'm off to Niagara Falls/Australia/New Zealand/New York for a baseball game.
  12. I sincerely hope she's not. Buck the cult, Balkas. Two kids is enough, and you can give them a good life.
  13. I unfortunately remember that, too. I think it was on another forum when discussing Smuggar's wedding night, and somebody had quotes from the Ed Wheat book. It was surprisingly woman-centered for anybody, let alone misogynist, patriarchal fundies. Please pass the brain bleach, and let us never ever mention any fundie's sex life again. I prefer to think they don't have one, and they just find their kids out in the strawberry patch, like my parents found me.
  14. The Bates females are generally very well-endowed. She's not noticeably bigger than her mother or some of her sisters -- Michael(a), Erin, or Carlin, to name three. Then add padded bras on top of that. She's young, does professional hair and makeup, and uses a ton of filters for posting. I don't think she's had Botox and/or fillers. ETA: definitely lip fillers, but not other fillers.
  15. Therapy would also address her "episodes" and factitious disorder. I think a combination of mental illness and her worthless parents brought her to this point. She didn't get the professional help and attention she needed when she lived under their roof, and now she and her own children are paying the price.
  16. Seriously? That's ridiculous -- she doesn't even have enough sense to appreciate the opportunity! I wonder who paid for the tickets. Lazy Grifters Take New York, coming soon to an Instagram account near you.
  17. So the unemployed mother of two young children is traveling from Tennessee to New York City for one night to see a game in which she has no interest. She damn well better get some good, snarkable Instagram content for us out of this!
  18. And her nasty half-inch-thick acrylic nails, too. Fake nails are germ magnets, and knowing what a pig Jill is, I bet that is magnified in her case.
  19. Yes, all the Duggars marched in to see her. But that was before covid (which is still going on). When you know better, you're supposed to do better.
  20. I wonder how many times he's pissed in her face. Sorry not sorry, Alyssa.
  21. I haven't seen any Counting On episodes on Tubi. Lots of Khate + Eight and other freakish "reality" shows, though.
  22. I'll give him a pass on this one. He's young, overly sheltered, just became a dad early and traumatically, and has probably never seen a baby with that many tubes and monitors before. If he looks like that at a normal birth, I'll go with "dead inside." I did giggle at "watching his wife choose a lobster."
  23. Skin on the palms and fingers is very thin and sensitive, too. I'd be very surprised if he's back to normal even in a couple weeks. My dirty mind just wondered how he's going to handle peeing. Katie, an ex-sister mom, is well-prepared.
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