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Everything posted by rmontro

  1. Obviously I was talking about random drug testing. Recreational marijuana is legal now in California, but as far as I know that doesn't mean an employer has to allow use of it, especially if they think it could have a negative effect on an employee's judgement, and especially in a a place like a surgical hospital. I'm not saying that it would have an effect on a doctor's judgement, but I'm sure there are people who think it does. Also, if there is a lawsuit, a doctor having drugs in their system might look bad.
  2. Wow, that's pretty good money. No wonder he's so snooty 🙂
  3. Let's face it, the real money maker here is the TV show.
  4. The whole face transplant story was very touching. Glassman was more pleasant this episode, although he still took time out from being stoned to yell at the Uber driver, who was much more helpful than she needed to be. It was nice that he apologized to his old classmate, but the fact that he wrote that in her yearbook in the first place shows that he was a dick even then. Apparently they don't do drug testing at St. Bonaventure Hospital. Otherwise Shawn could be in trouble. Next episode looks interesting, a new chief of surgery who isn't sympathetic to Shawn's quirks.
  5. I guess I'm not the only one then who thinks that the markings on the 3d model look nothing like the markings on the real stone? On the model they look like runes, and on the stone it looks like lines.
  6. The thing that strikes me about Elsa is how cheerful she is. Even after everything that's happened, and with her marriage falling apart, she's happily going about getting breakfast or whatever she's doing, smiling and having a ball. She seems almost obliviously happy until Doug reminds her that everything isn't okay. Then she looks hurt and shocked for a few minutes before reverting to her happy little self.
  7. That's what I was thinking! They need to send Iris after Cicada. Apparently his weakness is pepper spray. They could have wrapped this case up three months ago.
  8. I want to talk about the inscribed stone they found a little while back. I think it's a big stretch to suggest it was Gothic writing. In fact, the expert only mentioned that it looked kind of like Gothic writing, but in her opinion it looked decorative, and not like writing at all. But the group all seemed to want to go with the Gothic writing idea. If it is writing, I thought it looked mostly like Ogham, an ancient Irish script. I'm sure if it was, someone would be pushing the idea. Here's an example of it: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/2c/0e/a02c0ef648456c3a39f1a0b75d8e6266.gif Notice it uses an underscored line (although it runs vertical), but the writing should be on both sides of it. I don't actually think it's Ogham, maybe it could be something related to it? But what it most looks like to me is some sort of stone that sat underneath a gutter where water kept running over it, and over time it eroded marks into it.
  9. I don't have much to say other than that I love Rent and I enjoyed the broadcast. Every version I've seen of this musical has each brought something of its own to the table, and this was no exception. For some reason, the Roger/Mimi romance really popped out for me in this one, they had great chemistry. I do wonder why they didn't just use an understudy for Rodger though, although this guy seemed quite popular with the crowd. Which reminds me, the audience was great, they really added to it.
  10. Barry shouts all of is lines, and the rest shout most of theirs. I have no idea why.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if Leonard was rebelling against both his mother AND Sheldon when it comes to his nasty sneezing ways.
  12. You have to think they would have searched the school. I doubt that they would have opened that particular locker, but probably would have heard Sheldon yell for help if he was alert. Again, Sheldon would have probably characterized it as spending the night in there even if he was let out by five or six o'clock.
  13. We've never seen George take Georgie to Red Lobster. :)
  14. Good point, as if raising a family is easy or something to be ashamed of. Considering she had two doctor sons and a successful TV producer, I'd say she did a pretty good job.
  15. For those who doubted the story, I kind of took it that they were objecting to the religious implications (I could be wrong). But Mary gets it from somewhere, and Missy's complicated birth could well have been a faith affirming moment for her.
  16. I always take those comments as a reference to the old comic books some of us remember, which were much more innocent. As for all the bad lines, this show has always kind of been in the "so bad, it's good", or "so ridiculous, it's entertaining" category for me. It's a guilty pleasure. While that makes perfect sense, it would kind of disappoint me, because I would hope Jughead would be a better writer than that :)
  17. Yes, yes, very true. The parents on the Goldbergs have the awareness of what an education can do for their children, and are guiding them in that direction. Not all kids have that advantage, and some kids do, but they won't listen. Anyway, Erica has been aimless for awhile now, and I agree it's been a realistic plot. But my guess is at some point she'll realize her mistake and go back.
  18. Yeah, we still don't know what happened in Hershey. They've made a point of not telling us, so there must be something of significance there. Not sure if it's related to her (non) relationship with Shaun though. Might be, might not.
  19. The casino is where I notice it. I'm stunned at how many people use the public restroom and don't wash their hands. Makes me want to wear gloves to play the slots.
  20. Ha! Reminds me of that early episode where Sheldon cleans Penny's apartment when she's sleeping. I understand why she was creeped out, but I remember wishing someone would clean my house while I'm sleeping.
  21. Oh. Well, you learn all kinds of things on this board. Can't blame the network. Otherwise, the family would have been a sausage party (except for Beverly).
  22. Interesting, that thought never even occurred to me. It's not like it's so far fetched.
  23. Another episode title that's from a song lyric, this time Singing' in the Rain. I think Isaac in his underwear berating Dr. Finn was probably the funniest moment of the series so far. I also liked Ed's "my father will never be a weightlifter" comment, quick thinking on his part. I thought Bortus looked good in the moustache. Everybody was pretty good natured about the simulated rain on the bridge, it looked like everyone was getting soaked. Touching move from Isaac though. Poor Yaphit, maybe he would have done better had he been able to change into a younger Norm MacDonald.
  24. I wonder if Adam has some sort of family issues, because he protrays Barry as a blithering idiot, and he turned his older brother into a girl.
  25. I guess the kids don't have to be adorable all the time. They have Missy for that, and even Georgie is getting to be more likable.
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