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Everything posted by Mindthinkr

  1. I m the designated pie maker in my family. I usually make 4-6 of them. Pumpkin, apple, pecan, mincemeat and occasionally lemon meringue. I cheerfully do it altho it does come with one small peeve. I have never gotten a pie plate returned. It would be blasphemous to use a disposable metal one in my family, so I’m usually scouring the thrift stores for inexpensive ones during the year.
  2. She seems to be the fall girl for this season and I’m not finding it enjoyable. Not that she’s one of my favorites, but I dislike a pile on. Especially when there (like you @Keywestclubkid) it seems to be for no good reason. That’s rich. Tamrat telling Andy to be quiet 😂
  3. Is Shannon’s head screwed on right or is it the weight of all the hair?
  4. I tuned into seeing Shannon doing an ugly cry which I suspect is fueled by alcohol. This is not pleasant.
  5. I was able to watch a bit of her show yesterday. I hadn’t realized her new season had begun.
  6. My father (RIP) had a crush on her so she was always fondly thought of in our house. Well, perhaps not by my mother 😂
  7. 2/5 I will bring garlic bread to go with the spaghetti.
  8. I found it amusing when Whitney was having dinner with Austin, that when Craig (and Olivia) were asked to join, everyone else wanted to know if the invite included them as well. Of course all of them want to go to his house. He’s the producer, serves champagne at a casual dinner, and the house. I’d like to go. Let me clarify. Just to meet his Mother and have a martini with her. I can do without the cast.
  9. I’m going to watch this episode this morning, but with some hesitancy. It gave me a lot of nightmares over the past week. Anyone else?
  10. 🎉 Happy Belated Birthday @Scarlett45 🎉 Wishing tou many more happy and healthy years 💛
  11. @Jynnan tonnix You are a talented artist and I love the pictures you lovingly painted of your grandchildren. What a thoughtful and beautiful gift 💝
  12. That’s wonderful. I’m hoping she will get used to it and fight it less. I really feel for how difficult this has been for you both 💝
  13. I would try a compounding pharmacy. They might be able to put it into a pill form which can be hidden in a pill pocket or pill putty. I have had to get a med done that way for my cat. It was much less waste and hassle for him to take it. Good luck 💛
  14. 2/5 No* I’ll bring meringue pavlovas with two kinds of berries.
  15. I’m sticking with this so far; it it’s definitely pinged my creepy radar. The pace of this seems deliberate and building yet at other times seems to slog.
  16. Do you have access to read all of those texts? I can understand an occasional one, but what does a fully grown man need to chat with a 14 year old about every day? Perhaps it’s just me, but I’d be suspicious. I’ve seen too much on tv about grooming etc. P.S. I thought making the bed for your sister was a kind gesture.
  17. @AgathaC Sending all the pawsitive thoughts we can muster for your dear greyhound Miss Kitty. We are adding a huge dose of purrs as they are known to have healing effects on bone. Hugs and Hope 🙏🏻
  18. I just finished Wrecker by Clive Cussler. It was all about trains and building railroads in the early 20th century. Not my wheelhouse, but it was fast paced, and drew me in. The last 50 pages had me on the edge of my seat so to speak. Now I’m reading Hyperbole and A Half by Allie Brosh. It’s in comic book-ish form. I’m not sure what I think about it yet.
  19. I try really hard to get into this show, but it’s not delivering what I would hope for in a HW show. Yes, the beach scenery was pretty. Yes, there was some nice fashions (mostly Ubah), but there’s nothing organic with these women. In no way would I want to fight with Ubah. I bets she can fight dirty. I’m growing tired of the Brynn sex kitten act. That she wants to marry Jenna? Just no. Jessel keeping tabs on other’s behavior..that’s not going to end up well. Sai just wanted everyone to get along so ok. I agree that Erin has been seriously spoiled. I didn’t believe her crocodile tears.
  20. When I was in Europe this summer I had a delicious sauerkraut and bean soup called Jota. They say it’s originated in Slovenia, but the areas of Italy that turned into Croatia also claim it as well. Lidia Bastianich has a good recipe. When I buy sauerkraut I usually get the kind in a bag that comes in the refrigerated section. Especially in this recipe it’s important to rinse it well so the soup doesn’t come out too salty.
  21. I hope the children are not aware of this custody battle. I’m also worried about what’s being put in their ears when they ask questions about where’s Mommy or Daddy.
  22. My brother and neighbor got expensive hearing aids. They both have had many issues with them and are not happy. My friends, who went to Costco, got much (hundreds vs thousands) less expensive ones that seem to work better and have less frequent problems. I still have good hearing, but am considering going to Costco to get a baseline. I’m very protective of my hearing (I wear ear plugs to the movies), but realize that may change with age and unintended noise. With the baseline they can measure the rate of loss and when it’s time to get them.
  23. I’m sure a few of us could see this coming and know a lot of stars do it to get their sentences reduced. It doesn’t change anything as soon as they’ve completed everything to get their lower sentences and are done being monitored. What I don’t understand is why the Judges fall for it every time. If we can see through it, they why don’t they?
  24. Don’t faint everyone. This week I got my first ever 5/5. Even I went back to second check I was so surprised. In honor of that I’m bringing Chantilly Cake and Champagne 🍾
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