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  1. Ok, you can add me to the list of viewers who believe that Salen is bad news. Her putting Shaun’s picture on a poster for the hospital without asking him was wrong. Like Lim, I am certain that she just had that printed without consulting him. That’s just as bad as that patient in Season 3 (I believe?) who put a video of him on social media without his permission. Her micromanaging of every situation is just going to hurt the hospital as well. Favorite part of the episode: Shaun recalling his “Tequila, stat” line. 😉 It was hard seeing Glassman feeling like he couldn’t do anything about the direction the hospital is going. It reminds me of situations where new management phased out the old bosses in real life. I think the show will write him into a situation where he either moves on (most likely) or bounces back.
  2. That is good news. I was hoping it wouldn’t get the boot after one season like a lot of shows that started over the last few years.
  3. What Darlene is going through is a result of her own actions (except the panic attacks and Molly’s death) but I feel for her in not knowing exactly how to right the ship. Unlike the past, at least right now she has SOME foundation in her current job.
  4. I think the show is making us assume that since they work at the same hospital, they’ve had a lot of conversations. It doesn’t always work like that though.
  5. I don’t dislike Salen, the new hospital owner. (It could change depending on what happens as it’s only one episode in with her running things) But I do think her expectations are a little too high and I already predict she will micromanage every detail of what goes on at the hospital (she already started when she questioned Lim and Mateo about the patients and biopsy results towards the end of the episode). Hopefully Shaun’s meltdown won’t cost him his job; in the preview for next week we see him lashing out at her. The antifreeze storyline sounds like what this show seems to do every once in a while.
  6. I found it funny that Mark had to interview distant members of the family (were they even that though?) to complete his school project because everyone in his immediate family has little hope for a bright future and at this point, they all actually take pride in it. 😆 Also enjoyed the constant breaking of the fourth wall.
  7. I think a lot of the “Daniel was the real bully” stuff was a result of the ‘thing’ going on YouTube where people make videos stating reasons why the “good” character was really “bad”. It’s been done with other movies/shows too. The show picked it up as a gag during the school assembly, and the Tom Cole stuff. Daniel wasn’t entirely innocent in the feud with Johnny leading up to the tournament, he did pour a water hose on Johnny’s head and then mock their injuries later when he knew their senseis had the agreement that they’d leave him alone until the tournament. But you’re right that Johnny played a part in continuing it too. Daniel tries fighting Johnny on the beach, Johnny dodges then knocks him down. Then Daniel sucker punches him so Johnny gives him 3 hard hits so he doesn’t get back up. Then Johnny continues the feud at soccer tryouts and decides to knock Daniel down there, even though Daniel hadn’t done anything to him that day. And there’s the night when Daniel’s riding home on his bike and they decide to cut him off and force him down a hill simply because he showed up at the Cobra Kai dojo and observed. But Johnny did show at the end when he handed him the trophy and throughout the entire Cobra Kai series that he doesn’t go for the aggressive caveman stuff that Kreese and Silver (and Mike Barnes in KK3) are all about.
  8. From what I saw, ratings were low so I saw it coming. 😟
  9. I agree. The gun issue and the COVID stuff between them was pretty bad. They didn’t get along very well at all in Season 4. It’s unfortunate he and Debbie divorced. Speaking of divorce, Andrews’ situation during this episode looked good at first glance on paper, but I kept waiting for crap to hit the fan and it did when the two girls showed up on the same date and then decided to go to another bar with each other.
  10. Can’t wait for the season, there’s so many ways the events going into it can play out.
  11. I don’t remember that, was it last season? When Lea said she had been married before, my reaction in this episode was “what?!” In the 5th year of Good Doctor, we have a new owner of the hospital. Probably explains why she posed as a patient (why not as a prospective employee?) and was asking everyone all those questions and going to their offices/workspaces (I wonder if her office comments to Glassman will come to play later, though I saw the preview for next episode and he’s thinking of leaving?). I also wonder if she will come to terms with Shaun’s autism like the other doctors, or if she’ll have the same view Dr. Han had. Its been a while since I viewed some of the episodes from last season; some I only viewed on first watch (I’m thinking of viewing those episodes a second time & commenting on them). Was Debbie shown leaving Glassman in an episode or did they just write her actress out of the show?
  12. Go, Lea. She saved the hospital. Glad that Glassman showed appreciation for that and invited her to his poker night. When Lim came into the room and said that somebody in her department blew the whistle to a reporter about their patient, I was pretty sure it wasn't Claire. Yes, she openly expressed her negative feeling about the situation, but the show has hardly ever been that obvious when they have us guess who did something. I definitely thought it was Olivia because of all her facial expressions when people talked to Claire about it, but wasn't expecting that Andrews was the one who made the call.
  13. I'm so relieved that Daniel is finally out of that mindset that Johnny operates just like Kreese and Silver since they are all Cobra Kai. When he realized Kreese took the dojo from Johnny, I think it finally sunk in. It's ironic how Amanda went from thinking Daniel was just being irrational last season to being even more determined than Daniel to take Kreese down this season. I loved it though, especially when she slapped Kreese and then yelled and cussed him out in the council room. Little by little, more people are realizing that Kreese is a dangerous and corrupt sensei. Too bad none of the people with power realize that yet. But I do think it will come to a head in Season 4. Considering how devoted Hawk was to Cobra Kai, I didn't expect him to realize the truth about Kreese this soon. When Kyler came up to him and said, "Good job, these suckers never stood a chance!" and then saw Kyler and Miguel fighting right in front of him, then saw Demetri get held in place for another broken arm, he realized that all he did under Kreese's influence was become just like Kyler, who had bullied him and provided the initial motivation for him to join Cobra Kai in the first place. The writers didn't give us enough scenes with Tory's home life to make me feel for her, but I don't think I would have anyway considering her actions this season. They were even worse than what she did in S2. It's understandable how Robby felt like he had no one after Daniel gave up on him TWICE, then didn't even give him a chance to turn himself in. Then Johnny didn't even come to visit him in the juvenile facility. And remember that he decided to go to Daniel because Johnny let him down in S1, so it's logical he goes to Kreese because Johnny AND Daniel let him down. That said, Robby will most likely see Kreese's true nature in S4, especially if they lose the tournament. Hopefully Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang combine their techniques and use it to be that much stronger. Now that Johnny's out of Cobra Kai and it's full of psycho students (including Robby considering how he was in the school fight even before he kicked Miguel off the railing), I'm no longer rooting for them. Seeing Kumiko, that girl Daniel saved in KK2 as an adult, Chozen and Ali were all great pluses for this season. I'm glad Chozen was able to drop his hatred and improve his life. He says Sato helped him do that, so I assume Sato only said "Now to you I really am dead" to him in KK2 only out of anger.
  14. Johnny used his "Not anymore!" powers to bring us Season 3 earlier! :)
  15. Watched this episode today, and thought the Tammy and Adam bonding was great. Probably the best part of the episode.
  16. Harris’ anger not only went towards the wrong people, but it was totally stupid of her to get that mad over having to leave her unpaid spot in the streets to go back to her PAYING JOB. It was BS to imply that Dan wanted their money because he was greedy; this is a man who has spent and devoted his entire life taking care of not only her, but her mother and aunt because they both refuse to better themselves. Meanwhile, her father totally abandoned her and her brother (who is still 12)!
  17. I fell asleep while watching this yesterday and didn’t see the end of the episode. But I did see Dan ask for his rent, and I think his live-in daughters should’ve been embarrassed that he had to ask for that. I would have money set aside specifically for that, and then manage the rest for living expenses.
  18. Definitely an out of nowhere moment at the end of the episode, considering what we had come to expect of the show and it’s characters to this point. I enjoyed watching all of Janet’s persona changes as Michael was trying to make her seem more relaxed.
  19. Lim at the very least should have convinced Shaun to keep an eye on the new doctors without making them feel like he was hovering over them. While I hate that Asher lost his first patient, maybe it's good for his sake that it happened on his first case right away. That way, he will get the feeling down and maybe be number to it in the future. Not the best pairing in Shaun and Lea, but I still maintain that she is good for him to have in his life. Mentally, he just seems considerably older than her (some of it is caused by his autism, and some of it is Lea's mannerisms not maturing yet). He has a constant of not wanting things to change when that happens in life. I give Morgan this, at least when people give crap back to her, she doesn't complain about it or act like it was undeserved. She more or less shrugs and says, "well played". Park gives as well as he gets.
  20. I actually WAS alive for the fourth movie (I was 4, lol). I liked the prospect of Mr. Miyagi training someone other than Daniel; that should come into play in Cobra Kai at some point! And Robyn Lively appeared in a The Good Doctor episode last year, so while she's still in acting, it'd be nice to get her on the show too to reprise Jessica, even if just for a single scene.
  21. The one thing I think is great about this series is that the first three movies were made and released before I was even born, and then 30 years later when I'm well into adult years, a reboot is made (and actually is wildly popular and loved, unlike most reboots) and I am invested in the franchise.
  22. The Jeremy Bearimy timeline for the afterlife, and whole explanation of it did the exact same thing to me as it did to Chidi. My mind was going, "WTF?! How does that make ANY sense at all?!?!?" But I suppose it did provide for some necessary comedy. Chidi teaching class with a pot of chili (with Peeps!) and the little speech he gave about "life's test" was hilarious.
  23. Agreed. It should be easy to figure out why the boss wrote her up if she was spending 45 minutes Facetiming her daughter when she should have been working. Any work place, that will get you into a lot of trouble (especially when you have co-workers who will tell the bosses on you because they have to cover for the work you're not doing, or to take any negative attention away from them). I didn't think Darlene was wrong at all, and she did Becky a favor by not causing her to lose a shift like the manager wanted to do. Also, Becky could very well have been the influence to everyone else who was late getting back on the workfloor in that beginning scene. It's funny how Darlene wasn't concerned about keeping Ben in her life before, but now suddenly is.
  24. Looks like Darlene and Ben won’t have a baby together, but given Darlene’s living situation right now, it’s probably for the best. At least she got to have two (and they both show up in the reboot unlike Jackie’s kid and Roseanne’s youngest kid that she had late in the original show) Seems to me like DJ has taken a SERIOUS back-seat role on this show compared to his dad, aunt and sisters. I began watching it on Hulu to get caught up before this new season started, and every time his daughter or wife is mentioned, I think “Who? You need to give them more than just the occasional mention or appearance, show!”
  25. I’ve never watched House, but that would be so awful. I’m glad that didn’t happen. It’s a good sign that Lea can’t see herself with anyone but Shaun in the next year, but she seemed unsure about moving back in because she knew things wouldn’t be the same as when they lived together as friends. I wouldn’t have pushed her about it as much and would have given her space to figure that out. I hope the next time Shaun has a major event happen that affects him negatively, she will support him. Speaking of living with Shaun, I’m guessing the reason Park took Morgan’s offer to live together Is because he had to leave Shaun’s due to Lea moving in. The episode didn’t really provide context on that. I get that Morgan doing spiteful stuff is who she can be, but hiding the gloves was taking it too far. What if someone else needed those and couldn’t find them because of her games? Hopefully for her sake she doesn’t find herself in the unemployment line; Lim warned her last season and Glassman already warned her this season.
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