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  1. Virtual

    The Sims

    I’ve played The Sims 2 on both console and PC (obviously the PC version blew away console version for me). Same with The Sims 3 (console and PC versions were closer together in enjoyment, which I liked). So far I have only played The Sims 4 on PC. It’s pretty enjoyable as well, though I do need to get a new PC for it to play better. I plan on playing more once I do that.
  2. Have to agree with everyone who is saying that Dan could have waited and been able to sell his furniture for closer to what he wanted for it. We even saw one interested buyer show up right after he burned it. 🤣 The Christmas tree Jackie brought was truly tacky. Isabella was just looking for someone to watch her kid while she partied by the looks of it. Glad Becky realized that she is possibly trying to rewrite her own life by helping the college students, and that she will only be able to help those who take it serious enough to help themselves. Darlene’s revelation is what I have been thinking all along.
  3. Well, Harris' plan didn't work out at all. Unfortunately, she now has no one since Darlene threw her out too (not knowing that Aldo isn't letting her move in). While I hate to see it, she does need something to get through to her. She won't listen to Darlene, Becky, Jackie or Dan, and she wouldn't even listen to Roseanne on the original reboot. Jackie's creative ways of bringing food to people really isn't needed. I can't think of any restaurant that would depend on "robots" to take people their food. Some of them out there might be trying it right now and it might happen in the LOOONG way off future. But I haven't seen it. Everyone who knows me can figure that I hate the idea because it would cost waiters/waitresses their jobs. Darlene putting the sticky note on DJ when Dan said he was putting them on stuff that was going to be given away prompted me to think, "You don't need to do that! Soon, the writers will put DJ back into Off-Screenville where they are intent on keeping him."
  4. Since I saw some people commenting on Reba not having friends, apparently it is something that the writers didn't want for her, at least to last longer than one episode. Reba DID have Lori-Ann (I think that was her name) in the early seasons, but she was written out of the show. I wish she'd stayed, especially later on when Barbra Jean started getting snotty and acting like Reba owed her for offering a "hand of friendship." Barbra Jean is lucky Reba doesn't do all she can to disrupt her and Brock's life* given how close they live. I really couldn't stand Cheyenne a lot of the time. Especially when she was failing at things because she was more focused on "things that glitter" and the daily gossip caused Reba to have to bail her out with money that she was going to use to pay for Kyra's trip. And then Cheyenne had the audacity to say Kyra was selfish for moving out because of it. Uh, NO. Cheyenne was the one who was selfish, and was able to hide it by having a reputation as "someone good." Reba pointed it out to Cheyenne in the 5th birthday episode, but I don't think it was enough. *Obviously it would be wrong of Reba to do that, but Barbra Jean got away with having a bad attitude too often in the later episodes.
  5. And that is something that I wish networks didn't do. When I get the DVD's of shows, overall I can find about 20 scenes in the series' run, depending on how long the show is, that the network channel I first watched the episodes on didn't show for some reason. Some time ago, I watched the Raybert episode (I think on TVLand), and the last scene where the girl comes back to the laundry room to introduce Robert to her father (when she thinks he's Ray and her father, having seen Ray on TV knows it's not him) was cut out. Overall, I lean more towards not having a reboot, even more so now that you've reminded me that one of the twins is now gone too.
  6. That reunion went better than I could have ever expected any reunion for this show to go. 😊 One thing that I thought about just now, I remembered all of Carlton's shows of strength in words (he was the only one to stand up to Janet, and he told off that fraternity leader who didn't want him simply because his parents were rich). I don't remember Ashley or Hilary having any of those moments specifically; they seemed to make people feel worse most of the time. Vivian was enraged when Will and Carlton were arrested because they were black, and she took Will to task when he didn't take the black history class seriously. Phil had MANY, getting Will and Carlton out of jail and later getting himself and Will out of jail, his rant towards that woman who told him he was selling out because he was a successful lawyer and more... And even Geoffrey pulled Hilary together when she was embarrassed her friends would see her serving food.
  7. That is cool. It never fails to make me burst into laughter every time I watch that episode and Ray just randomly launches into that skit during the meeting with the kids' teacher. 😆 Part of me wanted this show to be rebooted during the wave of reboots that started around 2014 or so, but the other part of me remembered Frank's line about not having a good show without he and Marie.
  8. Indeed. Networks and streaming should really stop cutting scenes (to me, it waters down the product). I noticed this regard really bad with The Good Place. I first watched it on Netflix and when I got the DVD, I'd see about 2-3 scenes per episode that I didn't see on Netflix because they cut it out for some reason. I used to watch this show as a teen when it would show on Nick at Nite. Although it was originally a Cosby Show spinoff, I liked this show way better (even the Season 1 episodes) because it highlighted college life, and how certain students can be. It also tackles a couple of issues that have been rare to see in other shows I've viewed.
  9. For the longest time I thought Seinfeld was overrated, and I didn't know why people liked it so much. This was after me watching scattered episodes here and there growing up. Recently, I decided to binge-watch the whole series and oddly enough, I found this "show about nothing" fascinating, especially George deciding to do things just because he'd gain a morsel of attention from it. 😆
  10. I totally got the impression that Salen was going to tell the doctors to give a cover up story to the mother to avoid her coming after the hospital legally. And I still think that is what she is going to tell them to do, or blame them, judging from the scene with Lim and the preview for next episode. I hope Lim and Shaun both put their jobs on the line going against her because everyone needs to know how wrong it is to just dismiss a death like that. Hopefully Andrews wakes up and sees who he is dealing with.
  11. So Mark and Becky are both starting at a new school? Should be interesting. 😆
  12. I agree there, Salen hasn’t really said anything to Shaun about anything he’s done or his performance while she has done that with the neurotypical doctors. Less characters is a good thing if it can improve the show’s dynamic. Melendez was killed off, Claire went to work at the Guatemala hospital. Asher and Jordan are pretty much taking their place, although the show can’t seem to find anything to do with them, or Reznick and Park (why not have them talk about what work life was like working under creepy Dr. Coyle versus now; I’d rather see that instead of all the ‘ehh’ stuff they have been going on about this season). Although I was a tiny bit intrigued by Morgan wanting him to “better himself”. I wonder if that comes from how her family always looked down on her, but she figured it might stop if she became successful (which she was wrong about as they still did that to her). oh yeah, another important issue: I knew Glassman was going on a road trip of some sorts most likely, but he REALLY just left his garage door wide open when he left? 😂
  13. Just my personal opinion, all the lives that Shaun has saved in his time as a doctor pretty much outweigh any negative review he gets. Other doctors weren’t able to save those people that he did due to not having his savant syndrome. People saying he talks weird is nitpicking anyways since there is a billboard telling them he is on the spectrum. But I know there are lots of people out in the world who only focus on little things like that and don’t see the full picture. Lea have him the best advice though and I agree with it, Shaun should just focus on doing what he is best at and not worry about the negative reviews. Another thing about the world, you will always have doubters no matter what. The challenge is to completely brush it off and keep thriving. however, Lea shouldn’t have gone behind his back and erased his negative scores. Considering how Salen watches everything like a hawk and micromanages anything that moves, I’d expect her to confront Lea about that. I guess Mateo is off the show from this episode forward as it was abruptly announced he is leaving the series.
  14. The beginning of the great team that was Eleanor and Jason. And by great, I mean hilarious! Them taking Chidi’s class could make a sub-show of sorts.
  15. And so it all begins... I think I find this episode all the more funny each time I watch it. 😆 My favorite line was when Michael told Eleanor about how she died, when he said, “And one of the first on the scene was a paramedic, who just so happened to be your ex-boyfriend....” then Eleanor said, “Ok, ok!” 🤣 I also wonder if I ever made a prediction where I was 92% right about how it’d play out.
  16. That’s a very good point, he DOES benefit from a lot if Harris moves in. That’s not even mentioning that Harris will probably be the adult in that relationship despite her being 19 years younger than him. And if Harris doesn’t listen to her own family (she proved time and time again that she won’t), I don’t think anyone can get through to her.
  17. I think he will at least call Shaun to tell him. If not, then Lea can fill Shaun in on how she fixed his car and that he’s probably going on a road trip. Glassman and everyone else that works at the hospital don’t exactly fit with the vision Salen is trying to meet. You could tell when Salen wanted him to give positive answers in interviews, that he did NOT like it one bit and only agreed to not rock the boat. And everyone is all constantly coming to his house for answers on how to deal with Salen. So I dont blame him at all for needing some time to himself.
  18. While I can understand Becky being skeptical about who is around Beverly Rose, I got a huge “we split up and I thought I could do better than him, but he found someone good so he IS worth being with” vibe from her regarding Emilio and his new girlfriend. Speaking of Peter Pan, Aldo seems to live that type of lifestyle. At least he has one thing going for him, and that’s that he didn’t bail when talks came up about Harris moving in. Loved how Dan threw Aldo’s kids’ shtick right back at them and creeped them out at the end.
  19. Any surprise we get with Kreese will probably be related to Cobra Kai since he seems to invest his whole life into that dojo.
  20. Mateo didn’t last long on the show. I hope it was his own decision rather than being forced out.
  21. That could be, lol. 😆 I can see Emilio and Beverly Rose moving into Off-Screenville for the remainder of the series.
  22. I say good for Glassman if he does decide to take a trip for himself. Hopefully it can recharge his batteries. I was also glad he was willing to defend Shaun about the billboard. It was nice of Lea to finish fixing his car for him. I know Shaun changed his mind after seeing how Holly viewed him in a positive way, but I still didn’t like how Salen initially put up the billboard without consulting him. But Salen was right about how Glassman shouldn’t coddle Shaun, and that Shaun had worked it out on his own.
  23. From what I gathered, she already owned that care business, and buying the hospital is an addition to that, hence all the changes she has made that the doctors don’t like.
  24. That’s what I thought too. I was saying, “Just go!!! You can get married in the storm cellar as long as the minister is there!” I’m glad Louise didn’t skip out on the wedding like it looked might happen. And Becky desperately needs coping mechanisms, or she will be in danger of falling back into old habits. I also hope it gets addressed how Harris is dating a 38 year old (if he appears beyond this episode) while she is 19. Yeah, they’re both over 18 but a 38 year old generally has life experience while a 19 year old has pretty much just reached adulthood and the point where they first start looking for stable work.
  25. I can see them moving into Off-Screenville. 😉 I’m one of those who sees George Constanza when Jason Alexander appears on screen as well. Original Roseanne and Seinfeld were two of the shows my dad watched when I was growing up. At this point, I’m more interested in Darlene finding her way (not a compelling storyline either, so that’s saying something) than what Becky’s getting into. The scenes with Becky and Mikey were super awkward.
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