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  1. Well, that’s a hell of a cliffhanger to leave us off on through the summer. I kept thinking something like this was gonna happen, then when Lim said “I’ll go down to the break room and get more glasses” I said “Oh no, that’s where it’s gonna happen!” And Lim got attacked along with Villanueva. I’m gonna say they won’t kill Lim off the show, keeping in mind that killing off Melendez was an unpopular move. They probably will kill off Villaneuva since she has only appeared in scattered episodes over the 5 seasons of the show. I was annoyed that Shaun and Lea handled the wedding business the way they did. Everyone wanted to be part of their wedding, yet they were all about just getting married at the courthouse. Not to mention, Claire wasn’t there due to them cancelling on that show.
  2. Yes, Season 3 was filmed in 2019. But it didn’t drop until January 1, 2021 after most of 2020 was spent getting them on Netflix.
  3. Aldo is definitely a Peter Pan type of guy that never wants to truly grow up. Proposing to Harris just because Neville proposed to Jackie is as short sighted as it gets. And Harris’ reaction to the baby stuff speaks for itself. But it’s a wonder Aldo’s not even more screwed up, looking at his father, who’s okay calling him a total failure in life to his face and bumming stuff off of everyone. I actually found it very humorous how Dan was guilt-tripping Ben and Darlene to be part of the multiple weddings.
  4. I guess it could have been worse for Claire. The boy could have died but not only did that not happen, but he was able to play sports afterward. I was also a bit annoyed by how Shaun and Lea bailed on the show last minute and left their producer with no wedding to film. They knew everything that was going to happen going in, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t just dress in more comfortable wedding attire. I hope they at least still get married now and not postpone it, since Claire is still there. I wonder if the bread maker will be something that Morgan and Park will be recalling for years. “Remember when Shaun and Lea were getting married, and you made the decision on your own to get them a bread maker without asking me about it?” 🤣
  5. Glad they’re dropping it in September to make up for 2020 when we didn’t get any season due to the show’s platform change from YouTube to Netflix.
  6. So it wasn’t the disaster that I thought it could be, having Shaun on a TV show. That should help the hospital get more exposure as well. I’m glad they finally got Lea to stop getting mad about being reminded of her saying that Shaun can’t change his ASD. No matter how many times she does so, she did still say that to him. Claire’s back!! I very much wish it were a permanent return for her. She seems very happy after being in Guatemala and not being dumped on by the show’s writers. :P
  7. I wished that instead of proposing, that Ben would have taken the opportunity to hash everything out that happened with his and Darlene’s relationship. I guess he has just resigned himself to accepting Darlene’s irrational behavior. With all the smarts Mark has, he won’t only be depending on mastering the contrabassoon to get into college, surely...
  8. I thought it was going to go that way as well, until he found a way to keep him at the hospital for another week before his new home so he wouldn’t have to go back to the awful home he was in. There’s no way I would have sent him back there either and I would have filled the police in after that woman in charge of the home just said, “We don’t have the staff to handle the situation but we’ll keep an eye on him.” Shaun on a reality show... I can’t help but think that will be a disaster for him since he doesn’t like people leaning into his routine. I watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air growing up, so I thought it was hilarious to see the Carlton dance on this show.
  9. Funniest episode I’ve seen in a while, and Darlene didn’t annoy me as much as normal (although she still annoyed me with her “woe is me” and was gonna give up on her raise after only two hours of quitting, as well as hoping Robin would fail at everything she does; seriously?? YOU were the one who brought Robin into this). If Roseanne were still around, she would have stayed in the room and screamed at Dan. So would have the other family members. That’s why I like Louise’s approach with them; she is showing them a better way to handle things. She was also right about how Dan can’t always be bailing his daughters out of trouble. Beverly Rose telling Darlene that they wrote on the other side of her card at the end was the kids’ version of, “These guys are all BS’ing, this is the truth.” 🤣
  10. Shaun got lucky that he didn’t eat any of his food before he got that call about a patient coming in. It probably saved him from getting as loopy as the others. I thought it was funny how Andrews wanted to climb the wall “like Spider-Man” 🤣 I’m glad that Lim, even in her own loopiness, talked him out of it. One good thing is that they were able to develop more of a friendship due to bonding about Spider-Man. And great choice of them to watch Spider-Man 2 at the end; I’ve watched that movie MANY times since it came out almost 18 years ago. Shaun being told to take a walk and then later not being in the surgery should be a message to doctors everywhere that you can have all the talent in the world, but defying your boss and saying he doesn’t work fast enough is a detriment to the process, and to your team. As for Morgan taking a picture to blackmail Asher and Park, I laughed at that prospect but I think Season 4 and beyond’s version of her is above that.
  11. Eventually, something will happen with Jordan being at the apartment that will set Shaun off and we’ll be back to square one on that, so to say. Hopefully I am wrong about that because if Lea wants to have her over to help with work, she should be able to do that. I don’t understand biohacking, but the very thought of modifying my own body is terrifying to me. When they showed Kayla, the patient who had OD’d and had DUI’s in her past, I said “Hey, that’s Annalisa Cochrane!” She’s a talented actress who also plays Yasmine on Cobra Kai. I did laugh at how Shaun gave Jordan and Lea that idea just from walking through to the fridge. :P
  12. Glad to get more insight on Asher. He already mentioned his dad not approving of his being gay in a previous episode and that he hadn’t opened a letter he got from his dad. I also liked to see Andrews take Glassman’s advice and use the company softball games to establish more rapport with his employees.
  13. Interesting that one of the first things the episode showed was the Ethicure logo mostly wiped away on the hospital building, like I predicted they would be fast to do. 🤣 Morgan became a character I liked quite a while ago, which is saying something since I didn’t like her much when she first showed up. I can relate to her self-improvement by helping others. I liked how Lim called out Glassman and Andrews for how they handled things during Salen’s leadership. Andrews made a huge mistake trusting Salen to do what’s right; she is very manipulative with her words. And while I understand Glassman needing time to himself, he WAS still president of the hospital before Salen bought it. So it’s true that Lim and the others looked at him as a leader.
  14. And now back to normalcy. Now that Salen is out, I’m presuming all of the Ethicure stuff on the hospital signs and uniforms will be removed. I thought the whole “fight against Salen” would last longer, but this way I get to just look forward to the hospital being a great place to work once more. Most notable part of the episode for me was probably when Glassman told Shaun that he can’t risk his job due to how future employers would view his ASD, but at the same time he was telling Shaun that St. Bonaventure can’t afford to lose him. I wish things had been good in both cases, but at least Grace and the baby were both fine and all went well, by the looks of it.
  15. Scariest part of the episode was Dan keeping the gun of his in a dresser drawer where ANY child could have found it. That’s something you need to LOCK UP. Harris couldn’t have sold it behind his back if he had done that. Ben provided a much needed irreverence to the episode. Darlene’s reactions were funny.
  16. It’ll be good to see Claire back, even if it’s briefly. They could easily fit her in the current hospital plot, and Shaun & Lea’s wedding.
  17. When Shaun flat out quits because he’s not happy with the way things are run, you know you’re a bad manager. It looks like that was all the motivation Glassman needed to join Lim, too. The music was so out of place for this show during that scene, but it fit perfect with the situation. In the promo for 5x10, I guess Salen is firing people with a connection to Shaun, or firing people in Lim’s recruited group? Or Lim herself? one thing I’ll say: I don’t think there has ever been a situation or character on this show that had most other characters plus everyone on this forum in agreement. Maybe Kenny, or Shaun’s dad. But this is the first time we’ve had a character stick around for half a season that we all dislike. Glad there were no deaths this week.
  18. I think I’ve said it before, but there is definitely too much unresolved stuff between Shaun and Lea. Him still bringing up what she had previously said about his ASD in Season 3 shows he never resolved that mentally. I also think Lea’s right to feel like Shaun could hold any mistake against her, as it’s not just the ASD comments he has reminded her of in the past. I was guessing that AG whom Lim spoke to was going to have some sort of connection with Salen, and I assume I was right. Because Lim got a call, looked discouraged, then Salen showed up and told her she knew of her efforts to take her down. I wonder where this is gonna go in upcoming episodes. Speaking of which... ...it looks like Aly and AJ Michalka will be in the next episode? Haven’t seen them in anything for years. I know of the Schooled show, but I have yet to watch an episode of it.
  19. It’s bad enough that Stingray was willing to let Silver beat him within an inch of his life just to be part of a karate community, and sad as well. Did no one want to be his friend in High School, and he constantly got made fun of/called a loser? I can’t think of any other reason he lacks so much self respect. Everybody that was in Cobra Kai when he initially joined in Season 2 were no longer there, except Tory and Dieter. I guarantee you the only reason Kreese’s Cobra Kai students (at least Kyler, Piper and several others who follow the hype and popularity train wherever it goes) liked him was because he threw them a party.
  20. Just watched the first episode. I like this show more than I thought I would. They’re throwing in the mannerisms that made Will what he was in the original show while also making him different from original Will. Nice opportunity to throw the whole social media influencer age of today into the show with Hilary. This version of her seemed much happier to see Will than the original show Hilary. To contrast, Carlton seemed annoyed that Will was coming to stay with his family, while he was happy about it in the original show. Looking forward to watching the other three episodes that are up at the moment.
  21. That’s great news! I was browsing YouTube and saw a promo clip for episode 5x08, so I figured it was coming soon. :)
  22. I wouldn’t mind a reboot, but I would like to see them refrain from having Van and Cheyenne come back and live with Reba, or if they HAVE to do that, don’t make it most of the show’s run. It’s been done to death with Dan’s daughters on The Conners.
  23. So at least from the time 4x08 ended to now, Silver was planning on pushing Kreese out of Cobra Kai. Never thought he’d frame Kreese to have him arrested for Stingray’s beating. But Kreese definitely had some sort of retribution coming for the way he treated Terry earlier in the season, acting like Terry should be in his control and bringing up his Vietnam triggers. Especially after Kreese was the one who came to Terry asking for his help (not the other way around) pulling him out of his awesome life that he had set up for himself. Redemption possibilities aside, Kreese has done a lot of bad things that he should have to answer for (strangling Johnny, training impressionable students to beat on people). Not a good idea for Miguel to go seek out his father. Carmen probably had a damn good reason for fleeing and not telling him about Miguel. I bet he’s in charge of a dangerous cartel or something! Johnny might not be Miguel’s biological father, but he is definitely a father to him. He taught Miguel how to fight, gave him dating advice, pulled him back when he was getting too aggressive, and he was the one Miguel was able to depend on most when he woke from his coma and was learning to walk again. And his first instinct upon learning Miguel left to look for his bio dad was to go after him and make sure he is safe. Those all sound like things a father would do for his son. I’m sure Kreese would call off the bet with Daniel and Johnny since Silver betrayed him and stole Cobra Kai, but I don’t see how he can get out of jail unless someone can attest to where Kreese was at the time of Stingray’s beating. The writers have done it again. They pulled off something I never thought would be possible in Kreese being able to pull back some from his “no mercy at all times” stance. He was one of those TV characters on my list who I thought were destined to stay the undeniable villain. But these writers have pulled off making him seem redeemable. I commend them for that.
  24. I guess everyone is making a big deal of Robby teaching Miyagi-Do techniques to create some sort of plot point, but it’s VERY hypocritical of Daniel to get upset about that considering he had Johnny bring over his Cobra Kai knowledge and teach it to all the Miyagi-Do students. Plus, he poached half of Cobra Kai’s students in Season 2, and then again at the end of Season 3. The way I see it, all Robby was doing was making things more fair. Daniel and Johnny’s inability to work together the way that Kreese and Silver were able to (despite their differences as well) is going to be what costs them in this tournament. Kreese and Silver are also better at being able to set their egos aside and put the students’ training first, something Daniel and Johnny were also not able to do this season.
  25. Demetri had a cool tux, reminds me of my NES playing days. 😛 So Terry Silver’s going to do the same thing he wanted to do in KK3. I’m guessing he wanted to WIN the tournament to attract students who follow winners in addition to the students who would sign up anyways. And Kreese disappearing probably threw a wrench in those plans back then. It was also pretty cool to see the old dojo. This episode was key to me, because it showed something in Kreese that I never thought would be possible or believable: a softer side. But this was confirmation that he doesn’t want to see someone else hurt Johnny. I also think that watching Silver do things like this has made him realize a tiny bit what his own actions have done. But Kreese triggering Silver before has pulled Silver back into his old self, which will be bad. Silver does whatever he deems fit within his crazy mind when he is pushed, damn any consequences (him beating Stingray proves that). That makes him more dangerous than Kreese ever was. Sam’s just looking for any reason to fight Tory, which is bully behavior. I know Tory did it in the past, but Sam is just proving she’s on the same level that Tory was then. She criticized Miguel for his aggressive behavior at the end of Season 1, and now she’s acting the same way.
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