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Everything posted by absolutelyido

  1. Yes, but in Meri's defense, look at how happy the big house, wet bar and all the extras she absolutely had to have made her. Oh wait.....
  2. Can we please just have the Avery & Will show and forget all the other characters.
  3. I don't know what to think of Jamie. I can believe that she is driving Doug crazy about a baby and a house, but this Ex thing seems more and more like it is made up. Now this week she says the Ex is her best friend. In the original MAFS, Jamie was very consistent in saying that she had trust issues because of her (and her mother and sister's) experiences with men, and that her prior boyfriends were emotionally abusive. Now she has this Ex that is her BFF? Really? And if he is her BFF, why didn't she invite him to the wedding? Or their housewarming party?
  4. I'm sure TLC paid for the trip since it was being filmed for the show. And they showed the name of the grocery store ("Fred Meyer") so I would guess they got the food for free or at a big discount, and TLC paid for any difference. They also said the the house was meant to be rented out as 3 separate units, but they were taking the whole thing, so I would imagine there were 3 kitchens and refrigerators. If the house was near popular fishing places, I think they also have extra cold storage (fridge or freezer) for people to store the fish they catch. Does anyone know what Caleb does for a living?
  5. I'm not sure what to think about all of Jamie's 'ex' drama. In some ways it seems fake. Like it is odd that no one ever mentions him by name, even accidently, as if the producers have made everyone agree not to use his name to protect his privacy. In other ways it seems very real, because it seems just like Jamie to always find a reason to not be satisfied with the relationship she is currently in. If Jamie should ever leave Doug and go back to the ex, you just know that six months later she's going to be whining to the ex that she still has feelings for Doug and maybe it was a mistake to leave him. It seems like she's got a strong tendency to self-sabotage her relationships. (By the way, Jamie, have you ever considered that the ex may not want you back?) I also think that Jamie has tried to convince herself that she is in love with Doug because he has been so kind and patient with her, but deep down she's no more attracted to him than she was when she walked down the aisle. I think Jamie still believes she could have done better than Doug. Love that both Dr. Pepper and Doug's brother are completely over Jamie. Dr Pepper's assessment that she is self-indulgent is spot on.
  6. I don't think we should be so hard on Whitney. She's stressed out from working two jobs. Two jobs!! She must have said that at least 5 times last night. One of the jobs is the dance class; even if it meets twice a week and she does some prep work for it, I'd say that's 4 hours a week, max. And I'm pretty sure the Grasshoppers job is also part time, and mostly made up for the show. Sorry, Whitney, we all know you really only have one job and that's being on a reality show.
  7. It is a different car. Doug always had his car, but when they moved from Manhattan to NJ Jamie also needed a car so his parents loaned her one until Doug bought her one for Christmas last year. The payment thing was still confusing to me. From the previews, I also thought it was going to be that Doug's parents are paying for his car, but Doug said he sent them money every month. Doug has said before that he had bad credit, so I wonder if his parents took out a loan to pay for his car and he is reimbursing them each month for the payment. I think the Jamie and Doug conflict is mostly made up. Last season, Jamie & Doug were (mostly) happy and Cortney & Jason were mostly miserable. This season the situation is reversed. How convenient! In both the original MAFS and last season of 1st year, Jamie & Doug's apartments have seemed pretty clean (lived in, but clean), now suddenly Doug is such a slob she can't stand it. I'm not really buying it. I turned to reruns of "The Middle" during the Neph scenes. Once again, Tara's recap is way more entertaining than the actual episode.
  8. I think Whitney is kidding herself about how much she eats. She told Buddy she was embarrassed he found her eating that huge tub of ice cream in the car. She said that she had never done that before with ice cream, only "a sandwich or coffee". I just don't believe that. Who secretly eats a sandwich in their car? In a previous episode, when Whitney was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, she told Buddy she had to give up coffee which made no sense to me at the time. Later in that episode, one of Whitney's friends stated that cutting back on carbs was really hard for Whitney because her day had revolved around getting frappucinos. So, I think when she says "coffee" she means a venti caramel frappucino with whipped cream and "a sandwich" means a big mac (with fries and a coke).
  9. I have zero interest in Neph and his Las Vegas girlfriend. I thought all of Jamie's former boyfriend's emotionally abused her? At least that's why she said she had trouble trusting Doug. Now she has feelings for one of her ex's? Sorry, not buying it. Although, Doug making a joke about everything and not wanting to talk seriously about their relationship rings true to me.
  10. Whitney's friend said that Whitney's day revolved around getting frappuccinos. I looked up the calories in a Starbucks grande caramel frappuccino made with whole milk and whipped cream topping. It has 480 calories, so two of those in a day and she is at almost 1,000 calories. That's 1,000 calories that Whitney doesn't count because, according to her, she doesn't eat all day until supper time. I really hope that Whitney's dietician is having her log everything she eats and drinks because Whitney has no idea how many calories she is consuming in a day. That's what drives me nuts about her. She attributes her obesity to PCOS and seems to think she has little control over it. I'm sure PCOS is a contributing factor, but her eating habits also have a lot to do with it.
  11. I don't believe for one second that Whitney eats "nothing" all day. I can believe she doesn't have a meal until supper, but I am sure she eats lots of "snackies" as she calls them, all day long.
  12. How about a cross-over show where they send Whitney to live with Kate Gosslin and Kate whips her into shape. The reason KG had fertility treatments that resulted in sextuplets is that she had PCOS, so I doubt Kate would accept PCOS as an excuse for Whitney's weight. I don't think Kate is a very likeable person, but she's a taskmaster that's for sure.
  13. Not just you. I think Zoila's definition of Gage being nasty to her is him asking her to do something for him. After her behavior tonight, frankly I think Zoila is just gross, and I can't believe Jeff coddled her when I think he should have confronted her about how she speaks to Gage. If Jeff had made it clear that Gage is his partner and he expects Zoila to treat him with respect that would have been the end of it. If I had a maid and she spoke to my partner like that she'd be out on her ass pretty quick. And if my partner allowed someone to speak to me like Zoila spoke to Gage and said nothing about it, I'd be out the door pretty quick. I've really enjoyed this season, but this episode was a big let down. I've muted Zoila all season, and between her and Jenny's "poopy" rap song, I feel like I muted most of the episode.
  14. I am also rooting for Sarah & Nick, but am afraid that the judges smacking Lucy & Daphne was just to create drama about who is going to win, because otherwise it looks like L&D will be the obvious winners. I do hope that awful den will cause Lucy & Daphne to lose. They reduced the closet in that room to a sliver, and I hope that comes back to bite them. I hope the appraisers say that it no longer can be considered a bedroom so knocks down the value of the townhouse.
  15. I thought it was cute when Gil said (about Chad), "I want to grow up to be like that guy".
  16. Adding to the confirmation of your impressions. Horrific was exactly the word that came to my mind. When they first introduced the couple as an architect and historic preservationist I had such high hopes, but what they did in the kitchen and bath was truly horrific. The reclaimed wood they used may have fit in a rustic cabin, but was so wrong for a Victorian in the city. The bath had very nice and totally appropriate bead board, so I was horrified to see them nailing over it with that ugly multicolored re-claimed wood. The multi-colored kitchen floor was so, so, ugly, made worse when combined with the cabinets and awful lighting. Guaranteed that the next buyer is going to gut that kitchen.
  17. Nick & Sarah were next-to-last in money left. I think the week that Nick & Sarah won was only only week where there wasn't a monetary prize for first place. Am I remembering wrong? That seems unfair.
  18. I recall Zoila also wasn't very nice to Jett, who was the house assistant for a while. Jett seemed very competent in his job, and easy to get along with, but Zoila was pretty rude to him at times. Of course, she was "joking", which I think is just passive-aggressive hostility. I think she is jealous of anyone who she believes may threatens her job, or who gets too close to Jeff.
  19. I thought the side eye Ne-Yo gave Chris when he was 'dancing' to the music was hilarious. Best part of the episode, by far.
  20. Yep, that's her for sure. She's one of those people who is like, "Look at me!"...."Stop looking at me!..."Look at me!:....Stop looking at me!!!
  21. I don't think Vanessa is aiming lower than she deserves, I think she is aiming for that happy life with Ethan on the moors. At one point this season, Vanessa made that comment that she wasn't meant for company. And when Ethan told her she could teach him about polite society in return for showing her how to shoot, Vanessa scoffed and made rather disparaging comments about having tea and small talk. I don't think she wants the perfect society family that hosts Sunday afternoon tea. I think she knows she is more suited to a life like she and Ethan had on the moors; just the two of them making a life living off the land. Or maybe that is just what I want for them. (I'm a hopeless romantic sap, I admit it!) I'm not so sure about her wanting children really. If her children could have the perfect life portrayed in the fantasy, maybe. But I don't think she (or Ethan) would want to pass on the internal demons they both struggle with. Agree that Ethan is at the much sadder point in his life. Vanessa believes she deserves some happiness. Ethan doesn't believe he deserves any, so he couldn't let himself have the happiness he knows he could have with Vanessa. I hope Vanessa and Ethan don't spend too much of S3 apart. (Like I said, I'm a hopeless romantic sap.) But this can't be the end of them. Vanessa rejected Ethan after they kissed in the rain. Now he has rejected her. Isn't that always the way before the couple eventually gets together? And, they didn't even kiss before Ethan left her. No story worth its salt would have two people in love separate permanently without a final dramatic kiss, right?
  22. So much of this season was Vanessa coming to terms with who she is. I hope we get to see Ethan on a similar journey next season. Since he is going back to the U.S., I'm guessing that will lead us to find out more of his past. I'm sure we'll meet his father. I would like to see an Ethan-centric flashback episode. I don't understand that either. The scorpion has always been a symbol of protection for Vanessa. Does her absorbing it symbolize that she can protect herself from the demons now?
  23. This is just my speculation, so may very well be wrong, but in the preview for the finale they show wolfed-out Ethan coming through a door and striking at a woman that looks like Mrs. Poole. They also show him snarling at a woman and you can barely see the back of her head. It looks to me like that woman is Vanessa. I think he may break through the door out of the stairwell and into the doll room, quickly at least incapacitate Mrs. Poole, and then encounter Vanessa. Obviously, he doesn't kill Vanessa, but I wonder if she is able to help him figure out how to control himself as a werewolf. Ethan seems to be as powerful as Vanessa (or almost), but he hasn't figured out how to control his powers. Of course, it will probably turn out nothing like I am speculating!
  24. I re-watched part of the episode again tonight, and when Sembene came into Ethan's room to tell him Vanessa had left, Ethan was reading a book that appeared to be the Bible** which I hadn't noticed before. Interesting that his reaction to Hecate's visit was to turn to the Bible. I think Ethan is much more religious than he lets on. **When Vanessa slept in Ethan's room in one of the earlier S2 episodes, the next morning when Ethan awoke on the sofa, Vanessa had already left and she had fixed the bed and left a book that looked like the Bible against the pillow. I assumed it was Ethan's Bible that she had found in the room. It looked like he was reading that same book when Sembene came to his room.
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