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Twilight Man

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Everything posted by Twilight Man

  1. It appears as though Weird Al will be a panelist for at least one episode of "To Tell The Truth". (I think that's him at the 13 second mark when they show the four panelists). Maybe he will be on some of the other shows as well. Previous summers have had some celebrities "jump" from one show to the other and appear on several. ABC (as usual) is very sparse with details.
  2. or six busts of Margaret Thatcher. I cheered a little bit as well when that happened. It's about time this show remembered that it is VAGUELY based on a well-famous literary character.
  3. Over a decade ago, they actually had a show (that only aired seven episodes)................ It was called "The Rerun Show". It had a cast of people who would attempt to portray the cast of a classic TV show every week. (An actress would portray Samantha from Bewitched one week, then Kelly from SBTB next week) and they would have "special appearances" each week as well. Sometimes "they" would even portray their original characters (Seeing Bonaduce walking around on his knees pretending to be his 8 year old self was a hoot)
  4. Just my two cents, but I never cared for hardly any show that had a "out of control" studio audience, aka one that was constantly screaming, and "woo"-ing every time someone came on stage or did or said something. Other shows that come to mind are "Married", the TGIF shows (and these Disney shows now-a-days), and the Saturday Teen NBC shows (SBTB, of course, being the most famous). I really don't like "laugh-track" shows constantly telling me when I should laugh at something (especially when it is not funny most of the time) and these shows that have an "out of control" studio audience are even more annoying.
  5. "I have seen drier days on Ferenginar; and we have 178 different words for rain. Right now it's glemmening out there." --- Quark (ST:DS9 ) "Let He Who Is Without Sin........" One day it started raining, and it didn’t quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin’ rain… and big ol’ fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath. Shoot, it even rained at night… ---- Forrest Gump
  6. Well, folks, it's been a good run. Eleven times out of fifteen, replacing a lead actor/actress usually leads to the show getting cancelled the very next year. I enjoyed watching the ENTIRE show. It was a great addition to the entire franchise. It certainly gave new substance to several of the characters often underused in the four movies.
  7. Was it the Green Arrow shirt??? It basically says if you put Oliver Queen on an island (the first picture) then he learns archery (the second picture), he becomes The Green Arrow (the third picture).
  8. Oh, come on, Seth & Seth. Now you're ripping off Hysteria!?!?!? Yeah, did you guys know he was the very first President to throw out the first pitch on Opening Day????
  9. By "everybody" you, of course, mean the 4-5 kids that hang out with Peter all the time. Seeing that there are approx. 30 kids in each class, that means approx. half of the kids in each class got affected, so that means approx. 12-18 kids (give or take) got affected so, yeah, the 5 or so kids that hang out with Peter also got affected is entirely possible. I would like to see them complaining how "so-and-so" is already graduating college while "WE" are still in high school. PS. The scenes with Happy talking to Pete in the preview NOW have more meaning. Much like how Happy had a quick scene with Tony's daughter, it appears that Happy is trying to "help" and "be a mentor" to Peter now that TONY IS DEAD.
  10. Am I the only one who is having problems with this episode??? It sounds like the background noise (and the background music) is five times louder than it should be. I can barely hear the actors talking sometimes. (It appears to have been fixed at the halfway point). Congrats on both NCIS spinoffs getting renewed.
  11. Try watching Hawaii Five-O. Sometimes, it can be weeks before I finally see one of these so-called regulars show up again on the show.
  12. Captain Marvel was the very first superhero to have a black and white serial adventure made about him. This adventure was shown in theaters a couple of months before Superman's, let alone Batman, Captain America and the others. The fact that he had the first serial adventure arguably led to his brief time outselling Superman comics, which led to DC suing Whiz Comics and gaining control of the Big Red Cheese.
  13. Now that you have seen the movie, you CAN check out the toy department (because obviously the toys give away the major climax of the movie) YOU HAVE BEEN SPOILER WARNED!!!!!
  14. Wildfire - Michael Martin Murphey Wildfire - Demi Lovato Wildfire - John Mayer Wildfire - Zac Brown Band Wildfire - Blink 182
  15. The episode begins with Drew asking Wayne to act like Richard. He does a whole song acting and talking like Richard. Then Drew tells everyone that the next bit will feature a special guest: out comes Richard himself. The look on Wayne's face says it all. He had no idea that Richard was waiting off stage. Drew and the others are clearly laughing at the humiliating shock that Wayne is experiencing.
  16. I actually got a postcard in the mail with coupons for the Pizza Hut Express (which is what those places are technically called). I went down to the actual Pizza Hut to use those coupons and the woman working there told me that they were only good at the Pizza Hut Express. I honestly didn't know what that was, she called it "the crappy little kiosk place in the front of the Target". LOL "So, Brian, Stewie, we just found out who the President is. Would you mind pushing us back out into the ocean??"
  17. Now there's going to be a whole bunch of comments underneath that YouTube video saying "Family Guy brought me here". Oh, and "Shipoopi" and "Mr. Booze" apparently were jokes and NOT flat references as well. (and yes, they got plenty of comments as well). Just look for yourself.
  18. Peter: Holy Crap!! Everybody's here!! Stan: Yes, including us. Peter: Hey!! I didn't say "cast of American Dad"!!! Get out of here, Stan Smith!!! Take your crappy family and go back to that second-rate cable channel you belong on. Stan: Hey, I love being on cable. I get to say "Hell" a lot, and my show will be on TV long after your show gets canned the moment after Homer and his family call it quits, you coattail riding freak. Stan: Simpsons had a tribute too. Peter: Hey!! I said GET OUT OF HERE!!!!
  19. "You do know that I've done other things. I was the Grand Negus on Star Trek. I'm also the voice of Rex in the Toy Story films." "Yeah, and Jeff Bridges has a huge career as well, but he'll always be THE DUDE!! " "(Sigh) I'm always going to be that guy from Princess Bride, aren't I??"
  20. Several of the episodes of "The NEW Super Best Friends Forever" (because I am "NOT" calling this show DC Super Hero Girls) are now clumped together in this YouTube block.
  21. I know I made a thread for this show a while back (maybe I'm thinking about TWOP, oh well) FreakyLinks centered on Derek Barnes (played by Ethan Embry), who ran a website called "FreakyLinks.com" that sought out the dark and forbidden truths behind paranormal phenomena and urban legends, assisted by his friends Chloe (Lisa Sheridan) and Jason (Karim Prince). Derek took over the site after his twin brother, Adam, died under mysterious circumstances. The show's episodes revolved around Derek and his friends investigating supernatural claims for the website and uncovering clues that reveal the truth of his brother's fate. The actress who portrayed Chloe apparently just recently died. Very sad.
  22. Close But No Cigar -- Thomas Dolby Close But No Cigar --- "Weird" Al Yankovic Close But No Cigar --- Birds Are Indie Close But No Cigar --- Dr. Feelgood So Close But No Cigar -- The Funk Factor Oh, So Close But No Cigar --- The Daniels Band (Yes, that's Jeff Daniels singing, with his son Ben and his friends playing in the band)
  23. Bulletproof (1988) - Gary Busey is your worst nightmare, Butthorn!!! Bulletproof (1996) - Could somebody please just shoot Adam Sandler???
  24. First off, after all of the "ad-libs" from "original recipe" Professor Proton, there would be no way that they would film the new show live. When Penny said "the hot guy from Magic Mike", they should have had BOTH Bernie and Amy say "Which one???" immediately after ----- that's how you make a joke, writers!!!!! and speaking of missed jokes---- Bernie: I loved you in Magic Mike. Joe: Switch seats with me, Shatner: Come on, let's play. Penny: Yeah, let's smash that ogre. Shatner: I like your moxie. Penny: Switch seats with me.
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