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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. This reunion was boring, and I don't generally think they're boring, at least some stuff always gets aired out. This one had a hole big enough to drive a truck through, what a stupid season. So wish someone had called Vicki out on her new attitude. She only liked Shannon because she walked in the door being hateful to her husband and making it clear despite her money and all, she was miserable. Which made it a-okay for Vicki to "relate to her," because she was as bad off as she was with Don. Had she been happy and in love, Vicki would have hated her like she does EVERY new girl at first. Plus she knew she needed someone to film with, and she knew Tamara wasn't feeling Brooks and neither was her daughter. Enter Shannon. Not buying the new improved bullshit. She just found a new mantra "I don't care if he's a grifter, I just want someone to pimp my feelings and I can afford to pay for it, and since nobody else is, I'm just going to say screw it." It has been and will continue to be satisfying every time she has to kick him to the curb. I'm waiting for the big score where he marries her, then takes all her shit like Don did. And she's deserve it because she's still the same ignorant, borderline racist, xenophobic dumb ass mean girl she's always been. Not buying Shannon's new, improved love either. She was on David like a tick on a dog, and I don't expect it went away just because they go to bed earlier. I'll be waiting for HER next season too. And YES Shannon, you walked in talking shit about your marriage no matter what you tried to pull on Heather. Everybody knew because you put it on front street, and I haven't forgotten what a hateful shrew you started out as before they began editing out the sniping. Shannon = the new Teresa Guidice. Heather is the worst person who lived. Zzzzz. Pile ups are boring.
  2. I always wonder when reading comments if people just live here, or are from here. It makes a difference. A dump? Her decor may be somewhat minimal, but it has nice hardwoods, the kitchen is a nice size, there's a separate bedroom AND a smaller room just for her clothes. It's definitely not a dump and probably costs a nice piece of change. Vaughn's place is in south Jersey so he probably pays half of what Monet does for a larger place. And I think Jaime's place is a crackerbox, I mean they were sitting on the floor around a coffee table with a big pot of food on it, and Doug was perched, damned near falling off the chair. The bathroom, bedroom and kitchen are all one giant step off the living nook. Nothing palatial about that joint. At least Monet's place had a couple of places where you could eat like civilized people. It seems like she did put some effort in; there's definitely that focal wall treatment that didn't come with the space, and she fixed up her dressing room nicely. She maybe doesn't want to deal with rugs, preferring full hardwoods. And are people under the age of 65 even doing table cloths? Her place looks pretty presentable to me. I know I'm extremely squicky about anything grody especially homes, and I have no problem looking at hers. (In contrast, I could hardly look at Jaime's family's place except when they were on the deck, and was thinking "oh, I hope they're staying at a hotel." I had to squint and look out of one eye by the time they showed her sitting in the doorway of the trailer. And I was getting the vapors looking at Jason's mom's place when they showed it early on, mentally willing Courtney to get out of there. Sorry Jason.)
  3. It appeared to be upstate NY somewhere near Syracuse. And I'm sorry, since when is anyone from upstate NEW YORK considered "redneck??" We get it, you were poor Jaime, but cut the shit, you're milking your upbringing as a poor, black sharecropper. * Maybe it's me, but I'm having a hard time reconciling the embarrassed, ashamed of talking about her background girl with the one who is on her THIRD relationship-based reality show, telling the entire world about her upbringing. * I really like these couples and love this show, but I think all the splice-and-dice editing has finally gotten to me. There is clearly a bunch of jumping around made obvious by their outfits and glimpses at calendars, and the effort to make Vaughn and Monet so up and down even at times they aren't annoys. So this episode I entertained myself trying to figure out exactly where they're living based on where they shopped and ate. I narrowed down Jaime and Doug based on the supermarket, since she walked home with heavy bags, but then they went a good 15 blocks for their dinner - that restaurant is two blocks from my house. If Monet and Vaughn walked to their chilly little brunch, they're about 8-10 blocks from here. * I agree with those who say "cook for me" is code for Vaughn, his "love language" if you will. Mr. Kitty (are we doing that here?) came from a household where his mother never cooked, she would toss takeout money at him and his brother on the way to the next hot spot so for the first 15 years it was a constant refrain in our marriage, covert, overt, constant. It took a while to really realize the damned man wasn't just hungry OR crippled, he just wanted ME to cook for HIM, as that was a show of love. Alas, Mr. Kitty, little Snark was raised in home where as the oldest of five** she had to cook every Sunday from the age of 12 on, so the last thing she wanted to do was have to cook when she flew the coop. We all got our childhood traumas, dude. * Speaking of ... dang, all the "cooked food" tonight was making ME want pasta and salad and spinach salad w/salmon (hold the strawberries) and poached pears - and there was nothing special about either of those meals AND I don't even think I like poached pears, what was up with that? (also, geeze editors, do you REALLY have to make up a conversation within a conversation?! The damned cuts were ridiculous - Doug's mother would say two words with a plate of pasta and then the last three words she had the dog on her lap, then it was back to the pasta. Are you so hard up to create a storyline you don't even care, as long as you get the words you want in the order you want them? You're being annoying! (TM Vaughn) (** and poor and fatherless with half-brothers and sisters in the NYC equivalent of trailers, the PJs, so suck it, Jaime, you don't own hard times.)
  4. This is why we can't have nice things.
  5. Is there no shit this chick cannot spin into shinola? Except the promo and commercial she "landed" were things she got directly via her mother. I mean, come on, Shira is doing the voice over, her whole FAMILY is in it ("landed?" More like "Lived here.") and it's filmed in their HOUSE for gawd's sake! Seriously lady, have some shame.
  6. I surprised myself by liking this family! I didn't think I would, initially, but by the end, I was convinced they weren't irreparably harming their kids, and they were living a pretty cool, adventurous lifestyle. The pictures of them traveling all over the world were pretty awesome. No doubt that their kids were really sweet and smart and well-mannered went a long way towards my liking this one. Rarely do I see kids on TV that make me think "I'd love to babysit them." Usually I think "I'd like to pop that brat in the mouth." Ugh! That definitely bugged me all night. She sounds exactly like that comedian chick that I can't stand, from the Daily Show and 30 Rock, Kristen Schaal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvTqBkX7K90
  7. Aviva will still win the "I suck at humanity award" no matter how many nits are picked off of Carole and Heather. Holla!
  8. Word. That woman is just not natural. She got "dem genes." I'm not TRYING, you understand. I just now noticed it's now a possibility. :::shades of past::: I'mma be good. It took me YEARS to get up to 4 warnings. :)
  9. THIS. Right here, all day. I was peeping that saccharine she was peddling, and exactly why. Mmmm hmmm.
  10. Actually, everyone on that couch except for Lu said it and she could have too, but they just didn't show or caption her saying it. But yes, Heather and Carole were both shown saying it. On WWHL, she said that upon walking into the party, Aviva asked Harry if he would carry her home if necessary, so she knew something was up. I think she meant she was going to do something, rather than she knew exactly what it was. 'Cause, who could know? That ish was crazy! (BTW, Harry supposedly said "hell no." LOL.) Also the fact that she never called her fake or phony and that it was obvious Aviva was just waiting for a moment to do that, and seized on liar as a good a time as any.
  11. I'm glad Heather fleshed out her commentary on Aviva's comment better than she did in her blog. The beating with her leg thing wasn't cool and was offensive in its own way. As one who has called Aviva racially suspicious I DID plan to comment on that last week, but was so late it seemed pointless. Still, in the moment she did an admirable job of calling Aviva out on her shit and defending the residents of those areas. But, bottom line, ladies, just stay away from using the phrase, period. Think of it as N-word minor. There's no winning with this one, no matter how down you think you are, and how many of your friends give you a hood pass. Just ... no. Treach tried to set y'all straight years ago, and if I might paraphrase his lyrical genius: "If you're not from the ghetto, don't ever talk about the ghetto, 'cause you don't understand the ghetto, so stay the fuck out of (conversations about) the ghetto." BOOM! *mic drop* Wuhh... warning points? Now, what now?? Dang! I go to my account to be all brave and come out of the ghosthead profile closet, post me a little picture up and there's a little warning point system under my name now? No bueno, man! I was all relaxed about my posting and shit, now I gotta be tense again like it's 1999. Where the rules, people? Where the rules??
  12. MotorCityMom65, We share our Heather fandom, both here and over with the NYC gals. Although I'll admit with Heather T. it's lurve, and with Heather D. it's more respect and appreciation for intelligence and ability to use the English language and that she's good in a debate because she can stick to her point. Mostly a process of elimination, really. But she does bug the shit out of me when she just can't. let. it. go. sometimes. I had to rewind and listen and laugh at that myself.
  13. I was wondering ... rather than being an asshole, perhaps Vaughn was trying to be funny and lighten things up, expecting Monet to banter back with him? He did seem kind of excited about having her in Jersey, wanting her to see his town and be in his space for a while. It actually improved his mood, to where he was all about the weekend and plans and she was "'Meh. See you , yeah, Friday." Instead, she reacted to his comments very seriously. And I'll give you he can be a jerk, but I don't for a minute believe he was trying to get her to agree to threesomes on camera like that, knowing each other for just a couple of weeks. The "by us I mean you cook this" I took as semi-joke too, like, if you say "okay" then cool, you're cooking for me, and if you say "Ninja please" oh well, I took a shot. The only part I thought he was serious about was the Naked Weekend, and hell, sounded like a plan to me! He said get some food in, lots of water and don't get dressed all week. Vaughn, you smooth talker, you. In my house we call it laying up and yes Monet, sometimes we plan it especially when we've had a busy few weeks and it's fun to look forward to.
  14. Kanye's mother may have been advised against it, but best doctors or no, even healthy people die undergoing unnecessary cosmetic procedures. If you don't need to be put under, don't do it.
  15. Okay, Khloe's ass growth is 100% fake. I'm not even one to call fake ass on everything but when she was running on the beach away from the waves, and ran slightly alongside the camera that thing was moving independently of the rest of her, and it was SUPER OBVIOUS it stuck out in a weird, hard plastic way when you watch in slo-mo. These chicks are fucking idiots putting all that crap into themselves, and for what?? Your sister already did the big ass thing, can't you find your own thing? Just, dumb. It would serve one of them right to wind up with concrete ass, or worse. Did they learn nothing from Kanye's mother?
  16. I was already in the Aubree is a brat camp, and this episode didn't help. It just smacked of a kid who was used to getting her own way. That meltdown was instant, not a disappointment build up. All kids have moments, but she is constantly on the verge of a tantrum when she doesn't get her way and she's a hardheaded little cuss besides. Enjoy her backtalk, Chelsea. Aubree today, Jenelle tomorrow. Chelsea makes a great doting big sister to Aubree.
  17. Talented Tenth Snarkkitty Either a knock-down/drag out fight happened, or it didn't - that isn't perception, it's fact. Claiming that as justificaton or the reason Aviva made the comment is reaaaaallly reaching, IMO. Especially when faced with the facts that two other franchises actually ARE guilty of what ATL is accused of doing.
  18. As a long time asthma sufferer who managed at some point to work my way out of never leaving home without an inhaler to having not had to use one in nearly a decade (don't know how but glad anyway!) I agree nothing will really happen. For one, if you don't have it and use it you probably don't even know how, you'll wind up with a mouth full of mist. If you persist (why??) at worst you'll probably feel jittery. It's unpleasant, so other than carrying it for affect, I can't imagine why anyone would take a mouthful if they didn't have to. No, it's because the ATL women are funny and fun, and know how to insult their co-workers without being mean and low about it (Nene's recent turn nothwithstanding). Even with that, the worst action prior to this year was a slight wig tug. The ratings were already high and climbed higher before that one outbreak of violence on the show happened. And even with that, it was the men, not even the women. There have been more knock down/drag outs on NJ than ATL has ever had. Miami has actually had the women fighting each other. Hell, the Dance Moms get into more slapfests than the ATL ho'wives! So no, that was a dogwhistle and Aviva knew it. It was shorthand for oooh, black people scary! They'll fight you! And why, exactly? Are they known for randomly running around hitting people they aren't already feuding with? Fuck that noise, it's like porn, I know it when I see (and hear it). Aviva was, and remains, suspect., rachet-looking 32 year old "stepmother" notwithstanding. Love it. Love the shoes, love the bag, love everything.
  19. I do think Vaughn can benefit from having a more talkative spouse, but he has to believe what he signed up for is what's best for him. Right now he's still resistant. For her part, Monet could do with a little pulling back. Like, clearly brunch with your friends was not his thing (hell, I've been married a bazillion years and brunch with my friends would still not be MY husband's thing either!) So read the cues and readjust - "Okay, maybe brunch with the girls is a bit much, how about a couples dinner with my best friend/date and your best friend/date?" Give him somewhere to go, since it seems like she really is into him/making this work. I'm willing to bet it takes no time at all before Vaughn adjusts to the dog. For one, he did let him crawl onto his chest; that was a promising start. He could easily have said "Yeah, I'm good" and nicely removed him. And they really don't shed. For another, it's damned near impossible to resist a Yorkie! FWIW, I'm Ms. "Please Remove Your Shoes" and we're a pet house (Yorkie, I know, you're shocked. :D) NY/NJ Streets are nasty, yo!
  20. LMAO! No, it was a couple of months apart, I'm good. But actually, MJ looked really good, slimmed down. Funny because we passed each other a couple of times and I gave her the "I'm just looking at you but I'm not recognizing you" and she gave me the "You're looking at me, you must recognize me but you're acting like you're not." An almost DeNiro sighting? Score! That's better than I usually get - I'm relegated to brushes with the celebrity craft truck. Thank you, Law and Order. Wonk, wonk. That's actually exactly what Luann said - "You don't have a yacht anymore."
  21. Even her racial slams are out of date, like her wardrobe. "Ghetto fabulous switchblade?" Bitch, turn West Side Story off and bring your ass to the real hood. You won't find any switchblades, fabulous or otherwise. So very vile. I swear, I cannot promise that if I cross her path, I will not knock that kickstand from under her. In fact, I may go out of my way for that.* **As many shows as are filmed here now, you'd think I'd see people everywhere, but I see nobody. I had to go all the way to Las Vegas to see Shah's Mercedes walking her little fat dog through my hotel last week. Wait, I did see that that unfortunate looking Mob Wife who got her own show, Big Ang? Saw her at JFK. Full on daylight. Shudder.***
  22. Vicki is the same old Vicki, except she's better at covering her shit. She knows if she starts some, there will be some, and she doesn't want an argument to begin with her, and end with Brooks. So she saves her shit-stirring for one-on-ones, Tamara's her girl but she spends some time every episodes slamming her in her THs, or trash talking her to everyone else. She also still stupidly talks trash too loud. If she were really a changed person, they wouldn't have caught her nasty comments about Lizzy 10 seconds before she climbed aboard all smiles proclaiming to love her. And she wouldn't feel the need to stir the Tamra pot. Tamra sucks, but Vicki does too - if she's mad behind the Brooks shit, she should own it and stop acting like her best friend when they're together and telling everything she says when they aren't.
  23. From the clip upthread - WTH did Shannon do to her face?? She clearly has had something done, fillers, I don't know. But it isn't any 10lb weight gain, that does not totally change your looks. She looks like she's on rung 3 towards the BH face. Slow down, Shannon - next stop = Botched!
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