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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. Yeah!!! Whoo! And I thought I'd have no one to root for... but did Reed change his slip? He wrote Jack at first. I got worried and went cold when I saw that second vote for Jaclyn was in script, I thought maybe more people voted for her. Whew!
  2. Dani: Wedding vows - she didn't even let him get the words out! Officiant "...so long as you both shall - " Dani: "Yes!" Cake cutting - Dani said: "Don't shove that cake in my face!" *giggle giggle* Dani meant: "Please!! Please put cake in my face so I can have part of the fantasy!" Mo: Cracked up with his Ramadan excuse for no kissing. Smooth, man, smooth. Ironically I was reading last week's thread at the time and someone posted that he'd find a way to get out of kissing her - nailed it! He did look very nice; he's a good looking dude when you can't see the manboobs. Amy: That one SIL seems really cool with Amy, she's the one they always show talking to her and she seems to have a very good natural rapport with her - I think her name is Heather? She seems like she's going to be a really good friend to Amy. Good...
  3. Ahhh, that was satisfying! Jaclyn's hissy fit preview was the cherry on the sundae. Yeah, Nat!! I was thrown off when the votes were all over the place, then saw how they boxed everyone else out, so Baylor and Nat could deliver the final blow. They were actually very cute when they saw that play work. Once again, Jaclyn is a Pissy Princess about not getting a reward - even to her own twu wuv! No Jon, don't offer it to Natalie, who JUST took you and the Princess on your fantasy W(h)ine and her fantasy Parmagiana reward just a couple of days ago. Natalie will so win if she isn't cut out at final four. She has outwitted for sure, outlasted - duh, and outplayed them all. Strong at challenges, great at the social game, and has volunteered to go to Exile so others wouldn't have to, or to look out for another (Baylor). All while losing her partner and probably the person closest to her before the game barely began. If she makes it to the final 3, the only thing that could stop her is jury bitterness.
  4. You nailed it perfectly IMO. I especially cannot stand when people who are constantly rude and out of order get/are expected to be given a pass because "they're just being (them)/keeping it real." Really? Because you sure know how to keep it respectful when you know anything otherwise is gonna be a problem. The BF is especially true; they've all been on Nene's skewer at some time or another depending on what infraction they committed. Funny how all those people barely took Nene on, even the loquacious Phaedra barely fended off Nene's trash talk. Yet she missed not a single TH opportunity to eviscerate Kenya's reputation. Porsha was in tears over being called a "bad friend" but never dared to talk the level of shit she does now. Even now her "new" friend snipes about her fancy car while not handling the basics of fixing her doorbell and low shades that all her new trappings of success are allegedly courtesy of a man known to be in a relationship with someone else (chick took out a billboard on Porsha!) Not a surprise coming from someone who wanted to spend their last support coins on a pair of shoes. True to form, still. Stupid and vicious continues to be a bad look on her.
  5. She did say she was further along than the other girls, and had done some level of discernment already so was used to it.
  6. Anti-religion and loving this show. After watching episodes 1 & 2 back-to-back this morning even *I* was contemplating life as a nun! But maybe I'm just trying to get away from drama for what looks like a simple life. Anyway, I couldn't put in that much prayer time. It feels less "reality" than most shows, mainly due to Francesca's comment that they wanted her to go without makeup, "in front of the cameras!" and also when she walked off after Eseni, she walked right past a cameraman, and he was in the scene.
  7. Man, Amy's family must do all right for so many of them to have come to the US. Take that, Danny's dad! I was also so shocked at the the "she'll be our...*throat clear* ... my daughter-in-law" moment that I had to rewind several times to make sure that clearing wasn't just bad timing. Nope, his wife looked at him and got the message right away. Horrible, just horrible. Followed by "Nope, I won't think of her as a daughter." Was coming here specifically to see whether anyone else noticed that! Damn, she was one whiny annoying thing when the cameras were on, crying and carrying on about her girls and fairness - and as soon as the door was shut, that voice got straight and cold, with nary a waver and the entire subtext was: "You in or out, man? Quit dicking around, 'cause I know you aren't here because you love me and if you aren't going through with this deal, just say so." Damn! I wonder if Mo really wanted to get her on tape as her real self because he was sick of her crying, begging for sympathy self. If so, kudos, Mo.
  8. Gregg continues to annoy; his old man comedy routines are through-the-screen aggravating. You are NOT funny. Phaedra is too damned pressed about Kenya. You're looking crazy with it already, and I have already told you those twisted up faces do you NO favors. It's becoming very clear she's so jealous she could spit. If she really didn't care about Kenya she'd apologize just to get it done already. But she can't do it, and it's all because she knows Apollo preferred Kenya's physicality to her own; disgusting and sloppy PDA look-at-me's aside. I'm just glad Ayden didn't show up this week to pit the avocados. What I don't understand is, if the concern was Joyce living in a house that she was one chicken bone choking away from losing, why didn't Kandi simply transfer the deed into JOYCE'S name? Oh but what am I thinking, then there'd be no reason for all the drama around a new house. As my husband likes to say, there you go, looking for the plot in the porno. Scenes featuring Nene, Porsha and Phaedra are just boring and hate-filled. I've never wanted to forward scenes with any of the actual Housewives but they've made that a first. Their ugly spirits push them even lower on the attractive ladder. Nene is barely tolerable, and with all the shit in her back (and front) yard, Phaedra could stand to take that haughty attitude down a peg; you're the one picking up your mens from the front gate and booking dick-sucking and vertically challenged strippers that you're on a first-name basis with, so have several seats.
  9. I was yelling in frustration at the screen to just say "Jaclyn and Jon went on the last two rewards, and Natalie didn't get to go because she gave hers to Jaclyn, so it's the fair and right thing to do." That would have shut Reed down and made the Pissy Princess look even worse had she pursued it. This would have been the third unearned reward in a row. Like, really bitch? Really? And why hasn't her princess ass been sent to Exile like Natalie (volunteered!), Baylor, Julie or Jeremy's wife? I'm mad she got the third anyway although I get why Natalie did it after the bitch-fit she pitched last time. I might have taken Baylor instead of Jon though, and claimed it was to have a girl's day. I just hate seeing those entitled blovats get everything, it's fucking annoying. But I get why she did it. Their lovers' quarrel was interesting for a hot minute; Jon really has that grovel down pat, huh? I was fine with her being pissed in the moment, although she could have said "fine, I get it" when he explained he just wanted to talk to her without the game after his return and moved on. No, Pissy Princess had to drag it out for the next 5-6 hours and then some, up until tribal. That's one spoiled little bitchlet and Jon will be kissing that bony ass for a long time to come; she's already taught him how to treat her. Keith - stop spitting, ugh! I've had to figure out a way to anticipate the camera swinging his way, and then averting my eyes fast enough when it does. I have this weird thing that when someone else spits or hocks one, I have the urge to spit as well, it's like I can feel it in my mouth. Which is fine when someone outside does it, but incredibly inconvenient when home watching TV! I actually had a 3 hour block of show to watch having skipped last week in protest of Jeremy's blindside. Didn't care which of them was booted after that. After two weeks ready to see them all go: Missy out - vote out Jon/Jaq - vote out Jaq/Jon - Keith, Baylor & Natalie in F3; Nat for the win! Green asked: That would be Sandra! Sandra Diaz-Twine, my favorite Survivor ever.
  10. I like Claudia already solely based on the super trailer that showed her pissing Nene off. I normally despise HoWives that are only brought on to troll the established ladies but in this case, go ahead girl. Aggravate these bitches all you want, they will not hesitate to do that to you. I am not at all concerned about Claudia and these bitches. She's already tangled with the original reality bitch who wrote the book. http://newsone.com/2624413/omarosa-claudia-jordan-bet-awards-fight/ Speaking of, isn't she in Atlanta now? And pseudo married? I'd love to see her and Nene go head to head. Love it. Love the bag love the shoes love everything. /TM MBFW Nene knows she was carrying with all that extra. If it wasn't about her new enemy she would have called that "robot read" for the corn it was. C'mon, knock it off. If it takes a week to come up with it, it's not a read, sweetie. Now sashy ... away.
  11. I love everything about it even though I despise Apollo. :)
  12. ... and the Kardashian/Odom and Kardashian/Jenner separation and Cannon/Carey divorces, which were all pooh-pooed or dismissed as wrong by the parties involved. And we see how those turned out. I will put my money on TMZ over any of these rags anytime - especially Radar or Media FakeOut. That thot's car will be back at the dealership faster than you can say "whoo whoo, all aboard the Underground Railroad!" LOL. What's say we save the insults and name calling for these Ho'Wives and not other commenters?
  13. Gurl. You ain't never lied. She's serving that Meredith Baxter as Betty Broderick in the Lifetime Movie of the Week Till Death Do Us Part realness.
  14. A little late, but catching up on some threads: No shade, but damn, Cynthia takes my breath away. You must be stunning!!! Let's be clear, now! I conceded at the start that I'm no model (and no one will mistake me for one.) And I think Cynthia is generally a stunning woman (she's fallen off this year, sadly.) Especially when she's away from Peter and shooting in her element in NYC or with Leon. Mmm, Leon. I was speaking specifically to all the hype about her looking so great for 47 and comparing my own genes to that one aspect. Especially considering she uses Botox.
  15. I about fell out when Todd was talking about having a black President and Kandi not being invited to the White House and Don Juan said (incredulously) "She sells sex toys!" Probably for the same reasons Phaedra and her "stans" don't acknowledge they dislike her for reasons that have zero to do with anything she's allegedly done on the show. FWIW I don't consider myself a "stan" of any of them, but I can't stand a gang-up especially over some bullshit. I wasn't even all that hot on Kenya but felt obligated to push back on some of the stuff that was being said because of it. He was a passive participant in all but 3 or 4 of those occasions and all of that occurred over five or six seasons; my issue is all the Ayden & Dylan action over the last four episodes (aka all this season.) Yes, some of us notice, and IMO it's absolutely and transparently all about the poor mother storyline. I'm not mad at him, he speaks clearly and has a good vocabulary for his age and I'm sure his looks will get attention for the same reason his father's does. But if you aren't more special than my own kids were at that age, I'm not that impressed. I'm horrible like that. LMAO. I don't think we need to worry, though. The only dogs Shady Phae takes home come out of jail cells, not kennels.
  16. Loved Claudia: "So you're just gonna put lotion on your hands and dodge the question, huh?" Porsha was doing the most with all that "you don't need to know about our relationship, doop doop, woot, woot," when all I heard Claudia ask was "do you think you would ever sit down with Kenya." Funny, tonight Nene was snarking Cynthia's reading abilities - I remember a TH not that long ago where she said "oh yes honey, Ms. Cynthia can READ." These ho's ain't loyal. :)
  17. For the record, Porsha's arrival on Dish Nation a) ruined the show for me, and b) COMPLETELY coincided with her notoriety after the reunion. She really is believing all her hype. Oh, Phaedra? You yellow, boo. Quack quack. #projectsbootycall #airmattresssex #scoopupatthejailgates. And stop talking about other people's reads, Cynthia didn't have all season to come up with hers like you did, Morticia. 4 for 4. I know many think Ayedan is the greatest kid who ever drew breath, but he's not that cute, he's not that special, and he's not a Housewife or an adult able to make the decision to participate, so I'm going to need Phaedra to make better choices and stop using those children as a shield. For all her talk, she's doing a LOUSY job of shielding them from this stuff and participating in a season heavy with their parents marital problems. Nene should never do a talking head saying someone is not cute. Uh uh, boo boo. No ma'am. Almost forgot - loving Don Juan!
  18. I think we did see this much of them. Maybe we're seeing more of Dylan because he's no longer an infant and ... infants are boring (sorry!), plus sleep schedules, etc. But Ayden has always been (adorably) around. His birth was filmed. Yes, his birth was filmed and yes, they existed - but they were not in every episode as the focus of the scene. I know it's only been three so far, but it's the first three, and every one. If they're the focus of her scenes in the next episode, my mind will be made up that it's entirely for sympathy. From those types, you know, inclined to give it to her because, won't someone think of the children! Personally I hope she gets her too-slick donkey booty caught up in her lies and tricks. But that's just me.
  19. Not that I'm not aware there is some level of "direction" (aka scripting) but I would really be interested in your source for that breakdown, other than an uncredited commenter in an article. (Sincere, not snarky request.) I've seen things where they've had people re-shoot a scene or repeat something they've said because they had a bad angle, or walk into a room several times, and even read where the HoW's set out their schedules with production and then production decides who they'll follow. But nothing on the level that you've described. Even as a situation or storyline is laid out, the words aren't put into their mouths, so it's what they say and how they act within those situations that makes me like/dislike someone, because it tells me who they are at heart, or who they're choosing to be. And in the end, it's really the same thing.
  20. I don't know. Cynthia is definitely off her game this season -- weight, wardrobe and wig-wise -- but I have to believe you don't succeed in the modeling industry and hang out with the types of people she has and not gotten your bitch game up. I just think she was trying to keep it low-key and let the nicer side show. I think now she's like, fuck it, I'm telling bitches off. But poor thing is out of practice. That medical condition of hers jacked e'rything up! I hated that she was punching down with Porsha. I wanted her to be cool about it, although I would have liked her sass if she had been ya know, articulate or something. She won Bravo though, because through it all the camera stayed on Cynthia and we heard every word of her (admittedly struggling) read, while Porsha was noise in the background because she barely got on-camera time in the back-and-forth of that argument. Bingo. Like I say about some of these neighbors in my co-op who are always coming for me, mean and stupid is a bad combination. Porsha can just have a seat talking shit about Cynthia being a bad-ass now. I didn't hear PORSHA popping a lot of shit when she was busy playing mild-mannered dutiful gold-digger, err, wife to Cordell. Nah, she was miked up for the scene which means they knew about the cameras before even going in the door. It was also not new to her because she was in the wedding. Plus Todd no doubt talked to her about the cameras being up when they got back and asked if she were ready. Yeah, I had to hit the side eye on that vanilla/chocolate comment too! And thanks for bringing that up, I meant to make that comment that Phaedra was not selling that scene at. all. She hit that face twist, but we've all seen it before when she's given information and is about to lie. Unfortunately for her there were no bees around and she ain't have no breast pump to work with. And this is week 3-for-3 in Phaedra doing her version of "my four beautiful daughters." Did we see this much of Ayden and Dylan last season? I think she's keeping them front and center for sympathy, really. Poor, poor Phaedra, left behind by that awful husband she gave a second chance to! With those beautiful boys who won't know their father. Poor Phaedra. (My ass.) She was in it up to her neck with him for years even before his "unfortunate incarceration", even while he was being arrested under multiple aliases. She really needs to stop with this revisionist history; she knows who she married. This right here? Is why you and me, us never part, Makidada. .. Do. Not. Resuscitate.
  21. Yass!! *snap* *snap* Thank you, you saved me the trouble. On the floor. The floor, you hear me?
  22. That would totally have been my challenge. "This is not something you typically practice at home." Au contraire mon Peachy frère. I routinely walk around picking things up with my feet. Just 'cause. I can pick up a quarter with my toes. The toughest part would have been the core. Like doing Pilates the whole time. Survivor with dinner? Not with Spittin' Keith around. Ugh, GROSS. And with tonight's vote, Survivor has gone from watch in real time, to weekend DVR clean-up status. I'm now officially rooting for Jon and Jaclyn to get booted before Keith, Wes and Reed. Followed by Baylor before Missy (but only so Missy will cry when she leaves.) I was half-expecting that vote, too much time spent on Jeremy and too many anvils. Nice to make it worse with your loyalty speech, Jaclyn. The least you asses could have done was wait a vote until your meals digested. Stupid move, too soon. And hated the gloaty-face on Reed. Dumbasses, y'all.
  23. I think he did, though - when they were all leaving after the wedding, everyone wanted to go have a drink. Toby said he didn't think he would go, and then they were all "Come on, we want you there, it won't be the same without you" and then he grins and says "Okay" and Daryl (I believe) puts an arm around his shoulder and they take him into the fold, and he's all happy. What's ironic is Toby then in turned treated Clark the same way, when he comes into the room while Toby is talking to Jim, he barely gets in and Toby is going "Out, get out," and tells Jim "Look, he's just gonna linger. I hate that guy."
  24. There are some serious Cirque du Soleil-like gymnastics going on to blame Kenya YET AGAIN for others' actions - actions that in every case were wildly inappropriate reactions to her perceived "crimes." I mean, damn, can the woman just get a break and a "that's fucked up what Apollo did, he took that too far." Nope, somehow she's the cause of a foul lie, which lead to over a year's worth of slut shaming (without the sluttiness to go with it). Oh and now we know for sure it's not true? Too bad, still no sympathy, get the fuck over having your name (and physical being, btw) dragged. I'm sorry, there's just no justification for the lie, or the physical attack. Since everyone there was going in on everyone else (mostly Kenya, "provoking" her by some definitions) the only difference was the bullhorn. So walk off the set until the bullhorn is removed. Or stop talking shit from your end of the couch so that Kenya isn't finding a reason to respond to you. There were other ways around that situation, besides jumping up in Kenya's face. But since Porsha arrived loaded for bear and spoiling for a physical fight, the "prop" was as good a reason as any to snatch Kenya's head. So very trifling. Control yourself, and there's no problem. THIS.
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