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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. I think Lisa V would disagree. Kim has been shown plenty of times hammering at her for different things, in person and in talking heads. Even to the point of constantly mocking her accent, which would be considered "cruel" if it were done to Kim. Many have noticed and called her out for being like a dog with a bone when it comes to Lisa V.
  2. So much pearl clutching that Claudia is doing what everyone else does. Oh wait, she's not just grabbing the low-hanging fruit, she's going for the HBIC's edges. Carry on clutching! Yeah, the two-room deal doesn't hold up, we've been shown a bunch of that house including the tiny footbath passing as a pool and the bathroom she and Apollo went into to fight during picture day. The only reason Phaedra may be more "scared" now is because she knows Apollo has little to lose. So where she had no problem provoking and holding her own before (remember her threats to stab him with the steak knife and her bold declarations of giving Apollo the "silent treatment?" Yeah, that's scared behavior. Mmm hmm.) now she wants to appear like his victim when really she's a victim of her own actions. She's only afraid there really ISN'T any honor among thieves.
  3. So, spreading your legs from here to there and getting nothing but sexual pleasure from it is bad, but if you spread your legs from here to there and get a leased car and some purses from it that's good? Okay, Evelyn. I mean Porsha. Oh my god I need the name of whoever is blowing all that smoke up this chick's (inflated) ass! "There's nothing fake about Porsha Williams." As she sits there with 50 lbs of someone else's hair on her head, silicon bolts on her chest and a car she doesn't own. You are not ballin', you're bailin' *say cheese.* And then wants to call someone else out on a wig? Mmkay. Girl, bye. Check it, Nene - just because YOU married your father/client to get off the pole, you might see marriage as an accomplishment. Some people are perfectly happy standing on their own, even if they're :::gasp::: in their 40s! BTW, Claudia HAS been married. Phaedra: "Who knew someone coming from such sordid circumstances would do it again?" Um, recidivism? And the fact that you know damned well his last prison term WASN'T the first? Keep trying to pretend like 1998-1999 didn't happen. Even as you gave interviews that you met him in 1995 for the first time. Phaedra stays lying about everything. Looks like some texts are coming back to bite Phaedra in the ass. And it doesn't even matter whether it's fake or true. The whole situation reminds me of someone who enjoys setting an unpredictable person on others - until they turn around and find themselves the target of said unpredictability. And because it must always be said: LEON!
  4. I always thought Queens' nickname was "Damn, I gotta go all the way out there?" (I kid!). Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuck wit! Sorry. Just a Money Makin' being ig'nant. I, too believed Drip Drop perhaps required a hand towel (if not a trip to the free clinic!) based on the context. See, I always watch and think they do a TERRIBLE job of depicting NYC. I haven't seen a street scene yet that looks authentic, yellow cab withstanding. Not the Bronx, not wherever that GAS is supposed to be, the block the loft is on, Empire's offices, nothing. Nope. It's a thing.
  5. My heart goes out to you both. Another member here of "the club nobody wants to be a part of," six years and also vehicular. No words indeed. That's why I don't even care if he wasn't texting, he should still be charged with distracted driving for having a hand out the window smoking. Both hands on the damned wheel while driving, you stand a better chance of reacting to something so sudden. (I know there's no law against it, but there should be. No different than holding a phone to your ear IMO.) I agree, the most appalling part of this whole thing to me was all the photos of the cars and the headlines being about Bruce is just fine, and ohyahbtw a lady died too.
  6. Did anyone else notice - if you had on captioning - that during the fight/flashbacks, there was a moment when they show the poker table and Kim goes after LisaR saying"You're stupid" and Lisa's reply "don't start me with - don't" is captioned as (Taylor)?
  7. That entire exchange disgusted me, but Kenya didn't call Vivica ghetto. Vivica called her a "toxic trick" and she objected and said "Really? This isn't the ghetto." And that set off a round of "ghetto this," and "ghetto that" amongst other choice insults. The whole thing was appalling. Especially in front of "show me the Certificate" Donny. I'll admit my first thought was "kind of bad acting from Donny Jr., there" when he pulls out his phone, goes to Twitter and proclaims "Bad news, Vivica, the tweet is right here." He sure did. He couldn't jump off that train fast enough, LOL.
  8. Definitely that loss was on Kenya's head as project manager and the person with the concept - that said, that was some absolute bullshit Trump was pushing: "I put you on this team to help them." Why not just fire them if they kept losing? And Geraldo was always dead center of every creative task - so fire him, instead of that bullshit about putting Kenya there to get her away from Brandi, let's not pretend like it was anything else. Nope, in the end he needed his "real" stars to cobble together a finale where some big money would flow. Task: I get that they were going for "edgy" and it could have worked with another brand, but it was wrong idea, wrong brand. And perpetual losers Vivica and Geraldo aside, Kenya was the right choice to fire. That boardroom ... damn, Vivica. I don't care how pissed Kenya gets you, you just really ... yuck. Way to take us there, Viv. You should have been on a higher plane, Miss International Assets. You're as bad as Kenya, just in a different way. Hashtag Shame. Lime-A-Rita? My nieces tell me it's called ThotJuice. Should have been a slam dunk for Brandi. Best part of the night was them having to sit back down after the relief of thinking they escaped unscathed. Ha! Frump's reasoning for firing Ian was so fake and arbitrary; he picks a bogus thread and makes a molehill into a mountain to justify a firing. Then they were BEGGING to fire just Johnny to get to a final four, even having The Other One toss her an excuse "Okay, how about Johnny wrote the jingle? That's his fault, right? That's good, use that." Jiminy Crickett. But why am I acting like any of this is new? Or unplanned? Sigh.
  9. Thank you for this And this. Winner, winner, CFA dinner!
  10. Also: How much did I love Eileen's proclamation of "grown-ass woman"-ness? Way too much. I vote for "How is Kyle going to tell a grown woman like Kim she can't leave the party?" with a straight face. As if she didn't repeatedly tell Kyle to leave Kim alone and to "stoooppp it, stoooppp" while blocking said grown woman from talking to Kyle.
  11. 7 minutes in and Eileen gives the most AWESOME side eye/roll to Brandi and Kim's babbling and hugging bullshit, before saying "Oh, shut up" in response to Brandi's drunken "I'll kill her" threats followed by her dismissive "Are you kidding? How about a little Neosporin? Get a grip," to Brandi's whining about her "wound." Already did before, but REALLY loving Eileen now, even as a non-Y&R fan (Mr. Snark was a closet fan while in the Navy, tho). I eagerly anticipated Ashley Abbott's arrival, but Eileen is so much better. Previews look good!
  12. It falls right in line with Sig's weekly "that's a chick task" dismissal of all the projects. No, most of them weren't. They were about sales and marketing, period. Good thing Brandi pulled out the win. Otherwise we may have been treated to her asking if she "needed to eat Ivanka's p***y" in order to please them. And hearing that from her on television once in a lifetime is one time too many already. More grossness: "Could you give him some money too, please?" in that fake baby voice she puts on. What a suck up (no pun intended.) Sorry that I clicked on a Sig-referenced spoiler only to find a Brandi-centric one. No wonder she's getting the good edit. And she most certainly is, because anyone who has spent half a season watching this chick knows she cannot NOT be inappropriate for a single hour, never mind days/weeks at a time. Not on a show, not at a dinner party with Babyface as the honored guest, not on her podcast, not even on her Twitter. Golf and no Carolyn? Seems wrong, somehow. But I'm missing her more fondly in the rear view mirror, I think. I hate Donald Trump and myself by extension for watching his fecking show. So ... same time next week? Sigh.
  13. Brandi: "Ian doesn't listen to anyone and does what he wants." After deciding as PM she wasn't going to listen to anyone and did what she wanted. If there was any doubt before, they are giving this bitch the sweetheart edit of the year. I'd venture they'd even remove scenes where they have to bleep her ... except then they'd have no talking footage. Kate: "I totally didn't see that coming?" You should have, it's YOUR argument every week. Shopping takes a long time and ultimately it falls on the PM when the concept fails, right? Hilarious that whenever KATE was the shopper the mantra was, "shopping takes time! If we fail, it has to fall on the Project Manager!" And every single Boardroom she ever-so-reluctantly throws the PM under the bus because "in the end, it's the PM's fault, isn't it?" But make her the PM and not the shopper, now it's the fault of those who were SHOPPING. At least Vivica found someone new to blame besides Kate, and Kate was happy to name anyone BUT the Project Manager, namely her. Frankly, I don't know why they weren't focusing on the reason for the loss, which was the concept. Even if they HAD gotten back with the items requested, it wasn't going to suddenly make the experience interactive nor the quality luxurious. And when Kenya brought up at least one of those as an issue, Kate blew it off. Still, these fools fall into Trumps pre-ordained firing line up every time by letting him take them down a rabbit hole. I would have just said "even if there was some disagreement about getting back, in the end that was only 30 minutes of the overall task, and not the reason why we lost." Boom. Move on. Those comments were also fairly misogynistic, IMO. The "girls" are tough to manage? What the hell about Geraldo? He's been hell to handle in every single task, and has been a big part of why they fail - because he steamrolls, and the PMs don't reign him in. Then they lose the creative and he skates the fuck off.
  14. And I don't understand why it's such a low and horrible thing to reference Brandi's husband leaving her, when Brandi has made her entire living off of it (and off of talking about it.) TV show, Twitter, a book (first). Seriously, who even KNEW Brandi Glanville until Eddie took off with Lee Ann? Excellent question.
  15. I'm rooting for Leeza. If this is another "horrid old friend of Donald's wins" aka Geraldo year, I will check out before the finale just like I did with that she-beast Joan. Shawn was doomed from the moment she punked out on taking on the task and making Vivica do another turn, however, letting that Sig dude get away with essentially saying "these are a bunch of women tasks, wake me up when you need a dick to be a PM" was some old bullshit too. I wasn't sorry to see her go anyway because she played that kid card while being a stealth bitch. Also, it wasn't cool to hide from the task, then sit there and TH'd all about what YOU would do if you were the PM. Well then you should have done it, Blanche! So much pearl-clutching about how awful it was to speak of Brandi and Eddie's threesomes becoming a twosome that didn't include her anymore! Is that like, the sacred cow of insults or something? She can proclaim Kenya purchased her ass, or interview that she really wants to beat her ass for real, but Kenya can't speak of her husband having left her? Is that the world we live in now? LOL! Maybe because unlike many/most I *have* watched her in action, I cannot give one fuck. I am literally out of them for poor, blonde Brandi. And yet, she's got nothing on Brandi in that regard. Kenya - for the most part - tangles with people who go after her. Brandi goes after EVERYONE. Even friends, and innocent children (hi kids! your mother isn't your mother - talk amongst yourselves!) In a far more below the belt fashion than anyone ever on one of these shows. But you know, this is Trump's show and we know he likes his trashy blondes. So, poor Brandi = winning. Yes, that's exactly what she said. And the attack she referenced was real. As was the resulting arrest. Perplexed at why Kenya is a nasty-ass bitch, and yet there was none of the same condemnation about any of Brandi's TH with all the "I want to beat her ass," "she bought her ass," etc. comments. Nasty is nasty, especially with these two. I'm not defending whether it was a smart move to do it (wasn't.) I guess we share a lot of the same unpopular opinions! This. Although even having heard of her reputation, SHE'S still getting the benefit of the doubt. You can't walk away when someone essentially jumps on you and assaults you. Brandi threatening to do the same when they were trying to enact a fight was downright mean and nasty, and not at all in the spirit of what was going on. Brandi wouldn't even HAVE a job on the show if not for the fact that her husband left her! Her entire identify is based on being the woman left behind, and she was (and is) happy to play it for all it's worth on the show, for a book and in real life for the last three seasons. She should be paying Kenya for product placement!
  16. Yay, I'm a new hippie! Neo, if you will. And you won't find SDS anywhere, I just abbreviated "shit don't stink." LOL. I just like people to have a little bit of humility; I will let a lot slide if you can just admit your flaws. But when you don't and act like you're perfection, then it brings on the wrath. Heh.
  17. I am waiting for ANY of them, and that includes the can-do-no-wrong Nene to be interesting on their own again. It appears nobody has anything going on except their musical chairs feud. Personally I welcome some new energy in Claudia and Demetria. Time will tell; in the meantime, the more airtime they take away from those dusty SDS bitches Nene and Phaedra, the more I am here for it! :) Copacabana - to your question, I only have to echo 'Damo's words above - "We're in Puerto Rico, snacks, liquor and accommodations are paid for and the sun stays up. We're on the bus talking about weave and vagina miles? Really?" There is just no reason to be doing anything except drinking well, eating good and finding yourself in and out of some body of water, fresh or salt. Period. Except maybe shopping. There's always room for the purse and jewelry outlets. I wish they had shown a lot more of them enjoying the scenery and going out and about, especially since it's winter all over here. I love to travel also and when I can't, I depend on these chicks to live through vicariously, dammit! As I think about it now, we blame the women for the downfall of the show, and yet, I know there are lots of occasions where they're getting along and having a good time. The "Unseen Moments" prior to reunions always show stuff we wish they had shown. So maybe they need to edit in more of the fun and less of the bitchery, and it might go back to being the fun franchise we knew and loved...
  18. It's a little nicer than can be seen on the show. It apparently won a New Boutique Hotel award in 2013. If you like rooms with glass wall bathrooms and no privacy in the name of "boutique" for an average of $189-$289 a night, it can be yours! I can see from where the MGs were sitting on the beach, it's down the road from the place we always stay, it was in the background. I could tell from some other photos online that's where other talent stayed, like da Brat and her girlfriend. according to the timeline, they were there just a few weeks before me, the last weekend in August. I can't decide if I'm sorry or glad our paths didn't cross. Or at least a working doorbell. Ahh, what I wouldn't give to have had Marlo at that table too... Well, I've heard it called a pocketbook before, so ... :) And Nene. Let's not forget Nene. She's put Porsha's gains from her "international relationship" out there for a few weeks now in her talking heads. Claudia may very well know the man is married; Phaedra never had any proof of a relationship between Kenya and Apollo. Ha!! Cynthia, dry your tears about anything Nene had to say about parenting. Like mother, like son I guess.
  19. Just wondering why Brandi threatening to re-enact an actual assault on Kenya in the midst of the project is permissable, but Kenya's retorting with her being left by her husband is all kinds of wrong? Kenya definitely shouldn't have said it - not because Brandi didn't deserve it, because she has the worst mouth and says the rudest and most foul things ever; I've watched a lot of these chicks over the years and frankly, I don't think there's ANYTHING one can say bad enough to or about her (someone ask Joanna Krupa her opinion on that one) - but because once again, it's a single-goose sauce and she was going to come out on the losing end, no matter what.
  20. Poor Brandi. Always the victim. Maybe if she doesn't want people to poke at her sore spots, she shouldn't poke others'. Saying she was going to drag Kenya across the floor like Porsha was hitting below the belt. Too bad for her she had a lower belt.
  21. I agree - why should Preston be the cuckold here? He's tall and hot, plus nice and close with his family and making a good living. SHE'S lucky to have HIM. I'm sure he had his pick of women in this country, and probably dated many before meeting Elena. For whatever reason he fell for her, they definitely seem to be in love and she cares a lot about making a good impression with his family. If it were a green card situation, she'd have been out two years in, because she's been making a living as "Mini-Britney" since 2012,.
  22. Okay, I'm just going to say it. Ben's sons seem very zesty to me. Maybe it's a southern thing. See, I think it's the opposite - I think Junice is very much playing games. She can no longer compete financially so she's playing the only cards she has, being secretive, withholding and separating herself, because she knows it drives her family crazy. Ben made the comment tonight that Rock and Junice were doing as well as everyone else until they lost a lot due to the recession, and then they suddenly started becoming anti-materialistic. Ben: "They was as materialistic as the rest of us ... until they ran out of material." Bahahahaha! Right or wrong, that was some funny ish right there. I promised I wouldn't watch this show which was CLEARLY designed to generate a check for all these "juveniles." But WTF. There's nothing else on after the Ho'Wives. And I'm basically Bravo's bitch. I just don't usually make it so obvious by posting about these shows.
  23. They all do it because it's encouraged and they aren't best friends. Which is fine. I still see Cynthia and Kenya and Claudia going to the next event and at least trying to start fresh. Nene can't even pretend through the same EVENING, never mind the next event. Why is it when Kenya spoke up during their argument, Nene tells her to butt out, but Porsha puts her two cents in to Claudia during their argument, and that's okay? More hypocrisy. Nene, you keep saying accu-lades. I do not think that word means what you think it means. A few elocution lessons instead of those "off-the-runway" schmattas might have been a better investment. Much like those ultra-white chicklets you're trying to form words around, which aren't helping your case either. Seems like those comments about gluing her hair down stung a bit, since she made a point to reference her hair several times afterwards. And you just know if Nene had anybody else to be with, she would not be "checking for P," she'd be trashing her like usual. Along with Porsha's horrible hair. And she had the nerve to be woofing at jokes about Claudia's "bob?" Either one of them??? Girl, bye. Or maybe buy...some better hair. Porsha is not a good representative for her hair line. Just sayin'. Speaking of ...Phaedra - if the ca-pree-say takes you back to it-ah-lay, you should have picked up the proper pronunciation while you were there. She's always so high-fucking-falutin' and sounding ridiculous, putting on airs about "barbarian" cream lady fingers and "foe-gra."And please never massage yourself like that again, that was disgusting. Also, mesh is not your friend, nor mine when you're on screen. Mmmkay, thanks? Dildo game? Figures Nene would be the best at hanging onto a pole...
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