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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. Maybe she was running to, not from - once the glass was smashed she flew out that door so it might have been to get additional help because shit was hitting the fan due to Kim. Exactly. Brandi knew opening her mouth would remind people she was mixed in this ish. Also, if there was ever a doubt she was "brainwashing" Kim, doubt no longer. It was freaking erie to hear Kim parrot what Brandi was peddling nearly word for word "Kathy wouldn't do this to me. Kathy's a real sister." (I'm of course paraphrasing).
  2. Also - Katie's piece was crap. I can't imagine buying something made of PVC, acrylic and wood in two wildly different tones! Come on, choose a lane! I like furniture that can serve multiple purposes but I would not have gone for that junk; it seemed like some Ikea hack, or made up of leftover pieces. Was this the Project Runway remake the ugliest garment challenge using all the worst pieces challenge? Gah!
  3. This wasn't even close. It's not similar, it's identical. Same sliding ends, same center piece lift, same steel legs in the same spot - same stacked wood design! It's a rip-off if ever there was one. He simply did not come up with a unique design, he remade someone else's piece. No way did he just come up with this: "Hmm, I think I'll make a hidden storage desk, with a square center lift - hinges, of course. And then two drawers, one on either side of a metal brace/leg. And then over those drawers, I think I'll add a piece that slides on top, from either end. Nobody has ever seen anything like it! Yeah, that's the ticket." Simon Schacht Original vs Tim's: Dammit Tim! I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you! /Tyra Interesting tidbit: So of course I have to undelete the thing from the DVR to hear it for myself, and damned if he didn't say just that. I'm thinking eventually someone watched those tapes, went looking for whatever he discussed and found it.
  4. How dreadful! (Actually no, it would be awesome, I just wanted to say that again.)
  5. That ... wasn't even close to original. No chance of even claiming "inspired by" - that was a 100% rip-off; only change up was type of wood. Damn, now I wonder how much of his other stuff was his own. Way to keep it Klassy, Tim. I'll bet Gaspar is cursing him out right about now.
  6. That fake-ass flirt was nothing and Phaedra knew it. A couple of comments about how cute her husband was? Isn't that why she picked that particular flavor? If that's the standard of proof both she AND Nene were "whoring" it up with Peter. So why would Kenya disbelieve Phaedra would cheat on Apollo? It's clear their relationship isn't of the sort where she'd be giving her the benefit of the doubt. That said, it's irrelevant in this case. Phaedra knew Apollo was a liar and neither of them ever showed proof of a text - and if they had one they damned sure would have. But just as it was convenient for Phaedra to believe Apollo when it suited her, I have no problem with Kenya making those same accusations back - whether she really believes it or not. Phaedra and her three-peat convict huzzbin own the stench on this pile of shit. Do I know if Phaedra cheated? Nope. Is it possible? Yup. Do I care in the context that if Kenya wants to sling it back it needs to be true? Uh... nope. You live by the (Apollo lie) sword, you die by the (Apollo lie) sword. On second viewing, I noticed how demurely Porsha sipped her drink, Nene averted her eyes, and Demetria cracked the fuck up when the Mr. Chocolate accusations started flying. Kandi stayed behind all of a minute, because, you know, she was hosting ALL the guests. Not just Phaedra. And still, she left them behind to catch up with Phaedra before she was even out the effin' door! Porsha trying to make something dramatic out of her not rushing to Phaedra's side to catch her in case she caught the vapors was just being extra and instigating.
  7. Why would she be, when the woman couldn't even be woman enough to apologize for believing her husband's lies? I think Kenya would have been completely sympathetic. But Phaedra didn't deserve her sympathy IMO. Oh Apollo, you juvial bastard. You're going asunder, are you? Inanimate objects have been working for me this week - first the escalator eating Brandi's ass (by way of Kim) on BH and then the car smacking Phaedra in the head (by way of me) thanks! Todd, my husband would like to call "bullshit" on your excuse. He's not thirsty and still says a "bonnet" wouldn't stop him. Stop playing. Hmm. I wonder if somebody at Bravo is trying to spill some tea by showing Phaedra's pattern of lies. They hit that flashback button when they want to make sure you're busted. Also: nice chryon count screen editors, letting us know it's been 3 days before Kandi dropped by...build that storyline! Phaedra is full of it, though. The times that Kandi did try to talk to her during her "drama" she didn't want to hear what she had to say. So then Kandi falls back, and suddenly she's a bad friend? How many times has Phaedra called Kandi? Or isn't anyone else allowed to have anything going on in their lives? LMAO: Nene: "Who's calling people a whore?" Cynthia: "You called Claudia a whore two weeks ago!." (Oops) Cynthia. Gurl. Leave that mess to those who thrive on that. No matter who sends you to be the messenger. That was all kinds of awkward. No bueno. More burning questions: - How is Nene making history on Broadway? *confused* - Why does Porsha choose the "skank" setting for every outfit? - Why are Nene and Porsha making it thier business to question Kandi? Guess we have to "watch what happens" to find out.
  8. 100% this. I just rewatched the scene on Hulu, and she was into it from the beginning. At the point they arrived, and he asked if she were as turned on as him, she starts making out with him. I don't disagree that at any point along the way she has the right to say "no." But her anger on the ride home and trying to make it seem as if she were forced or pimped out - no ma'am. You were down right up until you saw that old man in a wheelchair. You took the change of plans, switching partners up in stride and said "you keep Mrs. Blakely occupied while I keep Mr. Blakely busy." You were only upset when you saw the hand dealt you - and you were too weak to object and Andre didn't let you off the hook. Y'all should have established a safe word for your games. But no, you don't get to act like you weren't as down as he was. Yeah. I liked that they showed that glimpse of Cookie in jail. I wish they had shown more of those scenes throughout - at the very least, show us Cookie keeping up with current music. She left jail, was using an iPhone a couple of days later and shortly thereafter was texting and making 3 way calls like a pro. People I know who have been away far less time are thrown by cell phones and texting. This week she was using equipment in the studio like she hadn't missed the last 17 years of technology. Not a word of dialogue about the way things have changed. Y'all really work a chick's suspension of disbelief, show. Very first Rhonda scene, first words, Ep1: "Look at 'em. Your brothers are showing off again." Said with a sneer. Yet they were singing in an empty room with no one around to show off for. Next Rhonda scene: she's the one who suggests creating a wedge between the brothers and says "they just may kill each other" with a grin. Andre notes how close they are and she starts stripping and asking "Do you really want this company?" before shutting it down any further discussion or possible objections with sex. So no, Andre's not an unwilling participant, but Rhonda definitely takes a lead role in pitting him against his family.
  9. Even though I find Lisa's daughters a little bratty and I took them to task for being rude about the "fatties," I've had a shift in perspective - they're playing to their friends, not us. That became totally clear when the one loved the jacket and then cooled on it when she learned it was from Target. When you get older, it's cool to find something cute yet inexpensive that you can mix in with your high end wardrobe, it's a rush when you do. But when you're a teen, especially in LA (or LA-adjacent) it's the opposite of cool. So she had to shut that shit down. LOL. I'm sure they're a little nicer off camera, but they amp up the "Moooom! Get away!" factor when the cameras go up. I'm not really ragging on them for that, but I will say it speaks well of Kyle's daughters that they don't pull those stunts. Something tells me Kyle and Mauricio wouldn't laugh that shit off like, "Oh teens, whattayagonnado?" I think she would regulate when those cameras went down. I'm sayin'.
  10. Then the episode I watched definitely didn't show that. I didn't see the original showing, I saw the one they showed a week or so prior to the update. The only reason I'm so clear about it is because I had seen her a year or so before in that documentary where she was part of the NAAFA and the focus was on women who underwent the surgery and still being accepted - or not - within the group, and they talked about it in depth. So I watched thinking "Oh, they're not even going there I guess."
  11. My recollection is that they did NOT mention Zsalynn's porn fetish past in the original showing; I posted and linked following the show wondering why they never touched on it. No, I heard it also - I rewound and looked into the car to see where it was, and also thought "why did they take the dog and leave it locked in the van??"
  12. I think Katherine is getting a bad rap, and Yeiji lauded even while making a similar happy/smirky face. We don't know at what point the faces are made, except because they're seated on stage we know it's sometime during the competition portion. I especially noticed in the last episode they showed several Yeiji smirks when Katherine missed a question. I like them both, and I think Katherine just has a weird kids version of RBF relative to her smile or maybe no poker face. I think happy is being translated as gloating. Ryan. His parents were relentless, but I don't think they were horrible or abusive or anything. They were pushing in the way they knew how. For sure I'm not worried about what will happen when he goes home; no kid who so freely tells his mother to "shut up" the way he does is worried about harsh repercussions. They're relentless, but he's rude as fuck. The worst that will happen is he'll forever be reminded that he lost by not focusing and taking it seriously enough anytime he does anything else from now on. And to be honest, from what was shown, I DON'T think he took it seriously until he came in last, and ultimately was eliminated. Then he cried, lots. Because he knew he blew it. He strikes me as one of those smart kids to whom everything comes easily and he was up against people as good, or better. Too little, too late.
  13. See, this is why we can't have nice things. Okay I am literally LOL at this! I can't even lie and call it a giggle, it's a straight-up guffaw. Oh Larenz. I love him so. He's my pocket blackman crush. Just like John Leguizamo and Marc Anthony are my latino pocket crushes. Tiny love, tiny love ... I promise to behave if they can get MC on the screen. (this) Woman cannot live on the bar entry/bulb flashing scene from TBM alone. I was in a hotel room in freezing-ass Albany, NY and refused to go outdoors (except to see Eric Benet. Because ... Eric.) And hotel TV rules = you get what you get and you don't get upset. Don't expect to catch a show from the beginning, or see the end -- unless you memorize the channels so you know where you were before you turned during commercials. But you won't. I accidentally watched some of Twilight too. The struggle is real.
  14. When Lucious made his announcement, it was as if no one had ever heard of ALS. I was surprised nobody at least said "the Lou Gehrig disease?" especially since the whole world has spent the last two years dumping ice buckets over one another in its name and it was bigger than cancer, as diseases go. All I could think about watching Courtney Love falling over that couch in her effed up stupor was her breastfeeding some dude at Wendy's a few years back. Poor Mr. SK is slow. Episode 7 and he says "Hey, weren't they in Hustle and Flow together? This is kind of like a continuation of that." Like we haven't watched that movie fifty-leven times. There, there, honey. It's hard out here for a pimp. + = Things just got exponentially better. :) :) :) Yeah, putting that line in Courtney's mouth. So edgy, miright?? Lee's like DeGrassi, man, he goes there. I have never been into TH either. He has all the necessary ... accoutrements to be considered cute/attractive/sexy, but he looks too much like my damned younger brother to ever have done it for me. He was spoiled for me from jump. Even without the belly. This is like, the only show I will save on the DVR and watch at least once more between episodes. You just can't take it in all at once, there's no way to watch Cookie and whatever else is happening at the same time. And I accidentally watched Magic Mike this weekend and ... yeah, as long as there's a shower around, I'll allow it. Why must all the good ones smell? Maybe next season with everyone knowing it's a cult hit, blacktors will be lined up for a part and we'll get a delicious cameo from TH's Best Man co-star Morris Chestnut... but then my nights of watching with Mr. SK will be over. LOL.
  15. I am here for this all day, every day and twice on Sundays. The shade, the shade of it all! I don't know that starting over would help; at this point everyone who goes on one of these shows knows the game and they're all playing. Just look at how they added all those new people to Jersey - every one of them came out of the gate with their plans down pat. It's too late to get the "real" parts of reality shows anymore. All you can do is catch the moments they aren't expecting. I agree all these "brands" and bullshit fame these former nobodies get go to their heads. I find the ones who had some level of celebrity/legit careers (Cynthia, Kenya, Kandi, Claudia) handle it far better than the ones on their first rodeo (Nene, Porsha, Kim, Sheree, Phaedra, Apollo, Peter.)
  16. If they do, that should tell you just how unappealing I find hour after hour of bad hair and bad attitudes passing for "actual lives." So I'm not looking for a break. If I felt like I needed one, however, I'd turn it off... You're right, no one can. So one hypothesis is as valid as another. And since we already know the outcome, it's pointless to argue whether or not it's a far-fetched notion - he didn't do it, for whatever reason. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. I would have to review the episodes again to know who said it first (and I sure don't care enough to do it!) But for sure Porsha herself made that case at that dinner and Peter and Kenya jumped on the comment, which she then tried to backtrack from. She made the statement that Kordell married her to protect his image. And did so many TH interviews calling him a bitch, queen and other derogatory names that were clearly intended to call him out that even people who felt bad for how he left her thought she went to far. Plus her antics with Kandi and the sex toys she claimed he kept ... for my part, I definitely put KordellGate on her. Everyone else may have speculated or repeated rumors, but she put the nails in that coffin. Nene is talking out of both sides of her neck. She didn't claim to hear the rumors from Kenya and Claudia, because she doesn't speak to them. She stated that she knew Porsha was getting gifts from someone but she didn't know for sure *wink, wink.* On more than one occasion. She definitely as you say added fuel to the fire.
  17. The two situations aren't even comparable. And no I do not think Apollo had any intention of going up to Phaedra and assaulting her moments before going off to jail, in full view and arms reach of producers, cameramen, Comcast workers, locksmiths, Garage Dude and Bun! To do what, add 10 years to his (ultimately) 5 years sentence? Nope, I don't buy it. This. No worries, Bravo! As long as you keep that braying edgeless donkey on WWHL with Andy and off RHOA, I've got you covered. I'd rather follow Kenya, Cynthia and Claudia around; the three evil stepsisters suck the enjoyment right out of the show IMO. Somebody had better tell Ms. Leakes that... she's doing as much as she can to keep that fire going and flat out saying the same thing, except approvingly. And just because nobody has seen her with a dude - African or not - she's clearly clocking Vagina Car & Purse miles. Porsha herself is very happy to Instagram photos of those generous gifts as she calls them. And they all spread rumors. Moore Whore, CordellsBeard and ClitLess didn't come from Kenya and Claudia.
  18. I watched sans DVR tonight, so maybe I missed something, but didn't Rickey call Claudia in to discuss something else and then ask how they were getting along because he's felt the tension? Still - it might not be a workplace issue if Childish Gambino could pull her head out from up her own oversized ass and have a simple (as opposed to her usual simple-minded) conversation where you take some ownership of a situation for the sake of peace, instead of trying to be Nene Jr., over-talking and swanning about like you're some big fucking deal and how dare anyone talk to you. I hate Peter so I don't care how badly they rake him over the coals for his peachie ambitions. Apollo would have seemed scarier to me if I didn't know that HE knew cameras were rolling the whole time. He was grandstanding; the idea that he would kill them all or wait do something violent to Phaedra ON TAPE with cameras, producers and workman around, after months of doing nothing in the privacy of their home when nobody was watching and he could claim a mutual fight was kinda ludicrous. It's eight years, it's not life. Why would he want to increase his time by assaulting and/or killing Phaedra and his kids? He could do that easy, he's done it before and certainly has more to live for and more prospects than he did the first time around. Does not compute. Much like the locksmith who asks why she's changing the locks, or the idea that she left home to stay at a resort to be safe from Apollo ... but was with him the night before allowing him to see the kids. Huh? But, as a scene from a Lifetime movie though, I guess it could have been scary. The idea that the texts could have been from her exotic dancer BFF White Chocolate because girlfriends play like that sometimes ... "Are you gonna call me Daddy?" "If you spank me" "That comes with it" ... yeah, that's a stretch. Either it's true, or it's faked, but the idea it's her friend texting that - stop it, Nene. Oh the irony of being caught up in the same sort of Textgate and then reacting violently to a taste of your own medicine. Umph umph umph. Everybody knows that's not cool.
  19. Mar needs to be slapped with a case. Every time she drinks (gets drunk) her first move is to sexually maul anyone who can't move fast enough. That paw shoots out, snags someone by the head and she's dive-bombing for what she thinks is the sexiest kiss ever. Last night you could see dudes literally dodging that hand - and so she moves on to the female bartender who pays her a compliment? We doin' that now? Girl, bye! I hope someone grabs that paw and twists it next time.
  20. Not to my knowledge. LOL. (But I think we're in the same city so ... :D)
  21. #cookiecakes = is trending like a mug. (<--- no copyright infringement, I can't afford a case!) That's 'cause Sway ain't got all the answers! See, that's why you play too much. Hahahaha!! That's hilarious ... oh wait, you were serious?
  22. I try not to pull the threads of these storylines, cause I'm just here for the performances and the ride, but c'mon, son! Are we really supposed to believe that someone out there has Jamal's kid and only looks him up because she heard him on the radio and her daughter wanted to meet her father? Not before since, ya know, he's already the heir to the freakin' Empire fortune? Rlly show?
  23. Well thank you! To crib a quote, sometimes "I have not the words."
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