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Everything posted by friendperidot

  1. quick question re this episode - what was the song that was played at the end and who sang it? I don't follow current music at all, and by current, I mean anything that has come out since about 1980. I rather liked that song.
  2. Started watching Hill Street Blues a few days ago. I had forgotten how good it was. Frank Furillo was such a great character and Joyce Davenport is the original Erin Reagan except she was a public defendant not a prosecutor. But I have gotten used to most tv shows today following stories for more than one episode. For instance I know Phil Esterhaus faints at his wedding to the teenager, but it's never spoken of again, he's just with Grace. And JD Larue, is finally forced by his peers and his boss into seeking help for his drinking, Frank had told him to put in for a transfer because he didn't want him in his prescient, but in the next episode, he's in roll call. But characters do remain the same, Fay is still a pain in the butt, Joyce and Frank are still a couple, Henry is such a psychoanalyst, Phil has his women problems and Howard doesn't get any, well maybe he does later, I'm still in season one. And what does it say, that I'd rather watch re-runs of this show than most of current tv? And MASH was excellent, holds up well in re-runs.
  3. I am now about halfway through season four. I have given up trying to figure out which universe, which timeline or when or where everyone is. I have read this thread and a couple of others, spoilers meant nothing to me when I did because I was too new to the show. But so help me, if Nina is imagining this whole thing in a snow ball or comes out of a shower, I am going to be pissed. Don't tell me, I'll get there eventually. Oh, and I love the way they do the titles of where the scene will be. Edited to add that sometimes watching this show, I feel it woges over to the Grimm side of town.
  4. Never cared much for Snapped, my mom used to have it on, but I usually skipped past it. But now that I don't have satellite and Escape is the only true crime channel I have, I've had it on several times. And now I've realized one of the reasons I don't like it, the narrator, she has such a flat affect, no highs/no lows in her narration. She's boring to listen to. And the stories are all about the same, nice, good woman, everyone likes her, gets married, has perfect family and then something happens and she kills her husband/family. Boring stories, boring narration.
  5. I have never seen this show before a few days ago. I'm at episode 8. I like it so far. I had never watched Dawson's Creek, so I knew nothing about Joshua Jackson other than he's connected with Diane Kruger and the Fug Girls love him a lot. He's really quite charming. I love Walter and all the little things he just throws out. This is becoming a fun watch. I decided to branch out in my tv viewing with Netflix when I ditched Directv. I'm not really much of a science fiction buff, I prefer crime shows, mysteries, true crime, so that's why I'm just finding this.
  6. I haven't been watching all the time for several seasons, catch something if I remember to watch. Saw an episode a couple of weeks ago where Penelope realized that some major crime thing was using some program of hers (really haven't been paying attention). skipped a couple of episodes, watched tonight and she cannot go home. What happened?
  7. Found one to avoid on Netflix -Paranormal Home Inspectors. Watched 2 episodes, have the 3rd one on & will be turning it off. Show schedule: introduction to the home, owners, what they experience, etc. home inspector comes in, looks into the problems home owners described, finds other explanations, and if he can't debunk it, the family pets are doing it. Then a spiritual healer comes in, finds there is definitely something there, next someone researches, finds something bad happened on the property, in the house, near the property. Host tells home owner, a few weeks later the home owner says everything is just hunky dory. Really boring show. Don't bother with it. I like Ghost Hunters and I like Ancient Aliens and UFO stuff, but I'm removing this one from my list.
  8. Some people on here are grossed out by ads with people eating with their mouths open or making noises while they eat or that they eat certain brands of yogurt. None of those particularly bother me as I don't watch tv much, I listen while I do other things, read FB or the boards here or play computer games. But why is it that when I do look at the screen there's some fool shaving the skin off their feet! Yuck, that's what grosses me out.
  9. As I've said on some show threads, I've recently turned off the satellite and went to antenna. I thought cable channels had some really awful commercials, but wow, they're nothing compared to the crap on small over the air networks. There are the ones for medical appliances paid for by medicare - not stair lifts or scooter chairs, these are knee braces . Then there's financial "helping" ones, not just the opera on the bus, but ones for just in case you have a lawsuit going and are expecting a settlement - my guess, your entire settlement will go to the financial company and others for same day loans - including the rate suckers. To me the people who invented these business are evil people - ranking up there with Wall Street Bankers, but just a low rent version. And the skin cremes that will make you young again - ick, but you can use it for 30 days free.
  10. Since I missed the past month, I rather enjoyed the finale. I enjoyed watching Bindi, feel better about Nick at the end, I'm too old to have been a fan in his heyday, he worked hard. I enjoyed watching Alek enjoy his experience. I enjoyed the Chaka/Andy duet - but I really like Baby it's Cold Outside, I thought the women's costumes in the finale were gorgeous! Wardrobe and costumers did a great job.
  11. AKraven, thank you, it was City Confidential.
  12. I had discovered Reelz before the demise of Directv and their demise is directly related to being taken over by AT&T.I miss Major Crimes on TNT the most, but I think I can see it on line. Haven't seen anything about the Justice. I enjoy Netflix, but I'm getting a little bored. I'm not a big movie fan, and I've binge watched almost all the tv shows I'm interested in.Snapped in on Escape several times a day, it's not a big favorite of mine, but I am getting re-addicted to Unsolved Mysteries. Escape also has FBI Files and American Justice. I would enjoy it if they would show the series about a particular city - cannot think of the name, but each episode was set in a smallish city and a sensational murder that happened there, at the beginning, the narration was about the city, a little history, a little about it's citizens, then into the story. Problem with Escape is they run dreadful movies on weekends, especially late at night.
  13. I recently ditched satellite and have been adjusting to life with an antenna. It sure has changed in the past 13 or so years! I've been filling my true crime show needs with Escape network. ID was my go to sleep to channel, but Escape does ok. Been watching Forensic Files and tonight the narrator said "former girlfriend of (suspect) told police that (suspect) and his father had an unusual habit. The fired their 22 shot guns into the walls of their duplex". WTF? Habit? Firing a gun of any sort into the walls of your home is a habit? Brushing your teeth is a habit, biting your fingernails is a habit, firing a gun into the walls of your home is not a habit, it's a practice or a choice or a game, a stupid practice or choice or game, but it is not a habit.
  14. I've been unable to watch for the past month, ditched the satellite and had trouble getting my antenna to pull in ABC, finally got it this weekend. I have a question, who was the male back-up dancer with the shaved head? I never could get an up-close look. And Julianne's dress could have been a size larger. It gave her odd body lines.
  15. thank you all so very much! That was the show. It's always been a fantasy dream of mine to renovate a cool old building into a home. Now I can look it up and see if I can find any of the clips.
  16. I need some help with finding the name of a series, there weren't very many episodes, but I liked it. Similar to Extreme Homes, but people had taken old buildings and repurposed them into homes. I remember a gas station, the owners collected cars; a firehouse, several barns, an old bank building in a small town that turned out gorgeous, I think there was an old department store too. Can anyone remember the name. I searched HGTV's website and looked at a couple of shows, but they're not the ones I'm looking for.
  17. I've been a casual viewer for the past couple of years. Do hypodermic needles really have serial numbers?
  18. I started binge watching on Netflix. I'm in season 2. I loved this show when it aired and I am thoroughly enjoying it now. I read an article the other day, 8 sad truths on QL. I can see what the article was talking about, Sam kissing someone on almost every episode, it didn't bother me then and doesn't bother me now. This show was more of each episode was it's own story but loosely linked to the rest of the program. Another item in the article was the comparison of male star's bodies in the 90s to what male stars of superhero shows are today. I thought Scott Bakula was gorgeous and is still gorgeous today. Only reason for watching NCIS: New Orleans just as Mark Harmon and David McCallum are the only reasons for watching NCIS. Yes, I am old and I liked it when men looked like men and not androgynous little boys. I haven't seen this show since it originally aired, I thinks it holds up pretty well. It tackled many social problems of the various time periods and I remember so much about those times. I'm a few years older than Scott Bakula/Sam Beckett, so share a lot of memories. I've remembered parts of a lot of episodes, so watching the entire episode now fills in a lot of blanks. Sometimes I do wonder how the actors were able to do their dialogue with a straight face. In particular the one about the PI in the 50s - such ridiculous dialogue. I just watched one of my 2 favorite episodes, To Catch a Fallin' Star, where Sam leaps into an understudy to Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha. John Callum, who starred in Northern Exposure, was Don Quixote. I had the pleasure to see John Callum in a road show of Man of La Mancha several years ago, I love that show and I love John Callum. With some of my binge watching I will watch for hours, but this one, I'm only watching 2-3 episodes at a time. I think it's because I don't want it to end. I love the original music the episodes continue to have on Netflix.
  19. spaceghostess, I remember the I love NY ads, I lived in WDC at the time. But my favorite were the ads for Florida, showing people shoveling, pushing cars out of snow plow covered parking place, little kid falling in snow, "I need it bad". And of current ads, I think it's for Cheerios, with dad and daughter bantering over who will win their golf match. Miss that with my father so much. To me, if you have a parent you can banter with, do it, every chance you get, it's a sign of love.
  20. I will say that I amazed that with a day or two of having a C-section, she looks amazing in those tight pants, but how uncomfortable would they be on a woman who just gave birth in any way, shape or form? I don't think the male writers or the costumers have any idea about birthin' babies.
  21. It's been a while, but my tv watching situation has changed, no Directv anymore, trying to get by with antenna and Netflix. Just watched an episode where tabloids were making a big deal that Jack McCoy had not spoken to his daughter in several years. At the end, he was sent pictures that had been taken in Maine of his daughter. Does anyone know why they were estranged? Or is it never talked about again?
  22. Jane, you've done it again! I tell people not to get in line behind me also for the same reasons. The other lines are going to go faster. My dad once told me that I inherited this affliction from him.
  23. Jane, thank you. I knew I knew her from something. She brings something to every role.
  24. I got Netflix a couple of weeks ago. I love James Garner in every incarnation and I love Rockford. I watched this show on it's first run, have seen a few episodes here and there throughout the past 40 years. I started binge-watched about 4 days ago, I'm nearly finished with season 3. Yes, the plots are all the same, the fights, the car chases, the tire squeals, but through it all James Garner is the best. The regular supporting cast worked together so well, but some times the "chick of the week" was weak, the actresses were not that great, I realize that many of these women were just getting started and they weren't good and improved as time went on, but for some, they were never good, Stephanie Powers was one I was thinking of. Pretty big star, beautiful, not great actress. I'm also impressed by the lack of stick with boobs, they were beautiful young women, but little surgical alteration. Editing to add that I have been watching for close to four days, it's an easy show to use as background while being on the internet, playing games, chatting on FB, I even have been going to sleep to it, then the next day, start back with whatever show I fell asleep to. Sometimes I pause, sometimes I just let it run. And further, it's interesting how many social issues are addressed in this show that are bigger today: water shortages, corruption, greed, land grabs, oil rights, racism, bigotry. Women's equality was downplayed, but I remember the 70s quite well, it was the norm. Season 6, love Tom Selleck as Lance White! The Hop-A-Long Cassidy Suite of the Gene Autry Motel! With Larry Manetti guest starring with Tom Selleck. I keep editing because I'm still watching. Just watched the two parts, Black Mirror. I was glued. I never watch watch tv, I mostly listen while I do other things. But that was two of the best episodes. Just wow! Loved the relationship with Megan. More, love how the scenery and streets in this show are so different than today. In the street chases, there are no cars on the road, not even the freeways. And the station that Dennis works in is so small especially in comparison to what shows like Major Crimes has. I guess it could be a substation, but it is so dated, the colors of the walls, the interrogations are done in someone's office instead of an interrogation room with the mirror. The writers did a great job with their dialogue on Rockford's cons, and Mr. Garner does a fantastic job with it, but when there was a story with "mob connections", the dialogue is so clunky and out of date even for the 70s. I didn't realize until I saw an episode with Coop that it was Bo Hopkins! Love Bo Hopkins as much as James Garner. It has been so many years, I just don't remember the shows, it's like a whole new show to me. Season 6, the Gene Autry Suite at the Hop-A-Long Cassidy Hotel! Tom Selleck as Lance White - so perfect, funny and so gorgeous!
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