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Everything posted by Anela

  1. It bothered me when they said that they wanted to put us in Maggie's shoes - Maggie wasn't waiting three weeks (as someone else pointed out), or posting pictures on facebook of people searching dumpsters for Glenn. Most people had already guessed where he'd been, and that he would come home. I will be really annoyed if they pulled this fake-out, only to actually kill him off later on this season.
  2. I assumed this, as well. I also wondered if she'd had a baby with another man, put up for adoption (and taken to Australia). This goes for me, as well. Meredith has been awful to her, and Jo, for as long as they've been there. Except for the "dancing it out" at the wedding back in May. I used to like Meredith, and wonder why so many people hated her, but I really don't like her anymore. I like Jo, as well, and understood her position completely.
  3. I can't remember the episode, but I saw it, too. I asked a friend about that, before coming here to see if anyone had mentioned it. The end was a bit much for me, too. I liked the others not going along with it (until she hooked Wes with the truth about his girlfriend), but I didn't think it was exciting. I was waiting for the scene with Asher, that never came (the one mentioned above).
  4. Her psychopath ex-boyfriend. At least, I thought he was her ex. A main character in Grey's Anatomy, several years ago. A married woman who didn't want to be a mother.
  5. I liked it, but I hate it when they bring a couple together, only to mess with them again. They're cute together.
  6. I'd forgotten I made that comment, but it still stands for me. Catrox and Bryce said it better - it was counter-productive, in my opinion. I have no interest in the show, and I've had no interest in this show for the past two episodes - it kept losing me. If I have to look something up on the internet, the following day, when it's normally pegged on to the end of an episode - or I'm expected to watch something in order to see it - I won't play along. I'm losing interest in the show in general, but I haven't known if it's because I'm seriously depressed, or if it was the show itself. Anyway, I don't care to say any more on the subject, or have to defend what I'm feeling. This is turning into the "was Rick bitten?" for this week, and should probably be in the small talk or nitpicking thread.
  7. The episode I just watched on-demand must have been last week's episode. I don't recall anything about pregnancy, or Caroline and Alaric. I was rolling my eyes within a few minutes, with their pushing as much information into the conversations to catch people up - and it's all insane. I can't believe the things they come up with.
  8. I didn't watch either, partially because I don't want to be told to watch it in order to get something that should have been attached to TWD episode. When you go to a restaurant, they generally don't force you to eat something new on the menu, before bringing you what you really wanted in the first place. I ended up not caring about the preview, though, because the last two episodes haven't interested me.
  9. I mentioned this in the episode thread: I wondered, last week, if they were thinking about hooking up Spencer and Rosita. He was attracted to Sasha, though, wasn't he? At least pre-pasta maker freak-out. I can't picture Abe and Sasha together. Wasn't he playing up to Michonne at the party?
  10. I didn't like Abraham hitting on Sasha. Poor Rosita. I wondered if the show was looking to hook her up with Spencer, last week. I should probably move that bit to the relationship thread. This episode barely held my interest.
  11. I saw an advert for How To Get Away With Murder, where they seem to be doing their own "Who Shot J.R?" thing, with a booming voice declaring something about how we've been obsessed with this for a while now, and I was thinking, "That's a bit dramatic. I've cared more about where GLENN is, than anything on this show." It would be nice if they don't make us wait until the end of the mid-season finale, or until next year.
  12. Quinn annoyed me when she told the new guy to speak faster.
  13. She not only chose one child over the other, but is now trying to drive her husband insane, meaning her daughter will also miss out on her dad. She's now terrified of the dad who made sure to call her in order to read to her over the phone, when he was busy and couldn't be there in person. I also think it's cruel to mess with someone's mind. For all of the Countess' talk of rescuing abandoned children, she doesn't give a crap about Scarlett, either.
  14. I thought it was the writers comparing police officers to serial killers. Has there been anything in common between the victims? I can't remember.
  15. I like that they mentioned the names of the books that Liz gave to Tristan. I didn't catch the book she was reading later on, though. I feel so bad for the daughter, Scarlet, and her dad trying to protect her, ends up scaring the crap out of her.
  16. I've never seen it. I'll watch it soon - could do with a good laugh.
  17. That gets on my nerves as well. I now have a "smart" phone that auto-corrects a certain word to "tucking" or "ducking". I know what word I want to use, and if I were trapped in a train car, about to be eaten by cannibals, I wouldn't be toning down the language.
  18. I agree. I was looking forward to Dillahunt. I've only really seen JDM in Grey's Anatomy, though. I don't recall seeing him as a villain.
  19. Oops, I posted in the wrong thread: It looked like three people attacked the Dean. I wonder how many killers will be revealed at the end.
  20. It looked like three people attacked The Dean. I wonder how many killers will be revealed at the end.
  21. This show is so weird. Maybe I'm not in the right mood for it this week, but I'm trying to catch up, and I've lost interest.
  22. Anela

    S06.E05: Now

    Me, too, and I accidentally deleted Talking Dead, so I won't get to see it until it runs again next Friday/Saturday.
  23. Anela

    S06.E05: Now

    I thought it was just me. I barely focused on the episode tonight, but I'd forgotten about it until around 2am, and thought about watching it tomorrow (well, today, now). I don't expect the Alexandrians to turn into Indiana Jones, so I don't mind them breaking down or freaking out. What I do mind is that we don't know where several main characters are, and that they're really stretching this out with Glenn. Rick's yelling that everyone had to be quiet, was funny. I didn't see what happened with Maggie's hand, because the zombies were even grosser than usual, so I thought she had lost some of her fight. She was driven by grief before, but if she's now facing being a mum, without Glenn - he temporarily lost his nerve when she told him that she loved him. It does bother me that they have gone down this road, with the characters deciding to have children, when other members of their group are just waiting for the walls to fall, and walkers to chase them off (again). Or psychotic people doing the same thing. The doctor kissing Tara, surprised me. I don't think that one woman is aging badly, but then I'm no supermodel. I was going to watch it again when I was more "with it" but I might not, now that I've seen the other posts here, and know that I didn't miss much. I'll be annoyed if we don't find anything out about Glenn, next week.
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