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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I wanted them to just kill the woman. They kill everyone else.
  2. I wonder who that guy injured or killed, that had Olivia looking upset. It would have to be a minor character, unless a major one wanted to leave the show.
  3. I hated Rowan having a go at Fitz, but I was going to write the same thing as you, about the little side conversations when they "took five". I would have thought that Pope would want to go after the people who almost had his daughter arrested for HIS crime, but no: he just wanted Fitz to beg for help, and then to turn him down. I hate it when any show goes into the romantic advice bits like that - or when evil villains kidnap a triangle of people, so that they can go on about the love triangle, and who the one person *really* loves (Vampire show, several years back). These people are supposed to be adult enough to run the country, and instead, we're getting Jake whining about Olivia being back with Fitz (how many times does she have to turn him down?). At least Mellie was talking about the problem, with Marcus, and they didn't make out, or argue about her dumping him for the White House.
  4. That was a little too much ego for one room. I did like seeing that woman get arrested.
  5. I keep flashing between the women being fired, and led out of the building, having no money, and then Ofglen at the end, in that totally white room, having just undergone unwanted surgery, another extreme punishment just for loving someone. Being reminded that she's nothing, in the new world. I mentioned that I was watching it, on facebook, and friends of mine said they didn't want to watch, but felt that they should. Because of our current political climate. One said she couldn't believe how relevant it seems now.
  6. Oh, Stan in the kitchen with them, talking about wanting to stay alive until his son was in college - that made me laugh, too. The look on Elizabeth's face! I lost my quote, but I think that was @topanga who brought that up.
  7. I usually comment on these things as they're playing in the background, and I hear something. Paris was the other day. It just occurred to me at the time - I can't see her loving Emily and Richard, if they'd done the same thing.
  8. Seeing that woman hung, just for having a relationship with a woman, and also thinking about what I've heard about gay men being put into concentration camps, in one country. Yeah. All of it.
  9. I'm watching the after show, to get the Handmaid's Tale out of my head. *shiver*
  10. Alexis is really good in the role.
  11. Something like, "She might throw a molotov mocktail at me!"
  12. She really is. I didn't know she could act so well. I shouldn't have watched this before going to sleep. Serena and the maid were even creepier when they were being so nice, at first. I knew that she was going to turn on her again, at the end, but it was nice seeing her treat June/Offred with kindness for once (once I got used to it). Even though it was expected, it was still a shock to see that aggression, and anger. Of course they kept Ofglen alive, so that she could continue to be property and a womb for her future rapists. I spent the second half of this episode with my hand over my mouth. The protests, and the way that June and Moira were treated, were too close to home. I was at the protest in Cleveland, and I remember hearing that everything was peaceful (all over the world). I was so happy, and proud that day. Seeing men out there, too, and entire families. It was the first time I felt good, since the election. Hopeful that things might not be so bad, after all. I know that Alexis Bledel said in an interview, that the most horrifying part for her, was that this sort of thing happens in other countries. Gay people being executed, genital mutilation. I should have been asleep by now, but I needed to talk about this a bit first.
  13. I missed what happened to Moira. (?) In the show.
  14. I know that Rory didn't run away from it, but that's why I was surprised that Lorelai was fine with it. Usually her attitude would be, "Rich people" in an "ugh" way.
  15. Hate the love triangle, and really wish the writers would stop with it. Plus, Peyton choosing the guy who killed her best friend, over her best friend does suck. Loved their reactions to finding out the dead woman was a huge gossip. "That explains it!!" Made me laugh out loud.
  16. As icky and scary as it is, I wish we didn't have to wait for one every week, after this. My perfect binge amount of episodes is three - then I start to get tired, or distracted. I hate that the girls have to deal with the hatred of the wives, as well as enduring rape by their husbands. It also bothered me that they had the wife set up in a bed, as though she'd actually given birth. Poor Janine. Did Nick tell on Ofglen?
  17. I think I'm a few years younger than she is, and I'm still picky. :) She knows who and what she likes. It doesn't seem like she's ever been into him - I can't remember why she slept with him, but she seemed really excited over showing him Excel.
  18. Philip getting dumped was funny. I also don't want a kid to be bullied, to further their agenda.
  19. I'm glad that Dylan and Emma survived, and that they stayed together. Once I started the finale, I wondered if they would let Dylan live, and as soon as he said that the Sheriff didn't care about Norman, I figured that he would kill him. That was heartbreaking, "Don't make me do this" and his hugging him as he died. (And Norman's "Thank you.") I'm going to have to watch it again, I was a bit distracted earlier - and watch it in the dark (watching it during the day, sometimes takes away from the feel of it for me). Re: the tombstone. I also thought it was sad that nothing was written for Norman, but that it was left blank out of respect for his victims. I also wondered how much it would cost, though, and would Dylan have that kind of money? My dad went through that with mum's headstone... and I still feel weird saying that. I missed the woman complaining about having to walk in the cold. That's hilarious. I did like "Norma" comforting her. It was both kind of sweet, and creepy. Freddie did a good imitation of her.
  20. I've just finished episode 12, and I felt bad for her. He knew who she was, and what she was like. He cheated, because she was too exhausted to have sex, because she's building her business? That sucks.
  21. I told my sister the other day, that it seems like Gilmore Girls quotes always come to mind, whenever something happens. Or just with little things that trigger a memory.
  22. I never understood that - his mother was rich, and Emily also came from money. Suddenly, Emily was worried about him quitting his job? I know it's just a TV show, and who wouldn't want the option of being able to fall back on a trust fund? But whenever I watch the later episodes, it's bothered me that the option is there. Rory partying with Logan, and living his lifestyle - although she did pull back, after she wrote that article, and realized that she was being a hypocrite. But her dad being so rich that he was able to get a restaurant opened to feed himself and Lorelai? That's the sort of thing that I thought she ran away from. The entitlement that goes with that. Getting people out of bed, to open the place, and cook for them. I would post there! :) I don't hate her. There are ways in which she reminds me of my mother, and I started watching the series with my mum. ♥ She was funny, came out with those little quips, and lines, but also serious - kept a roof over our heads, worked hard, etc.
  23. My mum was a fan of hers, and my favourite songs were Blue Bayou, and When Will I Be Loved? @tennisgurl I would sign that petition. I loathe love triangles! and you know as soon as they sort this one out, it will be back between Liv, Major, and whomever one of them is involved with. If Justin was the cute guy in the living room, I hope they don't kill him off. They probably will, though. Loved the look on Ravi's face, when Liv realized she'd mixed up their lattes, and asked how anyone could drink almond milk.
  24. @openwindow Earlier on, there was something that bugged me in an episode where Rory and Lorelai were talking about Marty, and his immature behaviour. I didn't like Marty when he came back into the show, *but* it also bugged me when Rory asked why she had to be the bigger person, and Lorelai said that she was eleven feet talk, and he was a mere mortal.
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