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Everything posted by Anela

  1. That's another thing that bugs me about Dean: he was *always* calling Rory, to the point that Lorelai had to suggest that he back off. he was also calling her on his cell phone, after he was married, delivering furniture during the day. He could have refused to make the delivery, or called his wife on the way. He may have been a (mostly) good first boyfriend, and ended up happily married, but with his behaviour when he was first married, he was no prize.
  2. Dean was the one who liked the idea of the wife being at home, cooking for her husband (and family, when they had one). If he had a problem with their marriage, it was up to him to talk to his wife, not the woman he really wanted to be with.
  3. It doesn't bug me. The only thing that does, is that she didn't get angry with her dad for taking advantage of the situation. He was happy to "comfort" Lorelei, and sleep with her. Expecting more afterwards, when she'd just left a very serious relationship. Also: what did Rory do when she was mad at Logan? She went to see Jess, and kissed him. She had gone with the idea of sleeping with him, right? Cheating on Logan, to get back at him. Her mother was engaged to his former guardian, and she knew that Jess still liked her/was in love with her. She was looking to take advantage of that, not to be with him instead of Logan. At least she cut her mother a break, at the end of the episode, after giving Lane a pep-talk. The same thing annoys me when they get married, though: she blames her mother for their getting married without her there, when it's her dad that's pushing for everything. He was totally inconsiderate. He didn't say, "we should have Rory here." So why does he get a pass?
  4. I agree with part of this, but her grandparents also acted poorly: going through her stuff, for example. She was over eighteen, she had done her community service, was working at the DAR, and her grandmother was treating her like she was twelve, moving her back into the house, trying to stifle her. They were the ones who moved her into the pool house, against Lorelei's wishes, and didn't set many, if any, ground rules, at the time. I do think it stinks, the way she just left. She should have stayed as things were moved out, and faced them, if she expected to be treated as an adult. I like that one dinner, though, where they all show up, and argue, then make up, then argue again - it's normal to me. You get tired of arguing, and don't want to say anything else that's hurtful, think of something amusing, then cycle back to the hurt, then have another laugh, only to end up flaked out. That was too familiar to me.
  5. I found this online, the other night, because it was out of our local theatre fast, and when I checked others, it had all but disappeared there, too. The scene near the end was SO familiar to me, and I've never read the book. The part in the lighthouse. Even the part earlier, with the woman explaining that they all had a huge loss, they were all grieving somehow. Was that sort of thing used in another horror movie? The lighthouse. The beach, everything, the bear before. It's been bugging me.
  6. I'm working my way through that right now. Just finished season five.
  7. Or the sound will be perfect, until someone hits on a vitally important clue or information about something, and then the connection will be lost. Just as with the cell phones. Or someone will be murdered as the other person watches. I have trouble reading fiction now, as well as watching certain kinds of TV shows, because of all of this. I love The Good Place, because it surprised me.
  8. I assumed that after that rather dark ending, last year, the story line would change. I think I would have preferred to have seen how they got to where they are now. I wanted to see the aftermath of the season ender.
  9. I searched for the commonwealth, and someone said they're the new big bad? But people here are talking about peace. I haven't read the links yet, just scrolled down the page of search results. I don't know why they had to kill Carl. They could have made "all out war" a little faster, and then moved on with whatever came next. They also should have skipped their own garbage pail kids, and just stuck with the story, to move it along.
  10. That's who she is! I knew I recognized her from somewhere. You have a fantastic memory. I loved the 90's music. I really miss those years - not just being younger, but the time. I hate feeling old. I'm really edging into "get of my lawn" territory.
  11. I think that Clive should have recognized that there was concern behind what Liv was saying, because she isn't like that (usually). My favourite part was the end, with them all dancing, having fun, and Liv saying that she was the luckiest girl, if they were her soulmates. I like that, and that's how I look at life. I'm sick of One True Pairings, even though she and Major really sell a strong love, when they have their moments to express that. When they thought Major was going to die, last season? they even had me swooning, which takes a lot these days. Chase Graves gave me the creeps. He reminded me of the aliens on V, when they were looking at the person who would become their next meal.
  12. Simpson wanted her, but he went off the deep end. It seemed like Griffin wanted her. I can relate to part of what you wrote, unfortunately. Same here. I was annoyed, because in season one, we see her just as passionate about getting Kilgrave, talking about him on the air, insulting him on her radio show, knowing he would be listening - she didn't need a super drug to express herself, or to do something. She was learning martial arts, to protect herself. Wanting to be like Jessica, sure, but she could handle herself better than I could. She had money, her name, and the access to millions of people, to make a point if she wanted to. She could have negotiated a new contract with the people that contacted her, where she failed the audition/interview, easily in season one. On the other hand, all of these heroes have powers because of tragedies they survived. There was nothing magical about it, to them, and they feel compelled to help people, because they can. And then they get shit on by their friends when they're found out, at least at first, for thinking they can do everything, or they're thought of as murderers. People tried to hire Jessica as a hit woman, just because she killed Kilgrave. She was constantly fighting the image of herself as a murderer. I did like the look on her face when the guy at the end asked if she was going to pay for her alcohol. She just saved his life, and his money (at least that night), and he says he's running a business. I was actually surprised she just intended to walk out with it, without paying. Exactly. You shut down after a while. After what she experienced, I'm surprised she's getting out of bed at all.
  13. Also: why did she go to Playland? Was that where they were heading when Jess lost her family? Did Griffin ever turn out to be tied to bad guys, or was his secret phone call about the engagement setup/"party"?
  14. I wish I hadn't watched this. I didn't need to see her lose her mother again. And having Trish be the one to kill her?? No. Malcolm and Pryce? That's sad. I'm glad that they at least looked like they wanted to talk (he and Jessica), and that she is still going to see Carlos and his son. I like her with the kid - she actually looks amused, and happier. If Trish is becoming a villain or anti-hero, or whatever, I wish we'd had more build-up. It felt wrong to have them so at odds this season, even though Trish and her need to be special in that way, was a theme in the first season.
  15. Shane would have taken him out easily. I didn't like Shane when I was first watching the show, but he was a good part of it, and I wouldn't mind seeing him again now. I don't remember wanting him off the show, he was just made for a good potential foe, and he was good at what he did. He wouldn't have missed Negan with a machine gun.
  16. The bolded doesn't bother me at all, but people acting like women are never brutal, is a bit much. I have my own experiences that say otherwise, and when I heard last year, that an all-girl Lord of the Flies, would never work, I didn't agree with that viewpoint.
  17. LMAO. It looks just like him! I also like the sound of Angry Muppet as a username.
  18. I can't believe she set her mother free. What the hell? Of course, she set her dad free, too.
  19. I was expecting a body to show up at the end. Almost everyone was too happy, although it was nice not seeing them all stressed out. And then I remember several of them are murderers. I only just got interested in this show again, with the end, and the mystery man showing up, and now it's over until September. I wish they hadn't got rid of Wes, though. Wait-list. I don't understand why people are talking as though the show has been cancelled, but that would make a good finale. I loved the ending with Annalise and the baby.
  20. I wondered why Jeri would go so far as shooting someone, and ending up in a place that she normally helps others to escape (with her job). Then she hands that woman the gun, and calls 911. I wasn't giving it my full attention, I keep missing things, but this season isn't as enjoyable for me. It just feels more disjointed, but maybe it's just me.
  21. Yeah, the sweetheart who risked his life over and over again, trying to make this world a better place. Like when he climbed down that well, trying to get a rope around a massive walker in their water supply (that scene still makes me feel sick, just thinking about it). I didn't pay much attention. I was typing in the thread. I hate the way these people just pop up after a few years. Where the hell were they before?? And how did Negan miss them? I think that's what I thought of originally, too. I couldn't place the look, although I do remember the actress from years ago. I think it was something in England, though. Aw, I'm finally watching Talking Dead, with Chandler. He said that Danai was in the worst shape, as they filmed his last episode.
  22. I actually had the same response as Negan, when I saw who was driving.
  23. I thought her husband gave some to Glenn. Or talked about it. I do remember Deanna and Michonne or Maggie having a similar scene.
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