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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. The Other Side was a lesbian bar I used to hang around at. I guess this has no relation.
  2. I hope those claws are going to Trish Walker! The last episode of every one of these series drags for me, and this was no exception. No surprises occurred. Everyone was back roughly where he/she started, except for the Danny/Colleen romance, which was done I suppose for the tv series, since they never coupled in the comics. I didn't hate it, but it started to gain potential for me around the midpoint, and then it fell apart around the reveal of Colleen and the Other Hand. I guess we'll see them all in "The Defenders", which will include exactly zero Defenders from the comics, so they can use and discard whomever they see fit to. Danny brings the least to the table.
  3. Once again, Joy was wearing pants, so we knew something was coming. Harold progressively channeled Montgomery Burns, and i found it amusing. If IF doesn't get a second season, perhaps Keeping Up With The Meachums might take its place.
  4. Colleen chooses Hand over Fist and finds that she's a better teacher than she could have imagined. I like Davos, but, as the also-ran, it was pretty annoying to have every character ask him if he was the Iron Fist Two...er...too. Not subtle, show.
  5. Madame Gao is truly into mindmessing. When someone goes to a lot of trouble to put together a spread of ice cream it is simply bad manners to complain about what's not there.
  6. That was fun, but made me wish there had been a different woman along instead of Claire, much as I like her. Danny is surprisingly ineffective in his fights. Colleen, OTOH, just keeps getting better. And Claire's middle finger is an excellent weapon when talking to the Hand.
  7. "That was just mean." I'm going to miss Daddy Meachum as well. A lot of fun stuff in this one. It keeps getting better.
  8. Didn't expect to hear the words "open marriage" so early in history! I knew Narcisse was up to something dropping in on the couple unannounced. I knew they wouldn't bring back Leith just to kill him off so quickly, but I wouldn't have thought that Narcisse wouldn't have taken that way out of his dilemma. Mary "fixing" the fight was fun. However, I thought the Highland Games involved log throwing or something. Maybe I was wrong.
  9. I wasn't sure if the guys in the early scene had been murdered or had killed themselves to avoid hearing the bad karaoke. I was disappointed when Danny fought him and he didn't pull THAT weapon out of his arsenal! So Claire's picked up "Sweet Christmas!"? I'll give him a pass on Joy, because she is/was practically a trusted family member. But, yeah, the virgin-raised-by-monks thing can only be used so far. Too bad they didn't make him gay, and confuse everything! (Though I'm unsure as to how GLAAD would react to a gay "Fist", so maybe best they left things as they are in the source material.)
  10. I can see why Claire was hesitant to contact the others she's already met just yet, but it's early in the series. She doesn't know enough about what Danny can and cannot do, so I can see her taking a wait and see approach. I think the difference between this and the other Netfix Marvels, aside from the, IMO, more interesting supporting casts in the others, is that each of them started strong, and kind of petered out a bit midway, whereas this series seems to be building momentum in a traditional series manner.
  11. I knew as soon as Joy showed up wearing pants that there would be an attack at some point. It's like the British TV series The Avengers in that way.
  12. And a character that was changed quite drastically from the comic book version, which is more an indictment of the source material. That said, I always enjoy Carrie Moss, and, since IF was Hogarth's first appearance in the comics, I assumed she would be integral to this series. Still not understanding why Danny insists upon insinuating himself into Colleen's life, as she hasn't done anything thus far to encourage it. In the comics there is a reason for their getting to know one another, but here it's just forced. Sorry, but that makes no sense. Marvel was publishing Shang chi at the same time, and that character, Asian as all get out, was a much better seller than IF.
  13. Apologies. I should have been more specific. I meant to say that we did not see him go home FIRST, which is what I would have done. He mentions the corporate building "feeling" like home, but that's not really an excuse to skip ACTUAL home in the process of revisiting one's life.
  14. But you wouldn't share your television watching experiences with the locals if the locals were holding you prisoner. As for the fancy building, Danny just assumed that the building he grew up in and the people he grew up with would be thrilled to see him and maybe reintroduce him to fashion? We didn't see him stop at "home", though, and that's what I would have done. Indeed. Of the three "kids", only young Joy looks as if she could grow to be adult Joy. It can't be that hard to find a kid that looks similar to adult Danny. You'd think the Fist would be just another aspect of the Hand.
  15. I liked the opening credits. I hadn't read the original stories since I was a kid, but I started thumbing through them during the episode just to see if what I remembered was reflected in the show. (It wasn't.) I like it well enough, I guess. Fist just doesn't have the stellar supporting cast that the others do, IMO, and that puts too much weight on Danny Bland's shoulders.
  16. LOL! I was laughing because I confused them as well! I was trying to figure out what the two subjects were! Kids and breakdown of society? How old were his daughters? Princess Bride never entered into it.
  17. If you ever have a chance look into a show called "Danger 5"! Their use of the View-Master was also fun.
  18. I'm assuming that whoever shot Hunter/Eva thought that they were Jahil/Eva. Poor Jahil, having to deal with being cheated on and death at the same time, while probably still high. Plus,, it's likely that he'll be arrested for the killing, because who wouldn't look at that scene and think jealousy? I'm glad Hunter got what was coming to him, but, really? Star's like 100 lbs., and a tire iron requires upper body strength and height to be effective. Everyone knows that the way a female singer deals with a football player BF is by burning his house down! Much safer.
  19. Well, she wasn't mopey when doing so,. And if the Dryad hadn't been so Patree-archal in his dealings with Margot and Julia they might have negotiated a compromise.
  20. Can we keep this Julia? Because she is so much more fun than JuliaWithShade! Something about Margot bugged me for the first time in the previous episode, probably the way she was laying out the bank robbery plan; but Diva Margot was back in fine form tonight! And yay for Elliott's return from his nap! Looking forward to the War and assuming that, yes, destroying Reynard will likely be a big mission for the group. Do we know anyone in the age group that ReynardSpawn could be?
  21. Not just well-dressed, but PATIENT! They waited, like, TEN minutes while Eric said good-bye to his loved ones! They had enough time to explain the entire plan and order a pizza while Jadalala (sp?) glared at them, and poor Andy was wondering how he might back out gracefully, and whether he and Locke could keep the handcuffs. When Jadalala told his minions to go kill Isaac and Nicole I was, OK, you are not THE most innocuous terrorists ever. And what's a season of 24 without a little enhanced interrogation? Tony looks good. I might agree to a little waterboarding with him. But no needles!
  22. I totally thought the attack on Megan was faked so that Kyle could then be more protective/controlling, especially since she was supposed to text him from where she was partying (even though we didn't see it). The rest of it was/is pretty silly. Like I said last time, this is the type of concept that works well in a TV-movie or maybe at most a mini-series, but things get stretched too thin when too many elements are added.
  23. No reason why it can't be everyone.
  24. That was terrific. I love that Morgan's arc makes so much sense for the character. We KNOW why he reacted the way he did, and he needed to unleash. Unlike, say, Rosita, who seems to have a huge mad for no reason pertaining strictly to her, because she's not that well developed. And I was not one of Morgan's fans when he was all pacifist about the Wolves, though that was largely because his fighting skills made pacifism a choice that he COULD make, whereas others, particularly Carol, really either had to kill or be killed. I liked Carol coming out of hiding in this ep as well. The two of them (Morgan and Carol) are wild cards that Negan hasn't had to consider yet, and I hope they manage to tip the scales against him. Not to mention his pants.
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