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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. Sasha! (Does this mean the contract is up in the air?)
  2. #1) Yes. That's why I acknowledged the addict part. I don't mind the storyline. People are welcome to tell the story they wish to tell, and even to cast whomever. I was just noting that the visuals irked me (and me alone quite possibly) because they feed a nasty stereotype. #2) I was just observing how fine he is. In my defense he was the only reason I used to stop and check out General Hospital when surfing.
  3. Yeah, that was such a blatant lie that I was surprised Felicity's character bought it, but, then, she was probably still processing the horror. At the same time, I was comparing the conditions to the place they were consigning the girl to earlier. Dramatically better by comparison, but still a "prison" in a way. I sort of wish if they had to use a white POV for a picker, they had gone with someone not as frail/pretty as Jessup. I see the point that is being made, but an equally plausible argument visually is that black/brown people are "made" for work that white people cannot cope with, and therefore we need to import an almost slave population to do what weak whites cannot be expected to handle. IMO, it's the wrong way to get the point across. (I know Jessup's character's weakness is tied to the drug storyline, but it's the visuals that are annoying.) She could do worse. Again, I sort of hate that a woman HAS to give birth for fulfillment, but, hopefully there's a storyline (like adopting a kid that needs it) that will make it worth it.
  4. Everything IS coming up Elliott! So Fillory has ACTUAL Marriage Equality and not our watered-down version! New husband is hot! (I know I know the actor from somewhere, so time to go to imdb!) Things don't look so good on the baby front though. Fairies are notorious that way. Loved the musical bits as well. I know Julia is now evil, but I hope if they return her shade, it's not so shady as before. Just could not with the moping. Nice to see the guy from Covert Affairs as Junior Reynard. Hopefully he'll commit patricide before long.
  5. I was surprised that Oded Fehr didn't run into/kidnap Nicole on the way out, as she just randomly taken out of the action and left with a non-regular who I assumed would be killed! She's been really capable through most of this, but tradition requires the loved-one-in-peril to up the stakes. Tony was Special Guest Torturer? That was silly. Plus, if you're going to do "enhanced interrogation", it's supposedly because you are running out of time, and traditional, more polite means won't work. That took a long enough amount of time for last episode's "good-bye" scenes, the calling for a missile strike, Isaac's crew to get there and be persuaded, etc. They need to rethink.
  6. I just knew the latch on the sauna door was going to pay off eventually, but poor Kai. Just when he was focused on his future too. I love how this show takes the usual trope of the streetwise character imparting life lessons to the naive over-privileged and turns it on its head. Mick was basically wrong about everything. Love the slapstick as well. It's cartoonish violence, and it's so over the top that I laugh inappropriately. That scene at OTB.
  7. Well, I thought they were going in completely different direction when Kyle took Megan to a cabin in the woods with no internet, cell service, etc. following the leak of her nudes. It would at least have been interesting.
  8. Really, Wells? No reaction to the term "ASAP"? BTW, I lived through the eighties. There were not enough drugs at that party. Josh Bowman obviously works out. The team needs to stake out a gym.
  9. The Widow was my fave character last season. Tonight I remembered why.
  10. Christian's obviously not had any of the jobs I have had. No, not everyone wants to pushed.
  11. Not nearly as strong as last week's, which might be my favorite of the season, but I liked what we saw of Gregory and Jesus. NotNegan is indeed the best Negan. I fear that circumstances beyond the powers-that-be's control made too much of the crazy scheme necessary, so it's really difficult to fault them for making the best they could of the situation. Still, perhaps standing up to the Saviors when they came collecting, protecting End or Daryl or whomever, might have made for a cooler end for Sasha's character. Then, again, as with Heath, no body thus far means that if things don't work out they can return. (There WAS a prominent dumpster nearby!) I did like that we got a bit of who Rosita was, even if it was a boring info dump that made one wonder which of them really was destined to perish. I guess it could still be both.
  12. Sasha getting in the dig that Rosita doesn't have another gig.
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