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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. YES! Even Lucille would have a hard time with helmets!
  2. If Richonne get the bear off that walker's shoe they can bring it back to Judith!
  3. I like that it was Michonne. I think that's what's kept her going, and why she navigated this world better than most.
  4. They're both good at the zombie killing thing, and they've experienced the REAL monsters.
  5. These two earned this. Sometimes the writing on this show is sloppy, but the slow build with them was well done.
  6. Not every scavenging trip is successful, and not every scavenger is thorough. Think of how much it takes to move a home from place to place now.
  7. Oops! Thought things were going too well! Richonne are FUN!
  8. Centuries of happy heterosexual couples managed that power dynamic quite well. We've only been out in the open for about a couple of decades. Give us a chance to chart our own waters. The fact that a physical strength difference doesn't generally enter into the equation for gay couples already alters the situation. I thought it was pretty darn romantic, and I like both characters. AND it had nothing to do with the James Girls! As others have posted, given the history, the family struggle didn't make much sense. Maddie should be emancipated still and not subject to a guardian decision, and Daphne would probably fall under the care of her Aunt or father. It makes zero sense that Rayna wouldn't have set up a plan. She was not an average person. She should have lawyers handling all that stuff. She and Deacon both traveled a great deal, the girls have different fathers, one in prison. It's not the average we'll-get-around-to-this-later deal. Heck, I just drew up a will and I barely own more than a bike and a computer or two. That said, it might be fun to have Teddy move in and he and Deacon can be "My Two Dads" for the girls.
  9. So Betthead is happening. I liked the little asylum adventure. And apparently Polly has super strength, as she did a number on that window! I hope she and Baby Blossom hold the Coopers and Blossoms hostage next week! Josie has some Daddy issues, reworking the one-long-orgasm song by Donna Summer (who has an awesome catalog that could work for a girl group!) into something she thinks will impress her Dad, and then being crushed when he leaves early (Jerk!). Archie's song was awful, and his voice is thin. Valerie looked so proud. She may have hearing issues. I like that the kids know who Yoko is, but not Dylan or Josephine Baker. Not happy with Veronica's mom, but how exactly DOES a minor become an officer? She would need her parent's co-sign in any case, so her signature is essentially meaningless, right?
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