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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. Well, the spyware was a surprise. I was assuming porn. Everything's pointing to Jim, but I don't see his motivation...unless he's the serial rapist, and NOT Trish's, which works with my earlier theories. Ed having all that evidence so neatly is so clearly a red herring. Jim might have stashed stuff there as payback for the beating. The "Take back the Night" walk was pleasant and all, but they just hearken back to an earlier era when women did not travel about except in pairs or with a chaperone. The only way to be safe, whether male or female, is to be cognizant of your surroundings and willing to defend oneself. It's always been a scary world, and somewhere along the way we were lulled into thinking that it isn't. Loved that as well! It was great that each had his or her parenting turn, and that they didn't jam them both in the same episode! I take back what I said about Beth last week. She obviously IS still pained by her son's death, but Mark is seemingly not giving anyone else room to grieve. The family needs therapy. And a dog.
  2. So maybe next season Peter's son and Carrie's daughter meet cute at the F.B.I. and...oops, wrong show! I'm O.K. with Peter's demise, as he died doing what he was trained to do, and not the mess he was in at the beginning of the season. If he HAD to go, at least he went well, and of his own volition. Keane's been interesting to watch, as I THINK the writers were hoping for a Clinton win, and gave us a pant-suited Prez (without the baggage of a husband who's also been Prez, but term limited), but depicted a deranged mob and a Deep State conspiracy that mirrored ACTUAL events surrounding the current Officeholder, in effect offering a drag version of the Prez. I assume that's why they turned Keane dark, as her previous actions and statements would not seem to result in the Nixonian paranoid we see at the end. As for offering Carrie a job, it's not in character for the Keane we wind up with, but may simply be the only way to insert her into next season's #NotMyHomeland, or whatever they'll call it. Glad to see Max survived. Sad to see the caseworker still at her job, and Carrie having to suck up to her. She was a part of the conspiracy.
  3. I feel as if I HAVE to finish the show because I've gone this far, but this episode irritated me more than any others previously, possibly because they overused the trope of faking us out with Clay's behavior. If Hannah is an unreliable narrator, which is probably true, then so too is Clay, and we experience the unreliability firsthand, not through tapes. I hated the keying, because even crap cars have alarms! I'm sure they did back when the book was written as well. Also, maybe because I am a bike rider, but I SO wanted Clay to retort that Zach, et al, had STOLEN his bike! At least Zach can drive a keyed car. But the best/worst part for me was the teacher of "communications", or whatever that class is. At least Clay called her out on not following up on Hannah's note, but do they really DO that "compliment bag" thing in school? How is that NOT a bathroom wall in another form? How can an adult not realize the potential for abuse that is being set up? Also, I believe this or the previous episode was the first to describe how Hannah died from a reliable source (Clay's mom), so I now have to look at things differently because I assumed this was a revenge ploy by Hannah like another book that I will not mention so as not to spoil.
  4. LOL! It was like the modern trope of someone getting hot by a bus as they walk into the street! I felt badly for laughing. I love that they occasionally allow a royal or noble an entourage, but our key players always wander about alone, unacccompanied. LOLed at Catherine walking in on Mary at the end without announcement as if she'd just popped by from across the street! And Mary gets "kidnapped" once again! I am going to assume from now on that
  5. That final fight scene was worth the wait! I loved the top down shot of the choreography! Quinn annoys the heck out of me, but he sure does know how to make an entrance! So Jade is single now I guess.
  6. Alice Cooper has SOME arm on her! It amuses me that at some point in their past the Coopers were shipped as "Halice". Pregnant Polly is so looking for trouble trying unearth dirt on the Blossoms while under their roof! I just realized, though, that she has the same window shattering abilities as her mother, so perhaps things will work out. Camila Mendes is doing an amazing job as Veronica! I was in awe when she soliloquied about her name in a previous episode, and her bathroom break this ep was on par with that. I don't know if Hiram has been cast yet, but is James Spader available? Even if only for him to possibly have a scene with Archie's mother.... So Archie was the Blossoms' sap for a moment. Can't feel too badly about he and Valerie. Perhaps it will inspire a breakup song that will also be disappointing.
  7. Well, that played out in an interesting way. I seriously thought that Coy (I remembered his name!) was trapped in that camp, and that they would only allow him to leave once he paid out what he "owed", which would never happen. I assumed, wrongly, I guess, that he was held under the same conditions that trapped the workers in the trailer fire. I mean, it's not easy to leave with no money, obviously, but he'd been beaten by Isaac (got HIS name from this thread!) and he had detoxed, so I cannot see why he didn't leave until Luis suggested it. Anyway, with Luis gone and a dead "boss", it sure does look as if he might be blamed for the death. The nanny I thought was said to have been from Ghana, and not Haiti, or did I get that wrong? I got no French-to-English subtitles when she spoke as I do with Spanish when that language is spoken. Is it my TV, or is a technique of the show to isolate the character? thought it was a nice touch that Hutton's character and his son were wearing the same shirt, so I knew their connection as soon as Hutton appeared. Poor Regina King's character, having to see someone who has what she so badly wants and is willing to just destroy it. On most shows I would assume an arrangement between the characters might be made, but I think this one wants to cause more angst than an easy fix would permit. Every situation on the show is some level of servitude, if not slavery, and an overall theme just seems to be how detached people can be from the pain and misery they inflict. Or something.
  8. Indeed! Loved her taking a hammer to the electronics too. (Famous people in America did that just recently!) But mouthing off to her father annoyed me. Kids mirror behavior, Her son does NOT have that many great role models. Beth annoyed me too this episode. I know she's healthier for having moved on and all, but, maybe it's because my friend's son's birthday was this week, and his death as a teen is still a tragedy we all mark, when she was telling her fellow counselor about how she was shaken by having to accompany Trish to the police to give her statement, I assumed it would be because the police station would trigger all the stuff with Danny, but, no, it was because she felt empathy with Trish, which, again, isn't a bad thing, but sort of makes it seem that she's forgotten her son in way. OTOH, without that scene we would not have gotten the info on the third rape, so good writing. I'm with the victim in that case, though. She told them what happened. It's long ago enough that any testimony would likely be ripped to shreds and her life irreparably damaged. Trish isn't judged for having been raped, but a slew of unfortunate events involving adultery were dredged up, as we have seen. I think the husband, Ed, Jim, etc. are just soap opera baggage revealed by the investigation. My guess is the good-looking kid with the twine company did it. More than likely he has a sexual problem where he can only "perform" in rapey outdoor situations, and the pattern is about the weather and addiction to the act. He's pretty enough that no one would likely suspect, and there are enough girls who will cover for him, but I'll bet we'll find out that there are limited to no normal sexual relations going on. Just my theory. (Plus, also the access to the team socks, as was pointed out last episode; almost forgot!) The creepy guy with the mackerel story is also a red herring, IMO.
  9. The Blossoms seem like the type of people who could pull off a cover up like that, and it's just the sort of "soap opera" secret that a small town hides.
  10. I'm sticking with my long-held theory that Jason is Cheryl's identical twin. Polly's baby is her father's, and she is in denial. Jason told her father the truth, that "he" could not father a child, and guessed the rest, which caused Cooper to kill Jason.
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