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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. I complained about the slight build of the actor last episode, but insofar as he was destined to be the victim of the equally slight brother in this episode, he was cast perfectly. I DO think that the brother who was goaded into beating him is covering for some sexual issues revolving around an attraction for the addict, while the older one probably knows, but also knows that the kid was/is aware of his raping the workers, and wants him silenced. They both need to be locked in a trailer and set afire. (IMO< of course.) I understand Regina King's friend's reluctance to go along with her plan, and I admire it. I sometimes wonder if my father had an inkling that I existed, but, alas, according to my mother, he never did. Nice of her to give Shae (I learned a name!) a cell phone, but in that place, how long before the others turn on her because she's getting "special treatment"? It really can be a horrible world.
  2. It's weird how prescient the writers were about how embedded Intel agencies would work to undermine an independent Prez! They just got the gender wrong. I understand why Saul brought his ex-wife into his planning, but the choice of destination and her knowledge of it is on him. Find a place she has no knowledge of and leave her out of it! I thought the "wall of crazy" was Peter's, not Carrie's. Isn't that locked room the part of the house he was staying in? I want to see Dar brought down, but, even more, the social worker. She is more intimately involved with the people whose lives she is destroying and still goes through with it. I believe Dar, though still obviously guilty, just does this stuff as if it were breathing.
  3. After the death of a loved one, it is only natural to turn to Jesus.
  4. The women are checking out Jesus. They will be disappointed.
  5. Is Sasha getting a group of guys in black tuxes and some video games?
  6. "You could've stopped this?" Yeah, by killing you when they had the chance.
  7. I just now realized that when you wrote it! Good call!
  8. I'd like to think I would be Sasha. But I have a sneaking suspicion I would be a Eugene. (Though maybe with a Carol's stealth plan.)
  9. Eventually we will meet a leader who has minstrels. And I will be happy.
  10. Hmmm. Negan's all about recruiting. First Eugene, and now Sasha. I think she's a "no".
  11. Ooh! Sasha called Rick Negan's bitch. I wonder who else sees him that way?
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