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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I find that charmingly naive that they think that an event that happened three weeks ago will still be considered ‘current’. Anybody remember what was the scandal/crisis/corruption of the day three weeks ago? There’s just so much crap going down that events or incidents that would once dominate a news cycle for weeks, now don’t even make the top ten crazy list a week later.
  2. Caputo did bring the info to Taystee’s lawyer. She thanked him for it outside the courtroom and said they’d been able to get another autopsy done. She also said that it wasn’t necessarily going to help that much as the jury were just going to have two conflicting expert witnesses to deal with. Im not sure what other information you think he had and withheld.
  3. Blanca presumably gave up Ruiz after the whole ‘worshipping the cult of the Virgin’ scam that Gloria pulled in order to get the message to her that they needed to rat on Maria.
  4. Laura Prepon directed this episode. Depending on the filming schedule that have affected her availability for some eps.
  5. The armed guards shot at Piscatella with a pepper spray round. Normally they aim over a targets head so that the pepper canister deploys it’s load on top of them. Because Piscatella was so tall - and there was minimal lighting for them to see him - the canister hit him full on in the face and killed him. The guards then shot him with the gun from the pool and planned to make sure the autopsy was done by a friendly medical examiner who would put the cause of death as the gun shot wound. Tasty’s lawyer did say that they’d commissioned a second post mortem which contradicted the first one, but also that juries tended to zone out on the differing expert opinions, so it presumably wasn’t conclusive enough to help.
  6. How is Pennsatucky only serving 9 years? Didn't she straight up kill somebody?
  7. I think she'd have a better chance of being believed if she'd spoken up immediately and maybe mentioned the name of the medical examiner that the SWAT team wanted on the case. It's information that she couldn't have had otherwise and would have gone some way towards establishing the veracity of her story.
  8. I think that the B C D blocks are gen pop. It looked like Boo was in a separate prison along with the woman from MCC and a few others.
  9. I once got to have a go in a flight simulator. When we ‘landed’ I instinctively pressed down on one of the foot pedals, thinking it worked like a brake on a car. Turns out the foot pedals are actually used for steering when on the ground so I ended up veering off the ‘runway’!
  10. I presume that he'll get the 100k back once Nic shows up for trial or has her charges dropped. Not sure that the hospital would have taken her back so quickly with charges hanging over her, even if they're presumably going to be dropped now that Lane has been arrested.
  11. June has been separated from her husband for years. For most of that time she didn’t know if he was alive or dead. Nick has been one of the few people she can be herself with. I have no problem with her falling for her only source of comfort in those few years. Now, as to what would happen if all three of them ended up in a place of safety, I don’t know. But if you’re in a place where you can be beaten or mutilated or executed on a whim, and you’ve got somebody you believe won’t hurt you, then yeah, I’d probably fall in love with them too.
  12. So what was with the symbol that Khylen made at the end? It was also flashed on the wall when Dutch and Johnny were brought in to the RAC. is it a false memory that he’s implanted in Dutch? i love the origin of her name!
  13. You mean there no such thing as a bigoted social worker? Or do you mean a bigoted New Yorker? The social worker could easily have misread the paperwork and just assumed it was an opposite sex married couple. Does it still apply even after death? I didn’t think the AA person did much more than confirm Chad was a member.
  14. To my mind they seem to want the tone of say Diagnosis Murder or Murder she wrote, but they’re doing much more serious levels of crime. (Yes I know those two shows had dead bodies a plenty but it was all very wholesome murders)
  15. I wouldn’t consider myself overly sentimental, but damn if I wasn’t sobbing like a baby when they got to the actual wedding. The only thing I didn’t like was Charles. I’m totally over his hero worship of Jake. It’s getting obsessive and creepy. Telling Amy to thank him by getting pregnant. Saying he’ll kill himself if he’s ruined the wedding. He was even more annoying than Gina and that’s saying something.
  16. Trotters would generally be pigs feet rather than lamb, I think.
  17. I was just worried that something bad was going to happen to those dogs!
  18. And he was having problems with the bake as well, having to redo his pastry and everything. Amazing how he pulled it off I think Ryan was just in such a rush he didn’t have time to move back to the counter.
  19. I loved the look on Ryan's face when they were doing the preamble to the star baker announcement and he realised they were talking about him!
  20. It’s one of the things I love about Bake-Off and other UK shows like it. The contestants will help each other out if they can. (One of the British sewing bee finals, one of the three finalists was the only one who could figure out how to even get started on the pattern challenge and gave the other two a heads up so they’d be on a more level playing field)
  21. I wish Mattie hadn’t left, but Rose has grown on me. Mainly because I enjoyed her scenes with ‘Uncle Matthew’ in S5.
  22. Flowers in the Attic for me when I was 12 or 13. When I realised that the whole story had happened in part because the mother hadn't any means of supporting her family on her own, I swore that i'd never be financially dependent on a partner, and always make sure I was able to earn my own living.
  23. I was surprised they didn’t include any of Mary and Paul’s discussions re who was in danger/up for star baker or their usually post showstopper chats re the judging.
  24. The scene where Serena lets June nurse Holly. Was anybody else expecting Serena to sit behind June in the chair so she could ‘participate’ in the feed much as she ‘participated’ in the Ceremony?
  25. But isn't Discovery set in the 'new' timeline, so the change in uniforms could easily be one of the things that changed.
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