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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. The 'get an iceberg for fresh water' was a plot on the TV show Salvage 1 back in 1979.
  2. So they're worried about Sister Andrea talking to things that aren't there. Isn't that just called praying?
  3. I am loving this show so far and I am perfectly happy to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. But you're telling me that the Enterprise with all its scanners and sensors couldn't give them enough advance warning about the ion storm so they could have gotten out of there without rushing?
  4. Going to sign a treaty on a planet where the guy you're signing it with might be out of office before he gets his pen out. Sure, what could possibly go wrong. I thought that was going to be the stupidest thing on the episode and then they had them all standing around in the shuttle. Charley tells them it's going to be bumpy, and they just stand there. Later on during their escape, the president is sitting down, but the rest are just standing around so they can what, get a better look at the viewscreen? Idiots the lot of them.
  5. Late to the party I know, but here goes. Young Gibbs was carjacked by 'Ringo', who had been stabbed by his cousin Johnny. Ducky crashed into the car and tried to save the driver, but couldn't. The body was taken to NIS because the dead guy was a government employee with responsibility for Navy payroll. Gibbs guessed that there was a mole in NIS because when Johnny kidnapped him and Ducky, he quoted from Gibbs's statement to the NIS investigator. Ducky guessed that the mole was one of the painters in the bullpen because he had the same pattern of freckles on his face as the dead guy had - from a genetic condition that ran in the Zucano family. The painter guy saw that Ducky was pointing him out to an NIS agent and did a runner. 40 years later, Johnny caught up with him and made him tell him where he'd hidden the keycard, and when NCIS caught up with him, he spilled the beans immediately.
  6. Wait, was that it? When they had about 5 or 6 minutes to go, I was sure that there was going to be a big cliffhanger because I didn't think they'd get the whole 'police station under siege' dealt with. Plus I figured they'd have Tim and Lucy's undercover op go sour. And a part of me was wishing that I'd held off on watching until closer to the Season 5 premiere, because I hate waiting for resolutions to cliffhangers. But it all just sort of fizzled out. The bad guys got locked up and nobody was left in any peril. Which, while I do appreciate that, it still felt like they rushed things. I'm still meh on Bailey, but I found her winning a fight a lot more plausible than Ellroy.
  7. I'm afraid I agree with you. Rick was my favourite character, in both original and remake, but it just feels like he's been sidelined, especially in S4. IIRC, the only big (non-fatherhood) plot was when his buddy showed up and got killed. But even then, the 'Rick out for revenge' plot felt like the b-plot of the episode.
  8. I thought that Claire was lying about not sleeping well and it was just to cover for her reaction upon hearing that her ex-husband was about to show up.
  9. "Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying.” Supposedly a Terry Pratchett quote, which sounds accurate.
  10. I'm glad I knew beforehand that it was Mr. Rogers talking to Julia at the end. Otherwise I would have been side-eyeing any random stranger who goes up to a woman he doesn't know and tells her "I like you just the way you are". Yes, I know, it's not that type of show! (In my defense, I've never actually seen his show, and wouldn't recognize the catchphrase)
  11. Oh the snark on Andrew was totally shown in the UK version.
  12. Because the narrative they're usually going for is along the lines of "oh he didn't abuse this previous female co-star, therefore the accusations against him have to be false." It's like the media can't understand that predators don't pick on every single person they encounter.
  13. Nora was having mental issues even before Nadia hijacked her body. When Nadia was in the hospital after giving birth, Vera was telling Ruthie that they'd had a plan in place - re taking the baby away from her - as soon as Nora had said she was pregnant.
  14. Seven's situation on Voyager was somewhat different in that she was kidnapped as a child and assimilated into the Borg collective. She was a foot soldier forced to fight rather than a sleeper agent. Yes! I wish that they'd had somebody argue whether they had the right to overturn Isaac's wishes and bodily autonomy. The closest thing we got to it was John's girlfriend but that was before they knew bringing Isaac back was a possibility.
  15. Season 2 starts airing on Alibi in the UK/Ireland on the 14th June.
  16. Some books should not be put down, they should be hurled with great force. (misquote, I know)
  17. In Colin Jost's memoir 'A very punchable face' he was talking about SNL and how it wasn't great for people with families. I got the impression that if it hadn't been for Covid, he might have left by now. Now that he has a young kid, I'd say he might be leaving sooner rather than later.
  18. She could have a signed confession from Depp and his fans would still be out for her blood. Nothing's going to change their minds. I just hope the jury can render an impartial verdict.
  19. There was a period in Ireland (from 1983 when the 8th Amendment came in) to about 1992 where it was technically illegal to travel to England for an abortion. (on account of how the amendment granted the unborn equal status to the mother) But it was sort of a 'don't ask don't tell' situation. Then once it came to public notice there was a big kerfuffle because it was the specific case of a teenage rape victim whose family had to get a court order allowing her to travel. Eventually there was a referendum which gave a constitutional right to leave the country for an abortion and to get information about abortion. An Irish solution to an Irish problem. It took until 2018 to repeal the 8th amendment, but while it is now legal to get an abortion in the country, it's not always easy to find a doctor or hospital that will actually provide the service. Still, it's better than nothing.
  20. He's one of the head writers for the show. Not all that easy.
  21. Shelagh is working in her husband's medical practice. It's not like she's going out to work in a factory. She's assisting her husband in his business.
  22. I think Aristotle was the pizza chef in the Chuck E Cheese sketch?
  23. I don't get the big deal about McGee's daughter wanting to wear a princess dress every day. It's only a pre-school and surely they wouldn't have a set uniform at that age. Now if it had been his son wanting to wear a princess dress, that might have been more interesting, but I suppose they wanted to show McGee stressing out about his daughter growing up to be a rebel like Teagan. And I guess that all of Teagan's hacking crimes and letting unauthorised people onto the base will be all forgiven once she helped them catch the killer?
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