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Everything posted by LeighAn

  1. Based on Felicity shooting down the possibility of a wedding in The Flash GNO crossover and now Barry seemingly try to convince Oliver that he can get married to I'm wondering if Oliver and Felicity have maybe become a little gun shy at the idea of getting married because of what happened in the past and the fact that they rushed their relationship and have just decided instead to Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell it, but then the events of the crossover get them over their last remaining fears.
  2. Kreisberg should go and if Marc knew and protected Kreisberg I wouldn't cry tears if he was gotten rid of ( however I'm pretty sure WB will just go for the perpetrator rather then all those around him that enabled his behavior) That being said I'd hope they promote within rather then bring in new show runners should Guggenheim go or leave or move on of his own accord. My experience from other shows where new outside show runners have been brought in is that they tend to want to make their mark by changing everything the old show runners established. Knowing our luck if there were brand new show runners brought in they'd decide to go super faithful to the comics. I feel like there's enough talent within the Arrow writing team to promote someone else to show runner or just make Wendy the sole showrunner.
  3. Nope the con tweeted that she didn't leave that she stayed through Sunday. They may however cancelled her panel so she didn't have to be asked any questions or talk about it openly and have a lighter work load:
  4. Next question- Have you ever heard of Reddit? If he answers in the affirmative I'd call it a day :P
  5. That's what the world needs more of- Nazi love.
  6. Ding ding ding ding ding. We have a winner.
  7. Awwweee ❤❤❤❤ I love how she was so super excited to meet Emily and then got totally shy and clammed up once she met her. Adorbs. Emily was very sweet and cute with her. It must be pretty awesome feeling to see a little girl look up to you and admire you're character so much that youre her hero. Precious. And it just makes Jerk Avacados lack of respect, bullying and troll like antagonism towards fans look even more awful when you see how warm and generous fan experiences can be like this one.
  8. That is based entirely on David Ramsey saying he liked the scenes between Oliver and Kara which one does not equal the other imo.
  9. Hmm Scarlet Johanssen Alicia Silverstone Sarah Michelle Gellar are Jewish and blonde (although I'm not sure if they are naturally blonde) and I believe Gwyneth Paltrow is part Jewish and she's probably the most WASP-iest looking person ever.
  10. David doesn't follow a lot of people but he has followed other guest stars like Carly Pope Katrina Law Celina Jade so I don't think it's simply a matter of he just doesn't follow the guest actors ;) (although he's still following Kreisberg)
  11. Scratch that. Stephen Echo and Rick are following him. Emily Juliana Willa Katie and David aren't. ETA: Also unsurprisingly Jerk Avacado has followed all the male cast members and none of the female ones. Dude fratboy bros club obvs.
  12. Remember a couple of pilot seasons ago when The CW were going to do Little Women but in modern times but they were going to make like one of the girls a drug addict and it was going to be like a dystopia and all dark and angsty. That was what I was thinking of at the PP suggestion haha Either that or they'd Gossip Girl it and have Darcy start dating or showing an interest in Jane after Elizabeth rejects him. That being said I still watched Pride Prejudice and Zombies sure I was going to hate it and even though it was cheesy as I found it a fun way to pass an hour. I actually wouldnt mind if they turned The Lizzie Bennet Diares into a proper series as that website series was fantastically done and was a great modern retelling. If you haven't seen I highly recommend it. https://m.youtube.com/user/LizzieBennet
  13. The flower choice is so tacky I didn't even get The Flash colour connection over just the tacky choice. But I agree Iris does make a beautiful bride.
  14. They're so beautiful ????❤❤❤❤ Im still feeling icky about the whole Nazi thing though and the Barry thing.
  15. I've quickly been browsing through those following him and so far can only see the Arrow writers room and Antonio. No cast members. Also can his wife just stay out of it. You seriously don't need to defend your freaking husband. Like I've been turned off of Cassandra ever since her whole 'Trump and Hillary are as bad as each other vote third party' but I have a new appreciation for her now.
  16. I for one hope he continues to be lame just because Reddits so increadibly desoerate for him to be super badass and awesome. I also hope that he doesn't even get a look in from Oliver and remains Diggles villian just because that's the opposite of what Reddit wants. And because #kidvicious will probably have a brain aneurism when he realises he's lame AF, like Manu did.
  17. Watch the same people who call Felicity a Mass Murderer/Serial Killer for Havenrock justify BS wanting a weapon of mass destruction to most probably intentionally kill millions
  18. The tea lights were only in the American version and I think they were actually lamps and Elizabeth wasn't wearing a night gown in the 1st proposal in the rain scene. She was wearing a dress and bonnet. She was wearing a night gown at the end of the film where Darcy comes and sees her early in the morning after his Aunt comes to Longborne to have a go at Elizabeth. In the book Mr. Bennett does run an estate which would have had both tenant farmers and would have its own farming land itself.
  19. The 1995 one is more faithful to the book and has more charm but the 2005 version is very good as well. It's more cinematic and modern and not as faithful to the source material but doesn't disrespect the source material either. I think it adds a little more depth to Elizabeth and Darcy and a little more maturity and angst to their relationship. I think you'd like it just for the scene where Darcy proposes in the rain alone. I prefer both versions equally for different things but then again I also love Lost in Austen (BBC mini series) Pride Prejudice and Zombies Death comes to Pemeberley and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (web series) haha. I'll watch anything with P&P characters. I literally read the book at least once a year.
  20. Take that back! Don't put that out into the universe! Another network yes. But the CW nope.
  21. I don't think he'll return to work but I don't think he'll leave disgraced the way he should be either. He'll probably get some sweet financial deal to leave quietly. Where as as any other old joe who committed the same or minor acts would have gotten the sack and no reference to use for reemployment
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