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Everything posted by LeighAn

  1. Yeah I'm assuming the bigger names are there on Jeff side rather then Coltons side. I'm guessing he's one of those florist to the stars type florist.
  2. This is us is a great show. But I garuntee you once it hits 6 seasons it will see drops in viewers probably big and people with complaints about the writing, characterisation, repetitive storylines etc.
  3. This was my favourite ❤ credit @Soulfire
  4. Another reason they both need to die! It's a growing list.
  5. And the fact that he knows Felicity is totally the quirky key chain type while he's probably the sensible name tag or leather key chain type. Bless.
  6. Ladies and gentleman introducing Mr and Mrs Queen
  7. And the cute Felicity inspired key chain. Oliver you lovable sappy dork!
  8. My only complaint is they didn't use the take where Emily has her arms wrapped around his shoulder like in the promo photos :( But otherwise they were adorable and totally cut away to this ??happening ;)
  9. Ugh. Just saw his costume. What is it about Halloween that brings out the worst in people, particularly the Arrow cast. Between Colton and Katie doing black face and Emily defending Hilary Duffs pilgrim and Indian costume.
  10. Considering theirs wine in both the glasses I'm assuming she leaves to go vigilante-y which then probably prompts Oliver to start missing the Team Arrow life. I'm loving the gender reversal though that the woman leaves the man at dinner cause she got some important business to attend to.
  11. Season 6 is the best season ever!!!! I love this soap opera ❤?❤?❤?
  12. Well this show has a problem of keeping actors/actresses around past their character expiration dates out of loyalty to the actor/actress. They kept Malcolm around past his usefulness because they like John. They brought Katie back even though Black Siren has done nothing significant or proven useful to the show. Echo is just the latest example.
  13. Seriously of all the characters Curtis seems the most pointless and the only way they try to make him not pointless is to encroach on Felicity's turf so to speak. Plus the two of them together is not as funny as the writers probably think it is.
  14. See the whole #Stemily vs #Ilovemywifemorethenlifeitself#letmetellyouallthereasonswhy#sothere debate means nothing to me. I've always said Im far more invested in how often Oliver and Felicity are sleeping together on the show then I give a crap about how often or with who the cast are sleeping with. I'm not a fan of his wife but that has nothing to do with the show and everything to do with her encouraging people before the election to vote third party because she implied the two shall remain nameless cadidates were "just as bad as each other". Yep hard pass. But it will never not weird me out or have me side eyeing the whole cast members hijacking Emily's friends. First Katie, then Echo, then Stephen and now apparently Stephens wife. Like it makes me over think things like do they not have their own friends? Or did Carina Jean Luc Aisha and Jarrett just become friends with Emily so they could celebrity hop their way into friendships with other cast members?
  15. I saw this on twitter and I like this call back and the character development it signifies: Oliver coming to Felicity with a problem his having connecting with William and getting her advice is exactly what Felicity has always wanted and needed from Oliver because it shows that he respects her considers her and trusts her which is what she felt he'd betrayed in season 4 by not telling her about William. Stupid Curtis Grr?
  16. Okay that was a cute adorable clip. Love it. Felicity winning major potentially future mummy points there. Also I like that contrary to opinion it's not that Oliver literally can't handle maths it's that he seems to be going about helping William in the wrong way. He means well but he's not saying what William needs to hear. Felicity being someone who cared about school and tests is more enlightened on Williams headspace.
  17. Lets hope Barry won't be too jealous that his daddy will love the new baby more then him.
  18. Ugh. Yeah okay I could see why people would be pissed over that. The smugness and condescension is strong in that one. ?
  19. I think the fact that she seems to attach herself to famous people and instabrags about it and that her rise in her career seems from the outside looking in to stem from her attachment to famous people creates an air of untrustworthiness about her. Really? I must have missed this. What'd she do?
  20. Lol I don't know but if that did happen that's hilarious and something I feel Marc would totally do.
  21. I love that he thinks after making a living ruining Marc's show plots that Marc is going to be all "you're so right! I'll get right on making the show something YOU will enjoy"
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