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Everything posted by LeighAn

  1. This is the thing about them gathering for WA wedding All I keep thinking is 'Is Sara even friends with Barry/Iris? Like do they know each other?' Same with Alex. Since when are they friends?
  2. If Arrow gets poor premiere ratings I will personally blame Black Siren/Katie Cassidy, cause even though that is not how ratings work like at all I was promised tens of millions of viewers would tune in to watch Black Siren according to her fans on twitter so I'm holding them to that. So I voted 0.9 or greater :P
  3. I love how he is like "opinions are not bias". Aren't opinions like the definition of bias?
  4. You mean reactions like this: The bitter tears are real. Salty tears too.
  5. Omg how did I not know these gifs exsist haha ?I need to catch up on The Office. Perfection.
  6. Im sure there are a number of reasons why people hate this wedding in its entirety or for one couple over the other. From my own perspective of some of the fans/outlets pushing the WA wedding has been 'stolen' or their the only ones having to share my opinion is that there was an expectation that this was going to be a special day for one couple and one couple only and that was dandy but now some are learning that actually the network and the producers value and feel the audience and media value more then one couple in this universe. It's no longer about just one super special couple but a celebration of both show defining romances and one that's not a comic book predetermined romance. So some fans feel 'robbed' but the fact is there is more then one beloved couple in this universe and the powers that be want to honor and celebrate that and this is how they've chosen to do it. I get that the Flash wedding was set up last season and is driving the shows narrative this year so it creates a feeling of being robbed or having to share and that's probably on the producers but the fact that some ignore that Olicity has been a romantically explored relationship longer then the Flash has been on air and were just over a year ago a hairs breath from being married and in the current season are creating a family unit with Olivers son I don't think WA is more entitled to be married then Olicity and vice versa. For me it's not what I wanted- because who wants Barry at your wedding- but at least if they are going to do the cheesy awkward double wedding it's done privately and not with all the Arrowverse characters there to make it even more cheesy and lame. Plus Olicity are just so darn in love and happy and it feels moving just from the pictures that I think it'll work on screen.
  7. I love that Just Jared focuses on Olicity Stephen/Emily in their headline based on the above tweet. Who is the most popular ship in the dc universe again?
  8. SPN have ships? Not going to lie even though I've been tempted to watch Supernatural I've never gotten around to it because I need a little romance in my entertainment haha
  9. So unbiased Also liked this one: https://twitter.com/SirensDinah/status/917874087170514945 Definitely the most unbiased person to ever live.
  10. Supergirls ratings probably do not bare well for Arrow/Legends which sit at the lower end of the flarrowverse ratings ☹️ Also curious to see The Flash ratings now.
  11. It is possible that people just don't like Barry and Iris because the relationship was executed poorly and they don't have that great chemistry. I've seen a lot of people who don't like WestAllen who loved Iris and Eddie which is also an interracial relationship so tell me how that makes them racist?
  12. Burn this stupid cliff hanger with a fire!!!!!!
  13. Lololololol I'm up to 5x11 in my rewatch. The line "You keep comparing them to Laurel which is an impossible standard to live up to" still makes me cackle. ?
  14. Yeah I took it as being his brain and the others creating it to get out of the mind warp. Although I do like @TrueMyth idea of it being Felicity who was trying to signal and reach Oliver and the others. I'd wished they'd done that as it would not only make it a little more romantic on Olicitys end but it would have been a much better way to include Felicity into the 100th and give her something of value to do rather then that lame cyber robot or whatever they were all fighting on the side. Like legit I just watched that episode yesterday and I don't remember what they were all doing in the other plot.
  15. If only the CW had thought to use something like this for there marketing campaign.
  16. Yes. Wish me luck haha. It's actually not that painful to sit through the second time around. Like I remember feeling queasy watching the 5x05 Olicity scenes for instance the first time but I found them easier the second time. Same with all the O/L scenes in the 100th. Plus you get little insights you didn't see or missed the first time. For instance another little thing I appreciate and loved that I don't know that I really did when it aired was that in 5x09 I really liked that when Felicity starts raging that men never listen that Oliver has a little moment just before he goes off to fight Prometheus where he tells Felicity that men never listen because their stubborn. The fact that he took that moment to give her an answer I choose to believe was him talking about an answer on behalf himself and him never listening to her enough when they were together. I also think that the writers dialled Felicity's rambling in 5A way up then they ever did in past seasons. Like almost a little OTT.
  17. Omg Stephen could not have said the line "the dress you're wearing makes up for it" to Susan about being late in 5x09 with any less enthusiasm. It was like he was telling someone the time or something ? Though it makes a nice connect with Felicity's total lack of enthusiasm and awkwardness about being at a public event with Billy. Also totally sad callback to Curtis and Paul meeting Billy at a holiday party to Felicity and Oliver meeting Paul at the holiday party the year before ?
  18. Did anyone catch on in 5x08 100th that in the scene where Oliver comes to Laurel while she's in her wedding dress that they not only repeat the scene where Oliver asks Felicity what they are waiting for in getting married but he also repeats lines from his fake wedding vows to Felicity. He says a line to Laurel about spending the rest of his life making it up to her (his strange behaviour) being a good man which I'm almost positive he says to Felicity or some variation in his vows. Another instance of the aliens hijacking memories of his life with Felicity to use to brainwash and trap him into marriage with FakeLaurel.
  19. Aren't country clubs just a fancy word for golf clubs?
  20. I'm sure the only reason it's months later is so the writers can show the audience Oliver weighing up and coming to that decision rather then it happening off screen.
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