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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. But that's the thing. They did pick their alliance correctly, since the goal is to win the game. None of the "outsiders/minorities/others/whatever term you want to use to describe them" have won HOH (except for Enzo, but he's basically working with the Committee in all but name anyway). Certain people keep trying to make it about race when the evidence shows it's about winning. Sure, Da'Vonne, Kevin & David have won the Veto or a Power, but that is only good to save themselves or an ally. To actually change the power structure in the House, they'd need to win HOH, which none of them have been able to do. As a viewer, it's extremely boring for one alliance to dominate every single week, but as a strategy for them, it's 100% correct. I would love to see a season of BB where they had more "outsiders/others/whatever" or at least a variety of jock types.
  2. I honestly don’t understand why DaVonne should be voted AFP? What has she actually done? Other than reading scripted DR lines, she has done nothing but speechify about how a Black person needs to win this season and how dare someone nominate the Black houseguests.
  3. Day’s speech was so over long, I went to go make dinner and when I returned she was still going. 😂 Perhaps if she actually played well this season her speech would have been more earned, but her whole strategy seemed to be “Give me the win just because I’m Black, even though I suck at comps and at reading people and at making alliances!” What was the big deal with her Veto speech anyway? She called out people that weren’t even aligned. It didn’t seem like a huge blowout to me, at least what we saw on TV.
  4. All the players in the Veto comp were wearing different colored variations of the same outfit. Like a zookeeper uniform.
  5. DaVonne, Bayleigh & David were the ones who literally said they wanted an alliance of Black people, and yet when jocks team up with the cheerleader types, but say nothing at all about race, somehow because they are white they are suddenly the racists. 🙄 Why would a jock alliance of people who already know each other ever pick David at the beginning, he’s a nobody who before this had played less than one day of BB!
  6. Just turned on the feeds and all I see is puppy penis! 😳
  7. DaVonne has such a terrible read on this game. Has she been right about anything so far? She’s so bad at this.
  8. So Atticus is a piece of shit and I’m rooting for his death. (Which won’t happen because he’s the “hero.”) I’m sorry, but crying and saying you feel bad about what you did means shit when you murder innocent people in cold blood and torture women by ripping out their teeth. How is he any different from concentration camp guards who shot and tortured Jews because they were just “following orders”? You think there’d ever be a TV show where the hero used to do that and then we’re supposed to root for him? Hell no!
  9. You'd think viewers of Big Brother would know that just by putting a bleep sound into a sentence you can make anything sound bad! How many comps have there been now where they have to guess the bleeped words? No. If the twidiots actually listened to what was said, and the context around it, it's pretty obvious he was going to call David "an idiot" and stopped in the middle. Because David is an idiot.
  10. I swear it seems like every time someone says something tonight about how bad Ian is behaving, the feeds are cut. Why am I even watching!?
  11. Exactly. That makes sense. “David is an i-“ vs “David is a ni-.” People are trying to make something out of nothing.
  12. I mean, that accent he’s doing in that clip sounds like the stereotypical white “good ole boy” Louisiana accent. It doesn’t sound like he’s putting on a Black accent. I don’t know what “coon asses” refers to but that accent doesn’t sound Black, so... 🤷‍♀️
  13. Wow people are reaching so much to find something objectionable in that clip. Why would he even say “David is a n*****”? What’s the context for that in that conversation? That doesn’t make any sense.
  14. Except that it did change the pronunciation. I couldn’t remember if it was Barry or Berry either. But they are different names that are not the same. As for tonight’s game, middle contestant was cute at the beginning and very quickly wore out her welcome. One or two exclamations, fine, we do the same at home. Constantly throughout the whole game? No, stop, just control yourself already!
  15. Wow, an actual good episode where I did not know what would happen and the reigning alliance did not win! I actually like Tyler, but I hope he gets voted out to shake up the house and get some other people to do something finally. If Ian goes, nothing has really changed.
  16. The conversation in my brain during FJ: “Parthenon! No, that’s in Greece. Stop thinking Parthenon, I know it’s not that!” 🙄 And I’ve been inside the Pantheon!
  17. I wish David had had to use the Disruptor power at the nomination ceremony, that would have flustered and surprised Dani and she'd have to name a replacement with no deliberation. I'm sure now what's going to happen is an announcement will be made that a power was used anonymously and David is saved, and Dani will have to name a replacement before Veto players are picked, giving her time to strategize (and in all likelihood nominate Ian.) Boring. BB stop denying us what little drama can be wrangled out of this season!!
  18. That’s what I thought. So Tamara wasn’t chosen over Ruby if Ruby didn’t apply in the first place. I thought her anger towards her because of that was really misplaced. Tamara didn’t do anything wrong, Ruby was just too late.
  19. It looked like he had the torso of a Black man grafted onto his body like some Frankenstein creation. Which I don't really understand why so I assume that will come up later in the series.
  20. I forget, did Ruby actually apply for the job and get turned down? Or did she just think it would be impossible to get so why try, and then got upset when she saw a different Black woman get what she felt should be hers?
  21. I thought it was interesting with the parallel themes of transformation, with Montrose and his lover at the drag club and then the literal changing from one gender to another, as well as one race to another, with both Ruby & Christina/William.
  22. Christina is the real one, William is the “disguise,” the same way Ruby was (literally) inside of Hillary. I don’t think anyone else knows that they are the same, Christina says that the police chief thought he killed William, which is why he only interacts with Christina. I don’t think her father knew either, though there was so much weird magic mumbo jumbo in that episode that I don’t remember exactly what he said. It’d be interesting to watch episode 2 again now. I also wonder the significance of “Hillary” being the same actress with the dogs in Ardham who was keeping Montrose prisoner. Was she someone else in disguise there as well, or did William base the formula he gave to Ruby on her for some reason?
  23. 😲 Those transformations. Holy shit those were disgusting and incredibly well done. Gotta say, while in the first episode I found the use of contemporary music jarring, this was the perfect use of that song. I knew she was gonna do something to pervy boss, but never expected that! At the beginning of the episode, hearing “Tonight You Belong to Me” gave me flashbacks to American Horror Story, where that song featured heavily. This episode totally felt like it could have come from that series!
  24. They can try to throw all the drama they want at it, but please. Who honestly did not know as soon as Dani won that the noms would be Kevin and David? What is weird is how Ian is constantly out of all nomination discussions. Are they all keeping him around because they think no one would vote for a previously winner to win again? So once only the committee members + Enzo are left, what will they use in their Sunday Episode After School Special Segment?
  25. I don't see what's so bad about what he said. It was hard to hear every word, but it sounded like he was bothered by Ian standing over him laying in bed and rocking. That would annoy the shit out of me too!
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