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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Steve Nichols is posting videos all over the place about his return to the backstage. Not clear whether these are brand new videos, or if they were shot months ago when he actually came back. If they're new, that means he won't be airing for another six or seven months.
  2. It was interesting that Whoopie didn't really tell us what the premise of "The Prom" is. She said it's about a bunch of celebrities who descend on a small town to meddle. What the real premise is, is a girl asks her girlfriend to the prom and the school won't let them go, so the celebrities descend on the town to make the school change its mind.
  3. If this guy was on the show 13 years ago, he's told old to be Joey.
  4. "Why are you fixating on Ben?" Stupid question, Jack. Rory!!! The Horton cabin has a props shed? Eli isn't very observant. Does Mayor Jack actually do anything, other than hang around with a cup of coffee in his hand? Tripp has pretty good night vision, wandering around the park in the dark without a flashlight. Ah, there's the bitchy old Jennifer we know and loathe.
  5. A Norwegian newspaper said they caught Scarlett Johansson shopping in Norway where she's filming Black Widow.
  6. So I just uncovered an entire message board criticizing commercials, and lots of people agree about the annoyingness that is the migraine ad for Princesses and Pirates. http://www.commercialsihate.com/emgality-pirates_topic27551.html
  7. Brock Kelly, who played barista Josh back in 2006 and caught young Abigail's eye, has been recast. Speculation is he's going to be Philip.
  8. There's a Boston based band called Slide, who have an album called "Forgiving Buckner".
  9. "The part of Nicole Walker is now being played by the one and only Kristen DiMera." If Kristen thinks she will never die, why is she upset that Marlena pushed her out of a window? Wow, Maggie, throw Brady under the bus! (Not that he doesn't deserve it). Uhoh. Rolf worked on human cloning. DundunDUN.
  10. The Giants have called up Carl Yazstremski's grandson, Mike, from AAA Sacramento.
  11. I'm surprised at how low Brightburn's budget is.
  12. I was thinking Andy Samberg, but he's married.
  13. Summer Previews DAYS SPOILER PAGE·SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019 I read speculation that Carrie is going to tell Rafe that he is the father of her son, Noah.
  14. I kept wondering why they didn't have cell phones when they needed them. Like the uncle not calling for help, or the aunt not calling her sister to tell her that her son just showed up at her house. Still, I really enjoyed the concept.
  15. They already did that story when they thought they had killed Nick.
  16. Dammit, I was waiting for Gabi to respond to Chloe's "Was it good for you, too?" with "Yeah, it was great." When has Brady ever turned down what a woman was offering? Don't medical records indicate the date and time that they were modified? I wonder how Kristen gets all of that hair up under that mask.
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog has been pushed back to February to redo the horrible images that got slammed online.
  18. A thousand days of love in a 25 year marriage isn't very many. I am laughing over the multiple references to Xander's cologne. "For the record, women usually love the way I smell."
  19. One of my pet peeves: When people say EST and mean EDT. Not your quote, @CanaryFan98, you were just quoting them.
  20. Rex's notes? Does he know he has notes?
  21. I thought it would be Kristen, but I didn't understand her conversation with Xander where they were talking as if SHE had a relationship with Daniel.
  22. Hope throwing around threats when she isn't even a cop any more. Those clothes are sure blend-in style, JJ and Haley. And who would EVER think to look on Smith Island? It might be a good idea for Ben not to touch that lighter and get his fingerprints on it. Who keeps stocking the Smith Island cabin with food? Claire is definitely bipolar.
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