"Hey, Patchy."
When Steve mentioned Adrienne Johnson Kiriakis, I had to think back for a minute. Is Adrienne the only person on the show who has only been married to one person?
heeheehee, love seeing Abby's butthurt face. :)
I really wish they would put Kayla in better clothes.
If Victor really loved Maggie, he would sacrifice himself and not give in to Bonnie.
I guess Victor talking about a settlement means they didn't have a prenup. I was going to say that he should probably get a prenup with Bonnie, but she's a phony, so if they do get married, it will be fraudulent so she won't get any money. But he doesn't know that.
Steve didn't hear Adrienne yelling, huh?
Compassion? What does Andre know about compassion?
"I don't want you working with Tripp." Damn, Theo, when did you turn into an asshole?
Finally, Victor goes thug on Bonnie.
Why was Adrienne calling Justin and not Steve?