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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Luckylyn

    Author Antics

    I wanted to share from another thread regarding Alice Sebold writer of The Lovely Bones
  2. I’m reading the nonfiction book The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels, and the History of American Comedy by Kliph Nesteroff. It’s an entertaining read so far. I have read the sections on vaudeville, early radio and am now at the nightclubs/mafia section. It’s interesting how people think people protesting bigotry in comedy is new but people campaigned against racist depictions of people going all the way back to the early days of vaudeville. So the conflict isn’t new at all. The mafia section is enlightening to see how some comedians were deeply connected. One talked about accidentally overhearing the planning of a kidnapping and how he had to make sure to keep his head down and pretend not to hear. Basically if the mob approached you, saying no had potentially deadly consequences. If the mob wanted you to mc someone’s wedding you better get going. One comedian resisted and got his face slashed so badly he couldn’t speak for years. Disturbing, and I can’t blame the comedians who went along because I don’t think they had much choice.
  3. I liked it. I thought it was good okay. I think it suffers a bit because the story might have worked better as a series because there’s so many characters we are getting introduced to. The cast was wonderful.
  4. I enjoyed this. I think it would have been better as a miniseries because they rush through some things like the ending. I was entertained. The performances particularly Lady Gaga were mostly fantastic. Some performances were campy fun while others were restrained. I have mixed feelings on Adam Driver. I felt the transition between him as sweet but awkward to arrogant and cold was kind of abrupt. I felt like I needed more scenes to build to that. I think it’s a flaw of the script and not necessarily the actor. The way music was used was off putting in some scenes particularly “Faith”. I don’t mind anachronistic music choices, but it has to fit the scene to justify its use. The song choice wasn’t right for that particular scene and the rhythm of the flow of the scene didn’t match the music. I was watching an Edgar Wright video where he analyzes some of his film scenes and he talks about the importance of the cut of the editing matching the music in one of his scenes. It’s jarring when the scene and music clash.
  5. Edgar Wright Breaks down his favorite scenes from his films
  6. Stephen Sondheim, Titan of the American Musical, Is Dead at 91
  7. I missed the short movie before the film because these people showed up late and found people in their reserved seats who refuse to get up. After an argument the people who stole the seats got up and moved to the seats they were supposed to have. Because their seats were directly in front of me my niece and I missed most of the short film. Luckily, it was over before Ecanto started. Otherwise it was a great movie theater experience. The visuals were gorgeous.
  8. Luckylyn

    Encanto (2021)

    I really loved this. I got teary eyed towards the end. Abuela’s fixation on the gifts made her so blind to whether or not her family as individuals were happy. Her refusal to treat Mirabel as a worthy part of the family caused so much damage. I think Mirabel’s lack of gift was intended as a reminder to Abuela that the gifts weren’t the most important thing and she just failed to recognize it. All she had to do was love her and instead she treated Mirabel as a problem. I loved the music.
  9. Every Hallmark Thanksgiving Movie This was hilarious. Hallmark doesn’t make Thanksgiving movies anymore. I wish they would. Maybe they could do some family dramas or comedies during November. They could have a Hallmark Hall of Fame Thanksgiving movie. It won’t happen because Christmas is too lucrative for them.
  10. I’m halfway through The Wolf by JR Ward. This is the 2nd part the prison camp series which spins off from the Black dagger Brotherhood. The featured couple is Lucan a wolf/vampire hybrid who has been forced to participate in the drug trade and Rio is an undercover cop determined to bring down Lucan’s boss. There’s a Black Dagger subplot with V feeling possessive over Butch after Butch runs into an old friend. The Butch/V friendship is so interesting. It’s like their married without being a couple. The dynamic where they and their wives are all roommates is unique. I don’t think they could handle being separated which makes me anxious something bad will happen.
  11. Keanu Reeves Says He's Been Married To Winona Ryder For Almost 30 Years Should be a plot for a romantic comedy. Co-stars accidentally married during a scene who find out years later they need a divorce. There’s no license so it’s clearly a joke but it keeps coming up again
  12. Why Hollywood Won’t Fix It’s Nepotism Problem I appreciate actors who acknowledge how family connections aided them and don’t get defensive. Acknowledging it doesn’t mean a person isn’t talented.
  13. I don’t know anything about the show specifically but Disney issued a vaccination mandate for actors. I know one actor on General Hospital was let go because he wouldn’t be vaccinated. Maybe that’s a factor.
  14. 15 Best Christmas Movies (For People Who Hate Christmas Movies) I would add Anna and the Apocalypse to the list because it’s zombie Christmas musical
  15. I am reading Truth of the Devine by Lindsay Ellis. This is the sequel to her book Axiom’s End. The first book took a while before pushing the story forward. This second book is faster paced. She did a great video discussing things she wished she knew before publishing her first novel. The part that surprised me was how the publisher left her to her own devices on the first book and so for book 2 she independently got editing help. So far I think I am enjoying book 2 a lot. The situation is tense and the characters are compelling. I like that the aliens are so different from humanity and that there’s effort needed for humanity and the aliens to comprehend each other not only through language but culture.
  16. I haven’t read the book you mentioned but there’s a book of short stories by Maeve Binchy that your mother may enjoy titled This Year It Will Be Different .
  17. I am reading The Girl In his Shadow by Audrey Blake. After the death of her family from Cholera, Nora was raised by the doctor who treated them. She grew up assisting the doctor and has become highly skilled and knowledgeable. It’s 1845 and so she doesn’t have to option to go to medical school and become a surgeon despite her level of experience and knowledge. Nora’s work in the clinic must be a secret or she and the doctor could face criminal charges. The situation becomes more tense when a new doctor joins the practice. When Nora’s work lead’s to an important medical discovery should she claim her work and risk the consequences or allow the men around her to take the credit? It’s frustrating to read the limitations forced on Nora.
  18. True Crime Beauty Vloggers Bailey Sarian Better Off Red Danielle Kirsty
  19. I’m reading The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer. Two teens from opposing countries are on a spaceship for a rescue mission. When the book begins one of them has no memory of his days leading up to the launch. Things are tense between the two guys because of the conflict between their nations but the situation forces them to work together leading them to develop feelings for each other. Some things happen that lead them to believe that they may be in danger. My theory is
  20. Behind the scene footage of the dance sequence in Last Night in Soho
  21. I am reading Allison Arngrim’s biography Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated. I loved watching Little House on the Prairie as a kid and still watch reruns. Allison is hilarious in interviews and on dvd commentary. That humor is very evident in her book. I knew before reading that she had been bullied by fans who refused to make a distinction between the actress and her character Nellie. She’s been yelled at, had things thrown at her, and even been assaulted. Yet she’s very proud of her work on the show and how playing Nellie helped her get over being shy and made her a more forceful person. Her family situation was a combination of neglect and abuse. Playing Nellie gave her a path to escape. I do want to provide a trigger warning. Allison suffered sexual abuse by her brother starting at a young age.
  22. I enjoyed Crashing Through the Snow a lot. I do agree the leads had a chemistry that was a bit sexier than the usual movie.
  23. That’s one of my all time favorite Christmas movies. Winkler brings such great energy and humor and the leads have so much chemistry.
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